Some of you that read this blog have probably seen this. Why is your intrepid blogger supporting a TAX INCREASE!?
Ask Joe Patterson, James Gallagher, Brian Dahle, Megan Dahle, Josh Hoover, Roger Niello, heck, ask Mike Morrell (he is a former State Senator) – they will all tell you the same thing. In order to get money to fix local roads you have to have a local funding mechanism. (See also transportation tax)
In his rage-filled tirade a local Republican activist outright lied when he said there is enough money to pay for this. No, there is not and he knows it. Ask Tracy Mendonsa, Bonnie Gore, Shanti Landon, Ken Broadway or any of the host of City Council/Town Councilmembers – they will tell you that 85-88% of their money is spent before they even get to make decisions. You can’t pay for Police, Fire and Road Construction with only 12-15% of your budget available after mandates.
It is easy to lie about the circumstances local governments face when trying to build infrastructure.
The big lie against Measure B is that it is easy to live in the “It’s a Tax” intelectually lazy soundbyte world. I tried to engage some people in a discussion of the reality of the situation that has predicated the need for Measure B. Local Government’s money was stolen TWICE by Sacramento. The first time is tying gas taxes to matching local taxes because the supermajority party did this knowing that knee-jerk no tax at anytime for any reason counties would never vote to match the state gas tax funds. Then this allows the second theft to be completed when Sacramento Liberals to send our transportation gas tax funds elsewhere.
It’s not fair – but remember Republicans like Abel Maldonado provided tie-breaking votes to give the 2/3 to create this system and now the dems have the 2/3 they need to expand this system. Until we gain 24 seats in the Assembly with real Republicans and 12 seats in the State Senate with real Republicans this system won’t change. How long do you want traffic jams in Roseville and Rocklin?
But it’s a tax, and we have to vote no is the refrain.
Placer County was eligible for $800 MILLION IN MATCHING MONEY IN 2023. But Placer did not get it because they did not have a matching revenue stream. Are Placer voters proud to know that their gas tax money is going to build $350 Million in eco-housing in LA County? Continue to fund that stuff by voting no on B – because you know, it’s a tax!
$119 Million was sent from Placer County’s gas tax to fix the port of Oakland while you sit in CA-65 for an extra 30 minutes a day stuck in traffic!
But – It’s a tax!
Let’s look a measure B another way. If you knew you could spend $1 on building something and get another $5-$9 in matching state and/or federal money would you do it? How many of you bought taxpayer-subsidized solar for your house? It is basically the same concept – but somehow that feels different than a 7.75% sales tax rate.
What self-respecting fiscal conservative would not want to take a dollar and make it $5 at least? Sometimes, that dollar could even be $9 or more depending on how many grants the county could hit at a given time!
But – It’s a tax!
In my lifetime as a Republican activist and paid consultant, I have supported exactly three tax measures. Measure D built Westpark High School. Measure E built a ton of stuff for Sierra College and was the product of a significant compromise with political leaders. It was slimmed down considerably and now there is this measure. In each case the above facts were true (85+% of money being spent, other sources of money coming open, etc.)
People rag on the Placer County Republican Party and the Republican Party in general as being the party of no. It is because in circumstances like this where there is a clear nexus for Conservatives to bite the bullet, instead of listening to reasonable arguments, soundbytes and tirades carry the day. Placer County deserves better.
Get the facts. Vote yes on B.
P.S. for those of you that wonder – where I live the sales tax is 8.265% and we have freeway and local road construction everywhere. It is glorious. US395 near where I live is being widened from 2 lanes to 4 lanes + aux lane uphill and 3 lanes + aux lanes downhill and redone interchanges. This would have never happened had Washoe County not been able to get matching federal money… all the projects you see on I-80 in the Washoe County Area are the same nexus. Think it through and ask yourself what kind of world you want in your own area!
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It’s an UNNECESSARY tax.
“… 85-88% of their money is spent before they even get to make decisions.”
Maybe let’s start there. Start upstream of that decision making and ask why?
We don’t cate what your rate is in NV. And we don’t care about the glut of a ribbon that is 395. Remember when it was a cool stretch of scenic road?
This article is a total gaslight smear piece. It’s OK (and patriotic) for readers to disagree with the list of “who’s whos” (Joe Patterson, James Gallagher, Brian Dahle, Megan Dahle, Josh Hoover, Roger Niello, Mike Morrell, Tracy Mendonsa, Bonnie Gore, Shanti Landon, Ken Broadway or any of the host of City Council/Town Councilmember). But wait! Where’s Bustmybun? Why no Wendy? Is she against Measure B?
All of those people failed us during 2020 and beyond. Soon rats will be jumping ship so fast you’ll forget 80% of the people on the blogger’s list by this time next year. The other 20% will be in the news for their trial.
Percentages and absolute numbers are very different. Stop trying to gaslight your readers with this age-old technique.
Until Washington and Sacramento stop wasting money on bogus stuff like ‘free’ for illegal immigrants and welfare freebies, I will vote NO on all tax increases. The only thing those spenders understand is NO!
A”TAX INCREASE”, is a good thing? Since when?
The blogger writes, “what self-respecting FISCAL conservative would not want to take a dollar ($1) and make it $5 at least.” Are we talking about gambling or politics?
As it’s pointed out, Sacto people, SMART political people, connected political people, stole money twice, and redirected funds. And? As pointed out, A REPUBLICAN helped that to happen. And? What happened with THAT decision?
Sorry, you wanna spend a dollar, $1.00 to get $5.00-$10.00, then whine about higher costs of living? Where do GRANTS come from? Taxes. Who pays them? Everyone.
Lol, oh my. This is a topic I’d LOVE to challenge. Money. Where it’s spent, HOW it’s spent.
Can’t run a budget with only 15% after mandates? Lolol. Please explain, how do YOU run your household? How do millions of others run theirs?
The logic of, “it’s ONLY a 1% tax hike, so what? We can afford that because:
We need roads; we need a school; we need homes; we need cops, insert excuse here.”
At what point does climbing costs end?
AND, smart people, you raise a tax to fund what?
You already said Sacto steals it….so you want to raise taxes, for Placer County traffic conditions, so Sacto can steal more and your net result is……ZERO gain? Lol
I’m for REDUCING State taxes by up to 50%; local taxes by 50%; costs by 50%. Can it be done? Sure.
I’m NOT. For free stuff for illegals; TOLL ROADS being built near Fairfield; not for closing refineries and NOT for the continuation of a train to nowhere.
Oh, and for you Steve Hilton lovers:
I AM NOT 100% Go-Green energy, make 1800 era Cities in California, and burning down our oil industries.
5 Nov is coming up, and I personally can’t wait till this is over with.
6 Nov, the fight for Cali is on! 2026, will tell the tale.
Will it be Lahn, Dahle, Hilton? Bianco is toast, sorry SOCAL know-it-alls.
Naranjo will be running, despite the efforts of those opposed to making changes, winning and fighting FOR the Citizens of this State.
More to come, 2 Nov 2024….see FreedomRiders1776 for upcoming local events/speeches.
Leo for governor. The only anti-tax, accountability choice of TRUE California.
Spoiler: California never was blue.
Taxes are good? Man, somebody has lost his mind or is trolling.
Be ready to be disappointed by those you thought were on the side of liberty. It’s gonna sting.
“Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Kamala Harris for president Wednesday morning in a lengthy social media post that warned another Trump presidency would make America more divided and more hateful.”
(Sacramento BEE, story by William Melhado…30OCT24)
Leo no one cares what Schwarzenegger says about anything. He never really was a Republican and his reign as governor was the start of the collapse of the California Republican Party. His ego has always been bigger than his brain and his staff spent almost all the CRP funds getting him re-elected and we did have a single other state-wide constitutional officer elected (no funds)…which meant that when he left office there was a huge vacuum of candidates. He has about as much credibility as Liz Chenny…
Aaron, I hope your readers think very clearly about your article before they mindlessly follow your recommendation. I DEFINITELY do not want my county to tax match… where the state giveth, the state take the away. Funds from the state are ALWAYS accompanied by strings and likely Agenda 2030 strings. So no thank you. We have locally lots of tax dollars now that just need to be managed better
From CNN last night, they commented on Colin Allred possibly, POSSIBLY winning against Mr. Cruz. How could this be!!?? (feigned shocked look)
ALLRED played football……what ‘experience’ did he have? Oh wait…he was rich, had a name. So he became a lawyer, ran and WON a congressional seat, and NOW sits a hairs breadth away from unseating, a Republican incumbent.
CRUZ avoids the ABORTION question. Yup. That word, “ABORTION”, REPUBLICAN Kryptonite. smh
5 days to go………….
Sunrise Mall, by Macy’s and US BANK…….2 NOV 2024, 11AM!!!
BE THERE!!!! I’d love to meet ya!!
it’s about DEMO’s, but it’s something our Blog Owner once wrote about:
God Bless the Country. God bless those who vote today.
Good luck to those of you who ran, supported candidates or even opposed them.
It’s all in GOD’s hands now.
I’m thankful, this day is here. On a personal note, I’m also thankful, this crap is over with.
CALIFORNIA is next!!!!!
Lahn? Dahle? Shanahan? Hilton? Bianco? <—-seriously…..
Naranjo<—— skeptical
unknowns<—– resume setters
smartaliks<—— one Rebekah Carlson, Yuba County
Yes, today is YOUR day……….people are PRAISED and LOVED for today, and today only.
Tomorrow, these same folks revert back, to what the powers that be consider them to be:
Reported today: Sacramento County, 30 positions went unopposed.
Time for changes…… is one, tomorrow will be another.
oh, and btw?
ELECTION WATCH PARTY tonight Tuesday 5 NOV 24,
early arrival/set up at 6pm
kickoff at 8pm
Brookside Restaurant and PUB
9819 Horn Road, Sacto CA 95827
(join with Christine Bisch)
See ya'lls there!
Most interesting, today’s results. Oh sure, there’ll be a LOT of recriminations….who did or didn’t do what at what time. Who made a particular statement that MAY have been costly?
blah blah blah.
Some of our more, local highlights include:
“Jul 19, 2024 920am
“OK Hot Dogs…Spoke with Bish last night…Poll…she is leading Bera 51% to 49% and that was a pre-Trump shooting poll. The Dems are pooping bricks!!!!!”
Jul 19, 2024 924am.
“Oh and her race against Bera is now ‘targeted’ by factions within the GOP …So hold on to your seats!”
Sep 29, 2024 109am
“This close in a candidate knows if they have a chance or not. We you realize you cannot make up the gap, you quit spending. Simple fact of politics. Don’t flush money down the hole when you know you don’t have a real chance. That is likely what is going on in this race.”
Hmmm, over 15% swing, to place 2nd. cash on hand 3.4k vs 1.9 million….ok.
1.15 raised v 167k. Spent 992k vs 163k.
Welp, it was a good race non-the less. Congrats on taking on the shot at least.
Trump won. Should have been called before 8pm local time, but you know, they HAD to drag it out till the end of the night. Garvey lost. (no surprise) SENATE run by the Republicans, oh yeah!! Congress? As of this posting, leaning heavily towards Republican control! DOUBLE WHAMMY HELL YEAHs!!!!!
Hadwick won, tenessa lost. Beat by near 30 points. Yea…that sent a message. Who supported Audette?? (Just asking)
So, NOW this mess is over with…THANK GOD!!!!! what happens now or next?
Here’s a small preview, of the ELITES selecting our next and potential Californian Govenor:
Jun 12, 2024 at 8:45 am
Meanwhile…someone that actually might win! WOW!!! ….”He’s been the Sheriff of Riverside County since 2018, and now Chad Bianco says he might like to be California’s next governor. Bianco, who has been critical of the current governor, Gavin Newsom, told the Times that many people are telling him he should run and is now talking it over with his family.”
Same man kneeling in front of BLM, then getting caught lying about WHY he did it.
Same man, who didn’t do so well, against Mr. Thurman in his initial debate moment, FOX11 news LA area.
So, we have Mr. Steve Hilton, our dual-purpose Brit/American citizen from Silicon Valley.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING……yea, read up on his proposals. Definitely NOT winning moments. Too much GO GREEN, too much 18th Century city building, and too much WE OWN THE LAND YOU HAVE TO RENT TO LIVE/WORK HERE moments.
Lahn……….Dahle……….Shanahan from the RFK team?? lol Oh my. Rumor has it Harris MAY want to run for CA GOV……great!! Best thing to happen for OUR side. I hope she does. I’d have more than a fighting chance then!!! True, an unfair one, but it’s ok. Man to man, we’ll do just fine! (wait…how do you KNOW she’s a woman? Has she defined it yet?)
THANK YOU JESUS, for ending our day 5 NOV 2024 on a positive note.
Let the games begin, as the out pouring of Republican candidates SHOULD commence soon enough. (in case you never seen it:
God bless ya’s!!!!
(rolling out Thunderstruck and Hair of the Dog)