Placer County Update: Maldonado 47,444, Karen England 888

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Karen England  Comments Off on Placer County Update: Maldonado 47,444, Karen England 888
Nov 022010

That assumes that all of the write-ins were for Karen England.

Number of Precincts   375  
Precincts Reporting   243 64.8 %
Vote For   1  
Total Votes   85343  

GAVIN NEWSOM DEM 28477 33.37%
PAMELA J. BROWN LIB 5326 6.24%
JIM KING AIP 1730 2.03%
C. T. WEBER PFP 953 1.12%
Write-in Votes   888 1.04%
Oct 192010


Why it sucks to be a Democrat. (WISTBAD)

No one wants to walk precincts for socialists.

Willie Brown: “I do not believe Jerry Brown has a ground operation.” Neither does Gavin Newsom or Barbara Boxer, Willie sez

From the SF Chron – who could not bring themselves to support Boxer this time around…

…A bombshell blog post that had California Socialist Party Chairman John *()#$&^%#^* Burton hopping mad.

You see Socialist Party Chairman John %$&*(^$# Burton had to put up with two of his top Moonbats lambasting the lack of passion on the Democrat side:

First there was Willie – then there was Garry South:

South told the gathering that unless Jerry Brown has a lead of 7 or 8 points going into election day, “we’re in serious trouble.”

And John *(^%$*( Burton hit the ceiling:

Dem Party chair John Burton told us in plain Burtonese: “Willie Brown is full of (poo-poo). And Garry South never liked any politician who wasn’t paying him. So you’ve got two full of (poo-poo) guys who aren’t relevant to anything in this campaign talking about it.”


Why it sucks to be a Democrat. Only paid whores Union Workers on sick days will walk precincts for you?

P.S. Note how Newsome was included in those grim comments? Could it be that the Dems know Maldonado is winning as well?

The Bizarre Tour of the Reverend Karen England Continues –

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Karen England  Comments Off on The Bizarre Tour of the Reverend Karen England Continues –
Oct 112010

At the Tea Party Meeting in Roseville – it was reported to this blogger that Karen England ranted about Abel Maldonado, but she forgot the part about not picking up the Prop 8 case… I thought the Tea Party was about fiscal issues, not social issues?

In that same speech she said Abel Maldonado was going to lose anyway so she was ok running as she was not helping Newsome win!

If the race was going to be close, Karen would not run?

We think Karen England needs to admit that this gag is a fundraiser for the financially failing CRI (as reported to us by political insiders). There is no way this “campaign” is legitimate.

It is obvious that her game of political twister is getting out of hand and trying to keep track of the BS is getting overwhelming… in fact, we have a handy primer for you of just a handful of the lies of Karen England. (Not including her “evolving” reasons for running for Lt. Gov.)

Lie #1: She told the media she’d be resigning all her Republican Party positions out of disgust over the nominee. (it’s really because her “campaign” violates the by-laws of those organizations regarding post-primary activity.)

Lie #1A: The State CRA was forced to vacate her seat involuntarily on the State CRA Board of directors as she refused to step down. State Senate candidate Earl DeVries – also lost his seat on the State CRA Board of directors – but he resigned voluntarily.

Lie #2: Accusing the State CRA of rigging an endorsement of Ted Gaines

Lie #2A – she told someone that she was attempting to help Barbara Alby, not Roger Niello by telling Lie #2 noted above. (everyone knows Karen England hates Barbara Alby) But basically admitted Lie #2 in the same conversation.

Lie #??? – in March she refused to sign a Placer GOP Member’s nomination papers as she claimed she did not live in his district. They both live in District 4 – she knew that. In the grand scheme of things – this is a “small” lie and was several months ago… but if Karen England lies about the small things…

What we believe to be her Grand Lie: she’s a volunteer… look at all the posts about the timely donations to the CRI, which coincide with her support of candidates. ($6K then shows up for McClintock, $5K and supports Runner over two other conservatives, $27,500 to start world war III on behalf of Doug LaMalfa)

Karen is the Executive Director of CRI – taking money from electeds is the same as if I sold some of them Insurance Policies. It is a conflict of interest she refuses to voluntarily disclose – making it an ethical issue.

The carefully crafted Image is falling apart.

Consider – Those of us working campaigns in Placer County are living with the slander Karen has spread to groups of local volunteers in an effort to hinder our ability to help candidates we endorsed win.

Karen even told the local paper she was part of some sort of reform slate that was going to take over the Central Committee

Consider – She endorsed Moderates for local Central Committee in June and is supporting Roger Niello for State Senate over two more conservative candidates – Ted Gaines and Barbara Alby.

The Ultimate Lie – in our opinion is that her whole reason for running against Abel Maldonado is a complete sham… to be continued.

The Reverend Karen England hits the Mother Lode… $25K

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, 4th Senate District Race, Doug LaMalfa, Karen England  Comments Off on The Reverend Karen England hits the Mother Lode… $25K
Oct 072010

The Reverend Karen England hit the jackpot with the Doug LaMalfa for State Senate 2010 Committee.

Now we know why Karen worked all those hours for LaMalfa and dedicated herself to attempting to destroy Myself, Aaron and Tom Hudson personally.

When you see checks for $10,000 to Capitol Resource Family Impact, $10,000 to Save our Kids (another “project” of the CRI) and another $5,000 later that same year – the picture becomes crystal clear.

It was time to lie, lie and lie again to get her man elected. One could easily conclude that the financial future of the Capitol Resource Institute depended on getting Doug LaMalfa elected in the mind of the Reverend Karen England. At best, it was supporting a major donor.

The shake-down of Doug LaMalfa ran its’ course for $27,500 total.

Karen England never once volunteered any of this information while pointing the finger at other people who earned income off their political activity… And of course, we were all treated to the self-righteous rants about her volunteer service to the Conservative Cause.

Look at the enormous sums of money donated by Doug LaMalfa to the Reverend England’s “Charity” – it explains her psychotic rampage against the members of the Placer County Republican Party that supported Rick Keene.

P.S. Exodus 23:8: Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth

Will Karen England transfer money from Her Lt Governor Account to the CRI?

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Karen England  Comments Off on Will Karen England transfer money from Her Lt Governor Account to the CRI?
Oct 062010

To any potential donors – it is legal for campaigns to donate the charities… as George and I have pointed out.

Karen has been able to subsidize her paycheck for years through donations from elected officials’ campaign accounts.

There is nothing wrong or illegal about that – however, it would be transparent that England’s “Campaign” for Lt. Governor was a publicity stunt and not a real campaign if even a cent of the donor’s money want from the LG account in to the Capitol Resource Institute after she goes down in flames.

So – will Karen England publicly commit that any unused funds in her Lt. Governor account will not be donated to the CRI?

The people of California need to know if Karen is really in the Lt. Governor’s race for herself or for “the Conservative Cause”.

Given her track record of financed activism – I doubt she’ll make such a committment.