Nov 072024

The Placer GOP, and the Nevada County GOP endorsed David Fennell. This is something even the Doug LaMalfa-controlled Shasta GOP could not bring themselves to do (Read on though, they tried).

This is the political equivalent of saying, “I don’t like you Megan Dahle so I am going to step on a landmine now. That will show you!”

You see, the canard that was used against Megan Dahle is that she never shows up to stuff, so they endorsed David Fennell who owes the CAGOP $150,000. The irritation turned in to an irrational rage with many of them in Placer and Nevada County. This is sad, because I have a lot of friends on both committees and there are good people there but they really embarrassed themselves.

I guess Placer held it to a 27.8 point win vs 50.6 Districtwide for Dahle?

Placer County led the way in November 2023, endorsing David Fennell and Tenessa Audette. The Audette endorsement was a transferrence of the irrational hatred of Megan / Brian Dahle onto Heather Hadwick. None of these people knew, and in my opinion wanted to know Hadwick. Now that Hadwick has bascially decimated Audette, perhaps these people will show some sort of self-awareness and give Hadwick the chance they never gave her before the election cycle started.

Hint: Hadwick is solid on every issue these people care about. Including Abortion (more on that later).

Nevada and El Dorado County endorsed Audette contemporaneously with Placer. CAGOP By-Laws indicate that you need 80% of the underlying counties to endorse in order to even be eligible for the endorsement. Those three accounted for around 33%. Shasta was the big prize at 40+% by itself. There is no path to 80 without it, which is why Team LaMalfa engaged in the tactics they did to hold an unprecedented 6 attempts including Brenda Haynes sleight of hand in the late September meeting.

Further, members of the Shasta GOP called for a division of the house versus a secret ballot and Haynes refused to do it. This is a violation of Robert’s Rules and someone with deep pockets could have sued her (and should) and the Shasta GOP over the violation. A division of the house (ask Tom Hudson) is automatic and is the privilege of any member of a body to request. A division of the house would have forced several people out in to the open and likely would have scuttled the endorsement of Audette in September by the Shasta GOP. Haynes knew it and her dishonest actions (by removing no endorsement as an option in addition) proved that Audette could not get party endorsements without personal anger, defective notice or game playing.

While Tenessa Audette was lining up party organizations benefitting from the above tactics, Heather Hadwick was lining up donors.

In April 2024, the Siskiyou GOP endorsed Tenessa Audette without noticing Hadwick of their meeting. (8.8% of the population) Once the LaMalfa crew had pulled their stunt in Shasta County in September, Audette applied for a CAGOP endorsement. I lodged a complaint to the CAGOP’s board that the Siskiyou GOP and Shasta GOP endorsement were defective. You see, the Shasta GOP violated the 5-day notice requirement in addition to everything else they did.

About that Siskiyou GOP Endorsement.

In 2022, When Kevin Kiley was running against Scott Jones for Congress, the Mono GOP screwed up their notice of Jones. David Stafford Reade, the longtime control agent in the North State was working for Jones as a consultant (while still on Doug LaMalfa’s payroll as Congressional Staff). Reade went to Danielle Cullum (her name at the time) who used to work for him many years prior. She is now a senior staffer for the CAGOP and based on what I know got the Kiley endorsement by the CAGOP held up at the behest of Reade over the Mono GOP issues.

Mono was made to re-do their endorsement twice more before Reade was vanquished. The CAGOP’s staff did not extend the same intervention to Team Hadwick. Perhaps this is because of the McCarthy / Doug LaMalfa connection of many of their staff. I guarantee if I was Mark Spannagel or David Reade, the CAGOP endorsement of Audette would have never happened given the circumstances. I erronously believed that they would handle AD01 the way they handled CA-03. I will be glad when the leadership of the party changes as their one-sided approach to things has been a hallmark of everything wrong with the establishment. It never occurred to me to hire an insider to run a drill on the CAGOP board, that was a mistake.

Further at the CAGOP board meeting where the endorsement was rendered, a member of the CAGOP’s board told the assembly that Hadwick was noticed in August for a meeting of the Siskiyou GOP. This was deceptive and confusing but gave the CAGOP’s board a way to avoid conflict.

When I complained about the defective notice of the Shasta GOP endorsement, I did not make mention of what Erin Ryan and Brenda Haynes had been doing as I knew there was a relationship between them and some of the CAGOP’s staff. At least two current CAGOP staff were on the list of fake CRA delegates from the infamous 2012 CRA Convention where 4 David Reade Controlled CRA units delivered delegates to endorse Mitt Romney for President.

But in 2024, the Audette supporters found themselves aligned with these people that had been controlling fake county parties and fake CRA units for years to churn out fake endorsements. Funny how politics works – especially when endorsements are made because of personal picadillos versus facts.

After Siskiyou endorsed in April, several months passed with no activity until the sudden re-emergence of the Shasta County making attempt 5 and then attempt 6 to endorse Audette.

However, the Nevada GOP endorsed David Fennell during that time. Both the Placer and Nevada GOP would send out member communication advocating for people to support David Fennell. Because Fennell owes the CAGOP $150,000+ over a failed lawsuit did the board of the CAGOP refused to consider him. (Note: The CAGOP’s Staff emailed Brenda Haynes some info about Fennell because it appears Haynes and crew were talking about endorsing him and indicated Fennell sued the CAGOP again in 2024 and the lawsuit was dismissed)

In October of 2024, the Amador GOP endorsed Tenessa Audette and like Siskiyou months before did not give Hadwick notice. In addition, the Sheriff of Amador County, a friend of Tex from Modoc endorsed Audette as well.

About that Amador GOP endorsement?

These County Party endorsements did nothing and may well have hurt their intended beneficiaries.

This whole post is actually pretty sad as you break down the nexus of each county party’s actions and the acquiensence of the CAGOP’s board to all of this stuff. The new CAGOP Chair is going to have her work cut out for her.

As I move in to part 3 of this series, you are probably realizing that the AD-01, SD-01 Race was a refiner’s fire.

So far we’ve learned that Doug LaMalfa is waning in influence and the ethics of his staff are becoming more widely known.

We’ve learned that County Party Endorsements Don’t Matter.

We’ve learned that the State Party Endorsement matters little.

But when I get in to the money and the players in the next post, the story gets even worse. To be continued.

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  7 Responses to “Some After Election Commentary Part 2 – the AD01 Race And It’s Consqeuences, What in the HELL Were the County Parties and CAGOP Doing?”

  1. (Chewing on popcorn, intently reading this, um… mess)
    So, munch,munch,munch…..if I may. Munch, munch,….these are the same Counties I am attempting to contact, munch,munch, ..for the “attempt of getting endorsed by them?”Munch, munch…….wow. This makes it sound all but useless. I notice Sutter wasn’t mentioned, munch,munch…..hmmm. That’s good I suppose, munch,munch. They’re upset with me anyways. Ah well, looking forward to part three! Munch,munch…..
    These folks REALLY dislike certain folks, huh?

  2. @Leo…They serve popcorn to the patients living in the State Hospital for the Criminally Insane?

    WOW…you’re a lucky duck.

  3. Endorsements are an important part of a political party. Endorsements should be a win-win for both the candidate and the party. Unfortunately, too often, endorsements are divisive.

    Many do not like to endorse before the filing period closes, typically 88 days before the election and vote by mail ballots go out 30 days before the election. This is often too late for the endorsement to be helpful.

    Thinking outside of the box, a suggested solution is to design pledge forms for candidates to sign. The political party can then inform their members which candidates signed their pledge, and the members can determine whether or not to support the candidate. This can be done well ahead of the primary and encourages candidates to declare early.

    Both the party and the candidate are losers if the endorsement causes internal division and when it is too late to make a difference.

  4. Wait…….Mr Weissmiller…… have an interesting theory? Endorsements SHOULD be important, and earned, rightly so. But “Pledge forms”? What exactly would THAT do for candidates? We endorsed someone here in SACTO, and according to OUR powers that be, he basically BS’d his way into one. (cough, pat, cough, hume, cough).
    Why not have candidates request the aforementioned endorsement, beginning of the year. Ok, now they are on file. 6 months into the election, then you make the call as the endorser. 6 months of SEEING what people are SAYING, and matching things up. We too, had a candidate we were ‘going’ to endorse. However, they were politically powerful enough that they didn’t NEED our endorsement, and basically blew us off. (Ms Rodriguez, cough cough)
    Just in reading our esteemed bloggers comments….wow, is an understatement. Divisive?
    hahahahaha, these people seemingly appear (as per our writers indications) to be near mental! I get political animosities; jealousies etc. But this??
    You set UP, fake CRA groups for delegates?
    You set UP, false narratives against one of your own?
    You set UP, battles within groups because you “dislike, don’t like or HATE” so-and-so because they beat out YOUR candidate??

    Someone I know once told me: “Leo? I can’t support you because you challenged a legend in the R-Party to a debate. You lost Street Creds.”

    Give me, a F***king break.
    Street Creds? Chit, seems I have MORE than some of these so called, brainiacs who supposedly RUN the show! And for the people (or wannabe’s) who comment on here?
    Where are YOU in all this garbage?

    Small wonder WHY our Governor’s staff are quoted as saying openly with disgust and disdain towards us:

    “Losers who continue to do what they do best…..Lose.”

    How the hell do you, ANY of you, expect to WIN ANYTHING, given these scenarios??

  5. I can remember when the GOP did not endorse until after the Primary….this made a more much smoother running GOP and we spent more time battling the Democrats and not ourselves. But then ‘Chuckie Cheese Munger” and his $millions along with the Buhler Gang gave us this open primary-top two system. Two knuckleheads that thought we would be a better party if we were more like the Democrats. Brilliant Idiots!!! Now we have Republican on Republican races…and even worse…Democrat against Democrat races in the General Elections. We have been ‘spoon wallowed’ and made a minor party in California (rather and majority or majority party). Chuckie Cheese Munger and Louis Buhler… Lesson learned, never listen to nerds in a bow tie!

  6. FYI (Newsweek article 8 NOV 24, 11am PST)

    “Harris campaigned heavily on convincing disillusioned Republicans to vote for her over Trump, including appearing on the campaign trail several times with former GOP Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney. Her father, former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, also endorsed Harris in the 2024 race.
    The Arizona chapter of the Republicans for Harris group was chaired by Mesa Mayor John Giles and the former state representative, Robin Shaw.
    Multiple other figures linked to the GOP also endorsed Harris in the 2024 race, including former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham and ex-Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Jimmy McCain, the youngest son of the late Arizona Senator John McCain, also said he would vote Harris, adding that he had changed his voter registration to Democrat.”

    THESE people were/supposedly, REPUBLICANS.
    REPUBLICANS who have/had, supposedly, STREET CREDENTIALS which could be viewed by some to be or have been, IMPECCABLE.

    MY Street Cred?? Questionable or not there?? (laughing)
    These people changed their status as political opportunity allowed. Republicans, (spits).
    Are they STILL considered to be in the party? Still ALLOWED to entertain Party functions?

    Yea, I’m done with the, “you don’t have street creds, Leo”, conversation.
    Obviously, THOSE making the claim, have none themselves; or maybe they’re questionable; or just waiting on the chance to spin and realign themselves as the political winds blow.

    Disgusting. Party loyalty? HA!!! The NEW mantra seems to be, the acceptable: “Country over Party”. I get it. Funny how that seemingly applies ONLY to Republicans; Democrats don’t seem to adhere to that jargin. “VOTE LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL”, if you’re a DEM.

    I digress.
    My wife has asked this question and I’m at a loss for an explanation, so perhaps YOU people would be able to provide one for us:

    “WHY, are there very few BLACK PEOPLE in the Republican party?”
    IS our party racist to the core? Or is that a false perception?

    (asking for family members).
    Thank you in advance for your explanations.

  7. Leo,

    Your wife misspoke. She meant to ask you why ANYONE would vote Democrat. She just wanted to sound intelligent.

    Seriously, after the last 8 years, how can anyone vote Democrat?

    The answer lies within the heart and MINDS of the people. 25% will always be lost, so we are left to conclude that the other half of the Democrat vote has their head in the sand/ are brainwashed or they agree with the corruption and moral decay.

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