Dec 262019

Donnelly-LogoI have written ad naseum about Tim Donnelly. He is a fraud. I have made a clear case to prove it. He makes conservatives look like frauds. I have been pretty clear about my disdain for a lot of conservative frauds in office – but Donnelly is in a league of his own.

In my opinion, Donnelly should be in jail for fraud along with Lauren Stephens, his pet Chiahuahua who is also running for Fresno County Supervisor.

In 2013 – Sharon Gilbert of the Examiner sounded the alarm about Tim Donnelly’s plans. She wrote clearly about a contemptible man she knew well:

Donnelly was telling people to vote for Paul Cook, not Gregg Imus. For many, that was perplexing. For those in the know, it was not surprising.

Donnelly’s rationale was simple. He did not like Cook as Cook was a moderate Republican and could walk across the aisle to cut a deal, something Donnelly was incapable of doing. But Cook was also up there in age and has had serious health issues. The thought was that Cook would be in Congress less than ten years and likely only three terms. At the end of three terms, if not sooner, Donnelly could pick off Cook.

Donnelly’s goal was, and is, to be the next CD8 representative. The voters of CD8 are conservative enough to elect a Tim Donnelly as their representative.

I believed Sharon then and Tim Donnelly’s disaster of a guv campaign made it clear that Gilbert had nailed his agenda.

Donnelly is a disaster personally. He owes a ton of people money and had to try to raise a few bucks as his radio show was not cutting the mustard. Lauren Stephens and Tim Donnelly hatched a plan to try a referendum against SB277 – the third referendum Tim Donnelly was involved in.

I wrote about the SB277 “effort” a few times. The bottom line – I believe that Tim Donnelly ripped donors off for as much as $70k. The reports from the effort made it clear that Donnelly did indeed rake in $25k for his radio show, but there was a lot more money unaccounted for. Read More about the SB277 Referendum Scam here and Read more about the SB277 Referendum Scam here.

Sharon Gilbert’s Second Post in 2013 (after former Donnelly Chief of Staff Gregg Imus was defeated for Congress by Paul Cook) was a brutal expose’ of several things I would learn about Tim Donnelly over the last three years both factually and via anecdotal evidence:

The next time Tim is in a public forum, here are some questions to ask him (and demand full answers):

  1. Why were you in possession of an illegal firearm in an airport?

  2. Are you allowed to legally register firearms in your name now? Is that a term of probation or are their other reasons? What are those reasons?

  3. Prior to the airport incident, why were you not allowed to have a firearm registered in your name?

  4. How many bankruptcies have you filed, either as an individual or as part of a company or partnership?

  5. How many properties did you or do you own that have gone into foreclosure? In what states?

  6. Have you been convicted of a felony?

  7. Have you been taken into protective custody for being a danger to yourself or to others? Have you been subjected to a 72-hour mental health hold?

  8. What is the story with the strippers? How much debt do you have due to your sexual addiction?

  9. Why did you refuse to endorse Gregg Imus for Congress?

  10. Why did you provide the photo of the Imus house in Maine to the Paul Cook campaign?

  11. What other information about Imus did you (or your wife or thru a friend) did you provide to the Cook campaign?

  12. Why did you privately tell some of your supporters to vote for Paul Cook?

  13. When you were at the border, did you ever make racist or threatening remarks?

  14. When you were at the border, were you ever in possession of a weapon you could not legally possess?

  15. Have you ever been declined to buy a firearm by a licensed Federal Firearms dealer? When (month and year)?

I personally asked Tim Donnelly if he had a police record, knowing that he had been arrested for a felony in Michigan that he plead down to a misdemeanor. He bald-faced lied to me about having any sort of police record. The media found the misdemeanor during his guv run, but never followed up to find out the rest of the story.

I am also familiar with Tim Donnelly’s personal life, including his habits and his massive personal debt. I only have stories from several people, one of whose businesses failed due in part to Donnelly’s actions. Given that Donnelly lied to me about his police record, and his bizarre personal behavior – I am inclined to believe the stories.

After seeing the scam he ran that screwed the mothers of California out of their chance to overturn the police-state vaccination law, nothing I hear about Donnelly surprises me.

It is my understanding that Paul Cook will demolish Tim Donnelly at the ballot box. Tim Donnelly belongs in an institution, not in any other office. Please, voters of CD08, make him go away.

Dec 162019

The original mascot of the Right on Daily Blog

It was December of 2009, the Red County Blog had taken $25,000 from the Meg Whitman for Governor Campaign. Then, 4 days later they expelled me from the Red County Blog. A week later, the Right on Daily Blog was born. This was done so I would have independence from anyone else’s system. That was 12-16-2009

Mrs. Park gets the credit for the name Right on Daily Blog – it was her idea.

I had actually started blogging in 2003 I used the Blogger/Blogspot Platform and had a blog called the Roseville Conservative. A variety of things happened and in 2006 I was invited onto the Red County System.

(Note, Red County went defunct as its’ founder ended up with some major legal trouble)

Those of you that read this blog read it because of the subject matter and my unique writing style. I like to think it was my memes.

Some people tried to throw me off the Placer GOP Cent Com for this one. (This was in response to the Bee Article in 7-11-2011 that quoted Gaines and LaMalfa attacking my brother, then the treasurer of the Placer GOP)

I’ve been kicked off more than one blog platform because the owners can’t handle the fire. But no one can ban the Right on Daily Blog.

Here are some of my Greatest Hits as a Blogger (all but Item #1 were on the Right on Daily Blog):

  1. Helped Tom McClintock defeat Doug Ose in what was then the 2nd most expensive Congressional Race in History. 2008
  2. Almost Single-Handedly took down a Judge Candidate in Amador County 2012 (Jeff Seaton vs now Judge Hermanson)
  3. Broke the news of deranged legislative staffer Steve Davey’s Termination 2 years before the Assembly Rules Committee’s #METOO Report Came out. 2017
  4. Blew up Assemblyman Tim Donnelly exposing him as one of the biggest frauds in California Republican Politics. 2014 – Present
  5. Played a Major Role in unseating a corrupt incumbent Sheriff in Riverside County (Stan Sniff) 2018
  6. Played a Major Role in the John Cox for Governor Primary, then ended up helping the CAGOP Chair Campaign of Travis Allen who I opposed on behalf of Cox. 2018-2019. How I pulled that off I will never know… but hey, I have both their numbers in my cell phone!
  7. Should Bill Brough lose in March of 2020, he’d be the second major take-down of an incumbent by the Right on Daily Blog. We broke story after story about William “Bill” Brough and got statewide media mentions of Right on Daily and coverage in our efforts to unseat a corrupt incumbent. Brough has been abandoned by the OCGOP and the CAGOP due in no small part to his exposure on Right on Daily.
  8. Blasted Karen England so bad that she cut and ran to Nevada after spending years trying to destroy your intrepid blogger. 2011-2015
  9. Wrote detailed posts about an array of fraudulent ballot measures. Stop SB48, SB277, SB777, and others, Sometimes the Right on Daily Blog was the only source of the truth about these fraudulent efforts. 2010-current
  10. Participated in running a dozen democrats out of local office over the last decade. See below for a sample of some mail we helped write in addition to the blogs!

We helped unseat a democrat supervisor in Placer County in 2018!

This dates back to a 2010 US Senate Race Republican Primary. I will never forget Orly Taitz

Then of course your intrepid blogger gets fan mail. Lots of it. Sometimes, we get paper mail like this:

Sent to my insurance agency HQ, a hand written note.

Well, unless God calls my number, I will be here for another decade! I can’t wait for all the fun…

P.S. The very first story on Right On Daily? We blasted former Rocklin Mayor Peter Hill for leaving the GOP. His reason? The Placer GOP opposed a park tax measure he was pushing and opposed a $500 Million Sierra College Bond Measure. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Jan 222017

IF you follow me on Social Media, you will see me referencing the 1990’s era playbook.

This is the concept of running “Media Drills” in order to control the narrative, or to create one. I refer to the national media as whores because they willingly participate on those run by the left, and even do some of the lying themselves.

The 1990’s era playbook involves repeating the lie until it becomes truth. One such lie was “Bush Lied, people died”. Because George W Bush was deign to respond to his critics, the lie stuck to him and when, years later George W Bush was vindicated, no one cared.

Another lie was about the Angry Mobs in 2000 – that was later transferred to the “Tea Party”. I never saw them trashing the venues they protested in. However, the photos of the “Occupy” movement showed widespread property damage and litter everywhere. See these photos of the recent inauguration protest aftermath.

Thankfully, 200+ protesters are going to get prosecuted. This is a marked change from the Obama administration that seemed to be encouraging the protests while they destroyed property and attacked people.

Another 1990’s era tactic, claim your Conservative Opponent hates women and roll out accusers. It is apparent that the Trump campaign saw this coming and in the surreal environment, no one believed Trump’s accusers or Trump’s protestations of his innocence! This is a welcome change from the 1990’s when sexual harassment accusers were deified by the media despite evidence they lied. Gloria Allred, the famous leftist glory-seeking lawyer has been forced to sue Trump for defamation in order to protect herself from the exposure several of her clients got. (Remember, some of the accusers were tied to Clinton’s campaign and/businesses and/or known left-leaning political groups? Details of others were proven to be impossible)

Another 1990’s era tactic, divide by race. Obama did this masterfully, and in 2016 latino turnout was driven by the Dems with lies about mass deportations coming if Trump won the election. The truth? Under Obama, there were more deportations in history, while they were importing Muslims en masse. I saw this in person when I worked in Nevada.

Due in large part to social media, these tactics ran their course. Sometimes within minutes of lies being promoted, counter evidence was hitting social media.

This is an overriding reason why the Obama admin was pushing so-called “Net Neutrality”, they understood how they manipulated Social Media to trounce the GOP in two elections and also its’ power to overwhelm the media.

Donald Trump’s admin is blazing new ground. One of Trump’s primary assets and sources of support is his willingness to look the media straight in the face and call them liars. His press secretary while stumbling all over himself lit them up. Predictably, the Media immediately shot back trying to defend themselves with parsed words.

It is a brave new world, the political rule book is being re-written and there are a lot of people late to the gate and/or deliberately refusing to understand the totality of what happened.

Donald Trump, even if he accomplishes nothing else has cracked the wall of division and confusion the left has attempted to use in order to hold a vice grip on power.

To be continued.

Jan 182017

Some may say it was a #YUGE victory for the little people last night.

Some may say it was a victory for the partisan Republican Electeds last night.

After an estimated $100k was spent attempting to influence the outcome of Placer GOP Party elections, the results of said elections were uncertain.

All over the North State, from Sacramento all the way up to Butte County, the Partisan Republican Electeds and Political Consultants who up until 2016 were rarely interested in Central Committees for anything other than an endorsement have been engaged in mortal combat. It appears that until Placer’s meeting that the massive expenditures had taken their toll on the little people as most all Central Committees are now controlled by Staffers, Consultants or the Families of Partisan Electeds.

When Dennis Revell (who I supported) got re-elected 21-20 last night, it had the beginnings of another good evening for the elections. But, instead, it was a disaster.

Pictured is the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information minister, who along with the cowardly, neurotic Ken Campbell made last night’s Placer GOP Organizational meeting a joy for all involved.

Speaking of Crazy, Suzanne Jones – she of the failed assembly campaign and the joint campaign with liberal DTS NIMBY-BANANA Victor Bekhet is now the First Vice Chair of the Placer GOP. Apparently, due to the failures of the GOP we need to support candidates for party office who work to unseat local Republican Electeds.

Ironically, Suzanne Jones decried the fact that there were three democrats on the Placer Board of Supervisors! She may need intensive therapy and special education in a local charter school to ascertain the facts. But, for the benefit of her and her supporters, let me list the supervisors:

District 1 – Jack “Chief Ganja” Duran, DEMOCRAT (funded by labor unions and booster of turning Placer in to a Pot Farm)

District 2 – Robert Weygant. REPUBLICAN (Pro-Choice, Pro Gay Marriage)

District 3 – Jim Holmes. DTS (Pro-Life, all over the place on other issues including pot farms)

District 4 – Kirk Uhler. REPUBLICAN (PRO-LIFE, PRO PROP 8)

District 5 – Jennifer Montgomery. DEMOCRAT (the Sierra Club loves her more than Victor Bekhet)

Hopefully, this will provide the necessary education for the Devil and Mrs. Jones.

2nd Vice Chair Mark Wright and Secretary Beth Wright are good people I have known for years.

However, the Treasurer is none other than Deborah Jackson. She was a last minute replacement for the cowardly, neurotic Ken Campbell.

Last night featured Mr. Campbell waiting until Congressman McClintock left the room to lambaste him. That’s right, your intrepid blogger gets to bask in the glory of another pyrric victory as I accurately predicted that Campbell would indeed turn on McCintock. I guess a 30 year friendship with Dennis Revell does not count in Ken Campbell’s mind, as McClintock was apparently expected to abandon Revell because that is what Campbell wanted.

All in all, last night’s meeting is a recipe for another 4 years of gridlock. There are 4 members of the executive committee who are opponents of the Consultant Oligarchy and the local partisan electeds. (Even though I hear that the electeds may not have been unanimous in all their voting)

People will get a front row seat to the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister and his brand of inclusion. They will also get another 4 years of Ken Campbell’s neurotic rants via email. But like Campbell and Hudson, most on their side have done little real work. Over a decade later, Campbell is still taking credit for other people’s actions and Hudson is still living in the past.

Thomas N Hudson is indeed as effective as any member of the Consultant Oligarchy at running a drill in a small universe. This is why they won last night.

Most on the Consultant / Elected side haven’t done much to help matters, either.

This leaves Dennis Revell who has attempted to provide a vision and leadership, to rely on a group of people who prefer to debate, email and fight wars on facebook.

As a new friend to Revell and someone who has learned who he really is as a person, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry over the results of last night.

Nov 072016

President: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (if you can’t figure out what this means, stop reading now and turn in your voter registration card)

Congress D1: Vote Republican
Congress D4: Tom McClintock

Assembly D1: Brian Dahle
Assembly D5: Frank Bigelow
Assembly D6: KEVIN KILEY (open seat)

State Senate D1: No Endorsement

El Dorado County Sup D1: John Hidahl

PCWA District 5: Josh Alpine

Lincoln City Council: Paul Joiner, Peter Gilbert, Dan Karelskint

Rocklin City Council: JOE PATTERSON, Greg Janda, David Butler

Roseville City Council: John Allard, Bonnie Gore

Rocklin Unified School District: Kathy Turner, Eric Stevens

Roseville City School District: (2 Year Term) Alisa Fong

Roseville City School District: (4 Year Term) Julie Constant, Doyle Radford

Roseville Joint Union High School District: Andrew Tagg, Julie Hirota, Paige Stauss

Yes on Measure D

Yes on Measure M

Yes on Measure N

Yes on 51,52,53,54,65,66 – no on everything else.