Nov 082024

Did you know there is a tribe in Redding and a tribe nearby in Tehama County as well?

Yep – the Tehama Tribe is known as the Paskenta Band on Nomlaki Indians. You see their outfit on I5 a few miles south of Red Bluff. I am going to write a separate post later about all of their coordinated “Independent” Expenditures on behalf of Dave Gilliard’s clients. (I think they are coordinated, which, if I could prove my opinion true… would be illegal) Audette used Gilliard off and on in her ill-fated run for Assembly. (See Part 4 of this series coming shortly)

Then there is the Win-River folks in Shasta County. They want to move their Casino to a nice spot with frontage on I5 in the South End of Redding. Just two problems, Paskenta (aka Rolling Hills Casino) does not want the competition and the proposed Win River Site borders the land of one Red Emmerson of Sierra Pacific Industries. (Wait, you mean there is ANOTHER multi-millionaire NIMBY in the North State? I thought they were limited to Granite Bay!?)

While Ms. Audette’s supporters decry the Sacramento people that spent money on Heather Hadwick, they aligned themselves with some fascinating people! Here is the 6-30-2024 filing from the Paskenta Tribe. You will see payments to a Grassroots Lab Sacramento, CA 95815. Now just who is this Grassroots Lab:

Wait what? The Trump-Hating Co-Founder of the Lincoln Project??? That’s right! Boy do bad endorsements boomerang! The rag-tag band of Trump-Loving-Beyond-Everything-Else patriots that endorsed David Fennell (well some of them) and Tenessa Audette found themselves on the same side as Team Kevin McCarthy / Doug LaMalfa and now the Lincoln Project!?

The thought of Mike Madrid looking at election returns makes me laugh out loud and I am not even a huge Trump Fan. But the thought of all my friends in the North State aligning themselves with the crew that has been screwing them for years in party politics and an outfit that hired the worst-of-the-worst nominally GOP consultants is absurd. Madrid is probably needing therapy as he holds himself out as an expert in Latino outreach whilst watching the object of his rage (and paycheck) win a record level of support with Latino voters in 2024… as a bonus he is also watching the object of his IE work in AD-01 go down in flames as well.

The Paskenta Crew spent about $70K on Tenessa Audette through their own PAC.

But Wait! There’s more!

Paskenta dropped another $25K in to some radio ads for Tenessa! They used a firm run by Jason Scalese. Scalese is a good dude, and a conservative. He is part of the Scott Winn, Corey Uhden crew that run proxy drills for the CAGOP. (There’s that nexus again) I woof on Winn and Scalese sometimes, but on a personal level they are good guys. Their problem from where I sit is their allegiance to the McCarthy/LaMalfa establishment that kept Jessica Patterson and crew in power over the CAGOP. It is what it is, they have a right to a paycheck and nothing they did was unethical at all – I just am sitting here in amazement that their sworn enemies in CAGOP politics found themselves in the same trenches in the AD-01 Race. While Scalese was opposed by these folks for CAGOP Platform Committee, he was perfectly fine to align with against Heather Hadwick.

It is really hard to complain about the GOP-Leaning California Alliance for Progress and Education PAC pouring $151,000 in to Heather Hadwick knowing that nearly $100K was put in by a tribe on the other side that had a clear agenda for an Assembly District their facility is not in. Bonus, the CAPE PAC lit up Tenessa Audette to the tune of $34K+ as well. (More on that in a bit)

One of the many lies spread in the campaign was that CAPE PAC’s money came from Insurance Carriers.

Number 1, they spent money on 5 different races of which AD-01 was one.

Number 2, their main donors were pretty easy to see: Keeping California Working (A Coalition of Insurance Agents (like me), Technology, Energy and Health Care Providers), The Realtors, the Police Chiefs, The New Car Dealers, Anheiser Busch, Peace Officers (aka PORAC), a couple of Health Care Companies like Atria and Davita, but my favorite of all was the Committee to Support the Alliance of California’s Farmers and Ranchers.

Not a bad group to have helping you. I guess the nearly 80,000 miles Heather Hadwick put on her car was actually to be out there meeting people and showing up to stuff after all. Instead of attending events with the same 300 people outside of AD-01, Hadwick was out meeting with stakeholder groups like the Cattlemen’s Association, Fire Protection Groups and the like.

Audette, when she went to Sacramento did not do well (more on that soon). No wonder their crew ended up needing the support of a Tribe with an ulterior motivie in a vain attempt to counter-balance the law enforcement groups and business groups that were helping Heather Hadwick… who is pro-life, pro-family and pro-gun. Wait, you mean these Sacramento Swamp people aided a Conservative?!

The best attack line used against Heather Hadwick was a mistake on a candidate questionnaire in Modoc County that listed her as Pro-Choice. I was asked about it 9 months ago by a party insider and confirmed to them that it was a mistake. Nothing in Hadwick’s history indicates that she is anything but pro-life, but this mistake was ceased upon and spread like wildfire. (Yes, it was also spread by Erin Ryan, Brenda Haynes and others in team LaMalfa as well)

The County Parties also chipped in to help Audette. While I will not have the full scope of it until the year-end reports, it appears that several committees aggregated $20-30K+ worth of “member communications” on her behalf as well. They mostly sent blast text messages touting her long endorsement list, some posted a lot on social media as well. I saw three county parties put out slate mailers which are common, but most are too busy to have meaningful impact.

Most noteworthy was seeing Nevada County empty their treasury to Audette with a $4500 check. A couple of days later the Yuba GOP (which is in AD03, not AD01) that had also endorsed Audette, sent the Nevada GOP $5,000. This backfilling of money allowed Nevada County to produce their slate mailer for October.

The questions I have about the County Party Endorsements are simple: Why so much focus on AD-01? El Dorado County sent at least 10 unique text messages in to the district, where did the money come from? Did the County Parties sacrifice supporting local Republicans (many who were getting targeted by unions) in favor of AD-01? The bottom line is over $700,000 was spent on AD-01 in the aggregate, imagine what could have been done with that money elsewhere?

What impact do these decisions by the County Parties have on their ability to be effective or taken seriously in the future?

Your intrepid blogger is rightly concerned about the decision making and the ability of these folks to advance the party going forward – even more so as there is going to be a near complete turnover of CAGOP leadership and staff one way or another in March.

Part 4 is coming next where I wrap up this commentary on the AD-01 Race.

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  6 Responses to “Some After Election Commentary Part 3 – the AD01 Race And It’s Consqeuences, Who Spent What, Where? Follow Some of the Sub-Plots Too!”

  1. CAGOP?
    The organization Ms Patterson infests? The one Mr. Mike Morrell, is aiming for?
    Are the Southern Elites into this as well? Sacramento…….hmmm.It’s hard to believe, the diverseness of soooo many groups, are focused on ONE Lady in ONE race. Amazing.
    Who does SHE know? What was promised? WHYYYYYYYY, is SHE the ONLY ONE the GOP seems intent on getting HER elected over Hadwick? Is this that pesky, “We hate the Dahle” syndrome again? Or is it, “We can’t stand Aaron” rearing up it’s ugly head from the past?
    County Republican Assemblies, are they aiding in this madness too?
    Or is this just the folly of Central Committee groups?
    Which groups? I sure would like to know, cause I’m not a fan, of duplicitous people.
    So many folks seem to have inter-connections with each other. Funny, Same thing they can’t stand Dahle for: Regime building.
    (Lotta PAC’s out there…..nice to know. I’ll be looking forward to dealing with them in the future.)
    Wow. Republicans……smh. All this………and from someone OUTSIDE the State.
    How do you think this makes one look at our Party? “WE WANT YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE”….but then tell people WHAT they can run for, HOW they must run, WHO they can/can’t trust and WHEN they CAN run, if at all.
    Lot of Subterfuge going on.

    THIS comment tho, is troubling to me:
    “Their problem from where I sit is their allegiance to the McCarthy/LaMalfa establishment that kept Jessica Patterson and crew in power over the CAGOP. It is what it is, they have a right to a paycheck and nothing they did was unethical at all – I just am sitting here in amazement that their sworn enemies in CAGOP politics found themselves in the same trenches in the AD-01 Race”
    “A RIGHT, to a paycheck”. Doesn’t matter about helping someone WIN in a race, just get paid. Very disingenuous. Makes trusting so called, campaigners, difficult.
    A right to a paycheck….lol. Humorous. Sounds like entitlement. Eerily smelling DEMO like.
    (right to earn a paycheck)…smh.
    WORK for it!
    EARN IT!
    You people EXPECT IT, that’s the sickening part.
    Thank you Aaron, you’ve JUST pointed out the first VIRAL infection our party leaders have: expectations. Bar set low, no ambition, no drive, no winning spirit in their bones. Just, “expect a right to a paycheck.”


  2. Leo – you are one of a kind. I’d suggest reading classes at the local sanitarium, but having known you for 25 years it would just make you worse.

    Thanks for reading

  3. Latest update: Placer County is counting the mail-in ballots now and they still have 50,000 left. Am I crazy to have assumed they would have counted them first? And why are we now 72 hours past polls closing and we still have 20% of the vote left to tally? That’s right, the machines are working on it. Otherwise, we would be waiting until December if we hand counted like we did in the 80’s when we had to wait five weeks to get the results.

    “According to Placer Elections office website there are STILL ~67,000 (out of ~225,000 cast) votes yet to be reported in Placer county! The next update is Nov 8th at 5pm. Why? Buehler? Bronco? Chantilly?

    I know the gap is large for Auditt, but is there a surprise coming?

    And why does it take so long?

    Not a single human being has ever put forth a logical argument in favor of the machines. They aren’t cheaper, they aren’t quicker, and they aren’t more accurate. Please, use discernment. The ONLY reason the machines are used is to cheat. The corrupt voter roll ONLY reinforces the cheating. Does anyone,know,HOW we clean up voter rolls? I do. Delete them all and make people re-register. There, solved the problem.”

  4. Aaron Melody and Aaron Park;
    We in Riverside County are still waiting for all of our ballots to be counted! As of Friday 11/8/24 only 49.9% of county ballots have been counted!

    I could not find my ballot on the “where’s my ballot” website so I called the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the lady who answered the phone, was definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, told me that the city I live in mailed out the wrong ballots to “a lot of people” because of a proposition that was only meant for people that lived in the school district (all the people who live in the City of Banning, are in the school district zone). I told her my ballo doesn’t come up on the website and she placed me on hold not once, but twice, to go ask her supervisor about the problem. She came back on the phone and said my ballot was received and counted but for some reason, “because the state of California is behind on updates” or because “you are looking at the State website” – even though I told her I was on the County website, more than once – it won’t show up for a few more days. 30 minutes later I was texted by the county of Riverside that my ballot was received and counted. SMFH.

  5. WOW!!!
    I completed a visit with the SUTTER GOP folks last night during their final years meeting.
    Very nice folks. Mr. Lloyd Leighton as a very gracious host.
    After reading all about the tenessa/heather stuff………interesting to read btw….I’m like: WHOA! What drama!

    However, there are different perspectives afoot. They don’t seem to have the same, ummm, anti-Patterson feelings as Sacramento does; they don’t seem/appear to have the same dogma towards the AD-1 race. They’re aware of the anti-Dahle mentality, yea. However, it was pointed out to me, that while “Mr. Dahle might not campaign as others do, he seems to know WHAT to do by the fact he KNOWS WHO to do it with.”
    In short, he’s connected. One of the reasons cited, that Heather won out over Tenessa’s large Endorsement column.

    Another interesting fact: CAGOP rules on endorsing. They’re funny too. 50% +1 and you sweep or win? What did 37% get you?? (That was a number presented to me about a candidate). So, while Republicans are glowing with the TRUMPIAN win, feeling themselves NOW, and rising up from the dead, they seem all about the NEWEST election coming down the pike: CAGOP elections!! smh
    The Sutter folks cheered for THEIR candidates that they endorsed, as I believe most of them won!! Congrats to them all! Still, no matter how many school boards you win; no matter how many College trustee positions you hold; TRY to move in a conservative direction in TODAY”S world, and you’re immediately sued, by Mr. Bonta, who btw, wants to run and BE Gov. (go figure)

    At any rate, they’re nice people. I got a calming presence, meaningful direction and thought out path that they travel on. Interesting. I look forward to meeting with them again, on the more OFFICIAL route next time.
    Interesting, how I was not met immediately with: You can’t win.
    Instead of skepticism, it was more (imho) curiosity: Gov? You’re aiming high.

    ps…I was pointedly asked, how I felt about Kamala joining the race for CA State GOV 2026. Personally? I think it’s a WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!!! I hope she DOES join the race!!
    Legacy of a Loser, being picked up by another Loser, to continue Losing in this State?
    Moving forward with the intent of winning, and making things better for all?
    GO KAMALA HARRIS!!! woooohooo!! PLEASE join the CA GOV race!!!

  6. Leo you are mixing apples and oranges (maybe Aaron too). McCarthy is the Bakersfield bunch. LaMalfa is the Chico Burney Bunch (although somewhat neutered these days)… Two different power groups within the CRP. I dont think for one second that LaMalfa is a minion of McCarthy…They come from different support bases. I would be shocked if so.

    And I have never heard of the Paskenta Crew until I read the above..Decades ago I use to deer hunt at near Paskenta…tiny town next to the coast range in west of Corning (only money out there is the Paskenta Indian Tribe and their Casino)….hummmm Well at least the GOP factions are getting their money. Down here the Yoche Dehe Tribe (Cache Creek) pretty much only impower Democrats.

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