I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve learned a few things – many the hard way unfortunately. I wish people I cared about would stop making the mistakes I did.
There are some truths about being effective in politics, and this post is as much about AD-01 as it is about politics in general. So many people wrongly think being effective means you have to squish out. Heather Hadwick got a ton of institutional donor support from people that knew she is an Evangelical Christian, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun and is a conservative on pretty much all issues.
1. Tell the truth to would-be supporters. Period.
When Tenessa visited with various groups she would change her presentation to fit the group. While some of this is perfectly fine and normal like selling product to different groups – what I am referring to is running to the right of your opponent in the district while attempting to get to her left in meetings with Sacramento types. People talk. Inconsistincies get vetted quickly. You will always be better off telling people stuff you think they may not want to hear, you will earn respect. Just be consistent.
If you get caught in inconsistencies by influential people especially, it is fatal to your campaign.
2. Make endorsement decisions based on fact, not feeling.
I have lampooned several people on this blog, but have never once voted for a democrat over a Republican. But, in a primary – an endorsement should be based on viability as much as it is on conservative bona-fides. If an endorsement is an emotional decision, it can be embarassing when vetted. I don’t think a lot of people would be happy knowing they aligned themselves with Mike Madrid!
3. Rumors are bad. Just don’t engage.
There were several things that were said during this campaign by LaMalfa’s Staff, former LaMalfa Staff and other aligned electeds that were untrue. While this is commonplace in a campaign, why lower yourself and ruin your own reputation doing what others do? The 4H club lie that was started in Modoc County, the Pro-Choice Lie and others are examples of people’s bad behavior. A Campaign is not worth your integrity, or in the words of JD Vance, “Not worth losing family and friends over”.
Whisper campaigns only hurt you, they don’t help you. The taint will stick with you for years if you get mired in it.
4. As a candidate or supporter, make wise spending decisions.
Sometimes, you don’t have a whole lot of money to run your campaign with. It sucks and happens to a lot of candidates. A couple of the mistakes I saw in this campaign were classic. You don’t send scattershot advertising, you make your resources count by focusing on one or two mediums if that is all you can afford. 93 points of TV or a thin radio buy for 3 weeks on one station is not an effective use of money. (You need 300 points or more if you do TV) I also saw mailers to single counties in addition to the very small media buys.
There is no way Dave Gilliard was involved in the decisions I saw being made. He is a professional and is effective for his candidates.
On the same note, the El Dorado GOP sent a slew of text messages. Text messages by themselves are ineffective. I was told by an insider in El Dorado County that their county party was unable to afford a slate mailer. The Nevada GOP got $5,000 from the Yuba GOP to backfill their spending on AD-01. What other races in those counties could have been more directly and positively impacted with that money? In Placer, the Teacher’s Union took out a few incumbents. While the committee there did a better job IMO with their money, how distracted were they with AD-01?
5. Don’t forget – life goes on after the election is over.
I’ve written many times on this blog, that I made a lot of mistakes early in my career. In politics you rarely get a chance to make ammends. Screwing up really bad and making a campaign a personal mission or vendetta will have lasting conseqences. Don’t forget that sometimes, you may find yourself on the same side later on as some people you think are the spawn of satan in the current campaign you are working on.
There have been many times in my career when I have worked with people that had been on my blog in the recent past. Be careful, words matter a lot.
6. Don’t forget your purpose.
Why are you involved in politics? What are you trying to accomplish? Heather Hadiwck is going to take a significant pay cut to be a member of the legislature. She had a specific set of reasons that caused her to run. She articulated those several times in several places. Water, Fire, Crime, Economy. What I never saw from her was a self-aggrendizing agenda.
This is an excellent litmus test of a candidate. Investigate why they are running and test the depth of their knowledge of the issues they are campaigning on. I will submit that one of the overriding issues in the AD-01 Race is that you saw specific communication on specific issues versus an endorsement list. For the same substance reasons President Trump won re-election over a way better funded candidate with a slew of celebrity endorsements is similar to Hadwick’s victory over an opponent who seemingly had the whole political world in AD-01 on her side.
If a candidate speaks in terms that make you feel good, versus talking about issues that make you feel like you need to ask follow-up questions, that should set off alarm bells. Familiar is not good, being challenged or learning new stuff from a candidate is what you should look for.
Why are you involved in politics? What are you trying to accomplish? You should vet every candidate with those two questions first and foremost.
I need to finish up with some comments about Bethel Church and the American Council.
The American Council seems to be an effective group, but sometimes they make reactionary, quick decisions. They did so in this race as vetting would have shown that there was more than one Conservative Evangelical Christian running. I sincerely hope that group learned a few things from this cycle and their process. My opinion was they should have stayed out of AD01 due to their being multiple choices.
As I worked on this campaign, I continually heard from people in the community about their resentment over Bethel Church attempting to wield a lot of influence in local politics. Opinions were rife about why they were doing what they were. What I know for a fact is that some, not all of Bethel’s leadership are all about the New Apostolic Reformation Movement. The biggest problem I have seen when Churches get overtly involved in local politics is that they often make bad candidate decisions that taint the reputation of the church.
It pains me as an Evangelical Christian to have to take on Churches and Christian Groups on this blog. But, it boils down to one key thing – where was God in the decisions? Did they pray for wisdom? Did they seek God’s will before entering the fray? I did not like hearing what I heard about that large Church in Redding. It was sadder still to talk to good people driven further away from potential faith by what they saw happening.
Heather Hadwick Won. I hope there will be some way forward with the people that went all out for her opponent. I also hope that Heather’s opponent seeks God’s will in her own life, prays for wisdom and is able to move on well from this experience and will not repeat the mistakes that were made.
God’s will is what’s best for you – I hope all of you reading will seek that out.
The end.
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I enjoyed your article today, Aaron. Some very good suggestions and insights contained it.
Thoughtfully written.
A lot of good points about candidate strategy, campaigns, and endorsements. I few things to add.
1. Be likable and be respectful. People that are allies on an issue or candidate today may be on the opposite side in the future. Your foes today may line up with you in the future.
2. Stay diligent. Between elections is when an activist can be most effective. Learn the process, get to know the players, network, and influence.
3. It is OK to disagree but do in without anger. Diffuse contention.
4. Be ambassadors.
5. Have fun.
I am going to copy and paste this one into my ongoing notes. I was helping a local school board candidate and he is down by 263 votes with over 700 left to count. He was a great candidate on paper but he didn’t understand the engagement aspect. Those he surrounded himself with, although I was pushing the entire time, didn’t understand that hard work is needed to win. I do think we need to take this time to pause and reflect on the wins and losses statewide and use that to parley to who we select for Party Chair. We CANNOT rest on our laurels. We MUST use this time to build – register people – teach civics classes – get people involved.
Good perspective there, sir.
Agreed on all counts Tarzan Tom
My biggest frustration of the 2024 Election Cycle was seeing all the flag waiving/car etc. rallies. The elections are won on the phone and at the front door. The hard work is what most people avoid, this flag-waiving, rally type of mindset has to be smashed.
I Started from day one walking precincts for candidates.
Wow. A four-part series on the AD-1 race, between one Hadwick and one Tenessa. hmmm.
Audette lost. Interesting. Even tho she had some REALLY BIG NAMED folks helping her.
Hmmm. So much for them and their choices.
Of ALL that Aaron has written here, I’m flabbergasted at one key issue:
We’ve known each other for nearly 25 years?? Holy S***!!!!
Our esteemed blogger makes some fine points. After all, he’s an expert in his field.
As an outsider and from someone running (or attempting to), let’s also include the following:
1) TELL THE TRUTH, lol. So many times we hear this, yet in reality, is it REALLY what we WANT to hear, or NEED to hear? From my welfare days, just be factual, works just as well.
2) Endorsements….hmmmm. They apparently, have little meaning, depending on WHOM you get the endorsement from. After all these parts, GOP endorsements in the State seem to suck and mean nothing. GOP operatives, same view. Outside endorsements, now there is something worth going for.
The GOP needs to come to grips with the fact that: IF your endorsements have no bearing, then why go after them? Personal endorsements have led to disaster. I’m going to test this theory, when I speak to DEL NORTE in JAN 2025. I’ve heard, they’re all IN for Mr. Steve Hilton, based upon what?? One speech, they’re smitten? lol. I’ll also confirm the comment I believe I heard, that being, “Mr. Hilton spoke here and didn’t even charge us for it.” Wow. A Republican charging, a Republican group to speak to them. Amazing.
3) I agree. Fart-bombs do nothing for your Reputation. You WILL be asked, from where did you hear the rumor from/by/who. You should be prepared to respond, or take the fall for NOT responding. Either way, I agree with the Bloggers assessment.
4) HA!! I love it when folks say, “I AM A BUSINESSMAN/WOMAN…blah blah.” Yet, they spend OTHERS cash as if it’s free income for them. (See current Legislative body of antics) Yes, make wise choices, and spend wisely.
5) It sure do. In the immortal words of John Chisolm: We may have to be neighbors, but I don’t have to be neighborly.” Depending on the nature of the race, this MAY be tricky. Forgive and forget? I leave THAT up to the participants.
6) A purpose. WHY am I in politics? Why are any of us in politics. WHY did you join the Service? WHY did you volunteer for x-y-z organization? WHY do you support so-and-so in this cycle? “I’m in politics, because I’m in it, and want to make a difference for MY community and family.”
What are you trying to accomplish? Them? Seemingly nothing, past 30 years speak for themselves. ME? “TO change the direction of California BACK to a Centrist position and away from a Socialist one. California first, Business’ second.” It’s that simple.
No matter WHAT YOU or anyone else does, can do, thinks they can do, it’s in GOD”s hands. HE, determines. You actually believe YOU did all the work? lol
Folks trynna tell me YOU can’t do it. Ok. SO sayeth YOU.
(25 years? Dang Aaron, and we never met?? wow)
I leave this with you all. Take heed, take notice. Take a step BACK, and view the larger picture, away from your ‘expertise’. What do YOU know that I do not? No promises to be made by MY campaign. However, I do assure you of this:
Joshua 1:9
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your GOD is with you wherever you go.”
Oakland PD talks begin in Jan 2025.
DEL NORTE conversation/meeting begins in Jan 2025.
Sutter GOP meeting this Thursday. (I’ll be there)
Sacto Deputy Sheriffs waiting till next year, spoken with them already.
Next up? Open challenge to the OIL industry.
Rally’s to be sponsored and provided by our esteemed Blogger (once we sort out the details for one, lol)
25 years……dang. That’s a long time. Interesting.
Aaron ” … was seeing all the flag waiving/car etc. rallies. The elections are won on the phone and at the front door ..” ???? Folks want to have fun…All work and no fun/play means ‘losing’….and it was good media hype and motivated the ‘Troops’ (voters)…Hey it worked. Chill a litlte…Ya old moderate grouch hahahaahahah
Charlie – what is the last race for office you ever won?
Do note – the point I made was that is ALL they did. I know firsthand in Washoe County and from years down the hill that statement rings true most everywhere I have ever worked.
I sense a very different TONE in the last two posts, well 3, if you include the blast at me.
Interesting. Something is amiss.
The end.
Screenshots are a witch.
Aaron, never won the big ones…two reasons: 1. Heavy Democrat Districts 2. I am not photogenetic…dang I am almost as ugly as you (Rasp) lol But I tried (and I would have loved those flag waving patriots cheering when I ran-they made a difference regardless of whether if you can see it or not. You are just too much of a consultant now and can’t see the forest for the trees.
I pray that Aaron Park is not drinking again. Seriously. Alcohol is no joke. Today’s response to comments from him seem a little off. Take care Aaron.
Melody….At times Aaron has been my friend….other times he has been a pain in the arse. But one thing I will always admire him for is his commitment to stay Alcohol free. You comment is uncalled for and below dignity. Aaron is just Aaron…he is a stubborn ‘Pain in the Arse’…leave his past ‘in the PAST”. I view him to be a patriot and a hard worker within the GOP family. Show some damn respect!
You failed to see that I am pro-sobriety, pro-Jesus, and pro-forgiveness. My post was about some not-so-normal moves/comments made by blogger. Even Leo is concerned with the erratic behavior. That is what people who care do in an intervention..
Removing posts again too? Sad. Things were getting real in here for once.
Nice try again on smearing me Chuck, I wonder who pays you to post such attacks. If commenters we’re more brave you’d see that all readers of the comments can see your tactics. We all see.
If blogger needs a line to call to stay sober/grounded, would he be better off calling you or me? That’s satire.
Melody…you are ‘out of line’ trying to say Aarron drinking…you have zero reason to believe that…you were doing a low blow below the belt and an apology is in order!
Today, I hear our wonderous CARB has created a great wrinkle in our wonderful State. By passing this BS law/regulation/requirement of clean air nonsense, they’ve managed to put into jeopardy, the RV industry here in CALI. Imagine that, no more RV’s in this State.
(And people ask WHY, I’m running,)
I had the chance to sit down with the Sutter GOP group, and wow. Amazing. Nice group of folks. Had a chance to speak with them as well.
I was informed that THIS PAST WEEKEND, Mr. Charlee Simons filled into a local radio Station, 1410 AM, and played our 2nd interview live on his show. Interestingly enough, I’ve been invited to speak at that Same Station, when he fills in again, for a live interview.
I’ve read Mr Gallagher’s letter to Mr. Trump. Ah…..eh…..umm…..not what I would have written. I understand the ‘niceties’ of it, but let’s be honest:
California has it’s problems that ONLY CALIFORNIA can fix.
Yes, that INCLUDES, Republicans.
What does Mr. Trump, have to do with, ‘a critical need to ensure swift accountability for criminals throughout this State.’
Republicans BARELY have a presence in the Legislature office. Not a Party, not even a Minority Party, barely a SUPER minority party! They’re irrelevant. Zip, ZERO nada. DEM’s wanna pass laws, they can, ONLY if they’re not fighting over the wording. Same with NOT passing laws.
Conservatives, GOOD conservatives. WHERE ARE YOU AT??!!!! There are 58 Counties in this State. Do you HONESTLY believe, NO ONE cares enough to run? Hell, what about WINNING a race or two? 58 Counties……smh.
SAFE ZONES, don’t get you much, except a paycheck, name recognition and some national attention. But what do you HONESTLY DO???? You can’t DO anything!
You can’t challenge, with any effect, any law, regulation, or rule. Nothing!
Today? We’re all about the PARTY Election coming up. Then what? Same sad azz story:
It’s TOO early for the State Governor Election.
Yet, the DEM’s are racking up news articles about THEIR candidates.
Where the EFF are ours??
SOME people think, Donald will save their bacon/azz, because NOW you have to show up!! Barely 30 are present. 2026!!!! RUN for office, VET candidates, FIND folks who are Republican’s and TIRED of the One-Party-System in our Legislature!!! If the so called, REPUBLICAN VOTE in California was SOOOOOOOOO awesome, then what will be done for 2026?? How many seats are open in the Legislature? WHO will be running for them? WHO will Challenge DEMO incumbents?
Maybe no one likes to hear the question, because NO ONE has an answer? TRUMP?
I’ll be writing a letter to Mr. Trump as well. I WON’T be fussing about how bad our crime is; how bad our fuel situation is nor how bad our cost of living is. That’s OUR problem to fix!
I WILL be asking for:
HIS assistance to campaign FOR State Governor, since GOP politics seemingly won’t assist;
HIS assistance in campaign aid, finances and experience;
HIS assistance, in changing this Party from Irrelevance to Relevant;
lastly HIS assistance in changing our Party’s Leadership.
Mr. Park’s is always writing about RHINO’s in California….well, time to put them on notice. WINNING……it’s a concept many of you are NOT familiar with. Start boning up on what that word means. MEDIOCRITY is not needed for our party in California.
Trump can’t help with what’s wrong here for our internal problems. Only WE can.
Start fixing chit, before chit starts fixing itself.
(breaths, exhales, very important to exhale)
Now……..where was I? Oh yea, I’ll be in Del Norte in January 2025.
Patton….I like that movie……especially the speech at the beginning. (smirks)
YOU people should hear THAT speech, again.
PS………….Chris Bisch will be running for Congress District 6, in 2026. Again. 4th Time.
Once more. That district was NEVER mentioned in the news, as a Congressional seat being in danger of flipping. Wonder why?
Chuck just keeps getting paid.
Gallagher making that statement was the first time I’ve seen anyone in California appeal for help to the greatest leader our country has ever know. We are under an occupation in California by the uniparty machine and Gallagher knows that. Being a border state means we have to have a relationship with the President. He can and should help us. Leo is right that our problems in California are our own, but times are unprecedented and we need to seek a solution outside of our corrupt politicians-that got us here in the first place. It’s way worse than you know Leo. And that is why we absolutely need to work with Trump. This should be obvious. Keep digging.
Tell Charlee Auburn Patriot and Foothill Soldier say hello.
Imagine THIS, in California:
oh, wow…..this is reported now!!
Melody…you are a bombastic blowhard. I have never been paid for activities in politics. And I don’t much respect those that do…with some exceptions.
It’s been 14 days (330 hours) since polls closed on election day.
There are 7,808 unprocessed ballots (~3.5%) left to tally. How is this allowed by our California State Constitution? The answer is: the uniparty of CA. That is EXACTLY why Gallagher asked for Trump’s (federal) help. We the people have no recourse.
Call Placer Elections and let the ELECTED officer know that he works for the legal citizens of Placer County and we will not tolerate this incompetence and we want the vote results in a more timely manner than 15 (or more) days. When is that office up for re-election? I hear Heider Garcia misses living here, maybe he’ll come back and “fix” things…again.
Averaging 15,000 ballots counted per day is EXCEPTIONALLY low.
I didn’t say you were paid for political activities. Got any more personal insults to sling? Each post could earn you…
Nope Melody…Just waiting to see if you are man enough to apologize to Aaron for the booze bloviation. Wondering what type of cloth you are cut from?
now, I’ve always been told, “there ARE NO coincidences in Politics.
OOOOOOooooookay. So, suddenly this:
now what??
Leo now the Governer of Florida names Gaetz to the Senate to replace Rubio….Oh the paybacks are hell in politics…hahahahahahahah (I have no idea actually but I love the thought of it)
Uh-oh.Michele Steele has lost by nearly 550 votes.
THIS is interesting……..Dahle and Bianco……..smh.
Is the Republican Party STUCK on STUPID? Or LOSING? Or in NOT caring enough to win something in California?
I honestly ask this, because MY OWN GROUP, seems intent on “being around, but not being engaged”. MEDIOCRITY is embedded into them. Stand up and SOUND like you’re moving UP….they cajole you to aim LOW…..think SMALL….act SLOWLY and speak QUIETLY….
2 Republicans have filed to run.
1) Leo Zacky
2) Sharifah Hardie
Where IS Hilton, Bianco, Dahle or anyone else??? Where ARE the rich and famous?
While our side is knee jerking around, THEIR side has held debates; interviews; flyers; posters; social media, you name it, they’re doing it. What are WE doing?
(as I’ve been told: we’re directing our efforts towards the GOP STATE election next year….2026 is too far away)
God bless us and helps us from those who’ve embraced mediocrity and losing as normal.
REDWOOD city….lining up to be ANTI TRUMP and SANCTUARY status.
Anytime, anywhere, any place……..I’ll be willing and honored to speak to anyone, about where I want to see California headed. If you’re afraid to host anything, I understand. If you’re afraid to DO anything, I get it.
oh…and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all.
(for your reading pleasure, this was mailed 24NOV24)
Leo Naranjo IV
(address removed by poster)
Honorable Donald J. Trump
President-elect of the United States
Mar-a-Lago Club
1100 S. Ocean Blvd
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Dear President-elect Trump,
As an Exploratory Republican Candidate in the State of California, I wish to convey my congratulations on your recent victory. I would also like to request your support in addressing the various challenges facing California and Californians, but in a different way than previously addressed.
California is plagued with problems: devastating wildfires, escalating housing costs, rising and rampant crime, unaffordable energy, outrageous gas prices and overburdensome regulations. Our State is mired in problems with no foreseeable end in sight.
Some of these issues need federal intervention, however some are of our own making. Governor Newsom seems more content with Presidential aspirations instead of Governance. Republicans in our Legislature are outnumbered and reduced to the point of irrelevance. As such, I am asking your administration for support and assistance.
I am asking for support to accomplish problem solving while seeking common-sense solutions. I am asking on behalf of Californians, for the chance and opportunity to make changes desperately needed for this State and its Citizenry. I am looking forward to working with you on behalf of California and Californian’s and will fight tirelessly to protect both from harm.
California needs Leadership. It needs to know that “Winning” is an achievable goal. Your partnership in this endeavor will provide California with both and will ensure that the Greatness that is the Golden State of California, will be seen, known, and felt by all.
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing how we can work together to bring positive changes to and for, California.
Leo Naranjo IV
U.S. Army, Ret., Exploratory Republican Candidate for California State Governor, 2026
This is to Aaron Melody, Aaron, you’re a piece of shit you for your unfounded accusation that Aaron Park is drinking again. How dare you make such a statement with ZERO proof of it? Just because you may not agree with someone, does not give you the right to make such statements without indisputable proof. I too am a recovering alcoholic with 28 years under my belt and never once have I ever gone back to the “dark side” as I refer to it. Every day sober is a milestone for folks like Aaron and me. For you to make a statement like that is reprehensible. You owe an apology to all recovering alcoholics who might be reading this blog. You’re nothing but a self-righteous asshole.
Good thing our intrepid bloggers political prognosticating is better than his choices in professional sports.
Hi Tom,
We see you.
-all recovering people who are humble and wonder how much that post paid?
Where’s the Blogger Note when someone attacks somebody for something they didn’t say (again). Nice mature language Thom.
And what is your contribution to the discussion? Pointing out that I’m an asshole? How productive. No apology and no quarter will be given.
Ditto to what Tom said…. And I have never had a problem with alcohol, but I did hate all the hangovers in college from those Frat parties. And, Aaron Park is Aaron Park…hate him all you want but you better respect him because he knows his shit. (well most of the time anyways—not always laugh)
Kaching! How much for that one?
Melody…you think someone pays me for my bitherings? Oh my…What planet are you from? Actually, Arron Park had tried to roast me over the coals for the past half dozen years. Love to hate him and hate to love him…its just politics.
State of Emergency in CA? Weird. Who saw that coming? Call Dr. Rob Oldham in Placer County at 530-745-3191 to see what Placer County is doing to combat this dangerous outbreak.