I may not post every day, but I am watching
Come on Steve, they don’t need your help!
Steve wrote a recent gossip column making several charges about the LAGOP. I also received an email that was circulated challenging Steve’s assertions.
IN particular, Steve claimed LAGOP Chairman Tim O’Reilly said the LAGOP exists only at meetings. In a cut and splice worthy of the Kamala Harris campaign, he selectively edited O’Reilly’s comments that, in full context, say the opposite.
While we all want more from the LAGOP, they have been active and trying to climb out of the fiscal hole left for them by the previous management.
Perhaps Steve should write the LAGOP a check so they have some more funds to do GOTV with?
When you write Bulls–t it affects everyone and everything around you. Come on Steve, conservatives deserve better from their leaders.
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check out this old clip:
Thank you, Leo, for posting this Steve Frank interview from 2019. First time I’ve read it and seems what Steve Frank said all makes sense.
I was very recently on a conference call where Steve spoke, and what was said is confidential and can’t be disclosed. But Steve knows what he is talking about. Many GOP central committee are in trouble. My view, not speaking about Steve’s view, is we desperately need new direction in need of new leadership at the State level and need to clean out the non-preforming ‘hanger straps’. The CAGOP is in shambles… When it’s all about money and not about leadership and the future….You lose elections, and we have been losing for nearly 20 years!
“The legislation easily cleared the state Senate on Tuesday 25-14 and was subsequently approved by the Assembly 45-15. Democrats enjoy supermajorities in both chambers.”
Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Rancho Santa Margarita), that woman our blogger dislikes stated, “Welcome to California, where illegal immigrants get free health care, free food, and now a free home with 0% down.”
Then there’s Mr Dahle…ol Brian….smh. The people LUBS him….however, he said:
“We have Californians who are not undocumented immigrants, who need these services,” Republican state Sen. Brian Dahle said earlier this week. “We should take care of them first, before we expand it out.”
Expand it out?? Are you just blabbering, talking gibberish or actually this stupid? And YEA, I said it….THAT STUPID??
Ol Newsome, his nutz are in the sack as well:
“Also worrisome for Newsom is the political backlash. As he is entering a more moderate period and is staying away from more controversial bills to help elevate himself for a post-Governor political career, signing AB 1840 would create a divisive firestorm that would also likely bring on lawsuits over questions of the bill violating federal law.”
What in the holy Hades, are we even TALKING about this for?!! DEAD ISSUE.
0% interest loans to, ILLEGALS?? Do we even HAVE such a program before this mess?
This should have been a DEAD ON ARRIVAL topic. To hear that any Republican, would support LIMITED measure of this nature, tells you lots about THAT Republican. WHY, would you even be in office, if you BELIEVE in this type of nonsense? At ANY level?? For ANY amount?
SO, with this said, and knowing full well these are ‘words on record’, let’s be clear:
If elected, these laws will be halted, defunded, removed however you want to declare it, by Executive Order! The bill and any accompanying bill(s) associated with “aiding illegal aliens” will suffer the same fate, dead on arrivals.
You wanna get creative?? How about “researching” if we can arrest these people, for “aiding and abetting human trafficking and/or other charges as lawyers can dream up”??
How about challenging these people, for attempting to create a new SLAVE STATE, not akin to 1860 USA, but 2024 USA with Hispanics as the property?
New Leadership? Patterson has done her job very well…..killed the CAGOP by a 1000 cuts. The new leader, Mike morrell? I hope he’s more than just “smiles, be nice, accommodate, etc etc.”
Central committee’s are acting like their own fiefdoms.
2 Challengers to this Senator who made this garbage Bill, and barely ANYTHING supportive from the party. Did they REALLY put up candidates, or canvass for ‘someone’ to fill a slot?? smh.
I’m so disgusted right now, and as this moves towards newsome’s eventual signing off on, due to the political ramifications, then what?
Bianco? Hilton? If you’re real, and about running, what’s YOUR take on this? be a leader, and take a stand! Other than that, you’re BSing the electorate with flowery words, rhetoric and about to cost us another 4 years of the office.
UGH……….it’s not rocket science.
United State of America. Citizens. <——YOU were elected BY them, to your office.
Illegal Aliens. <—-you do NOT represent them, regardless of how many are in this state.
If only California Republicans would have gone full MAGA in 2016…
It really is the only way forward. Even Kamala is copying the platform.
Where does Steve Frank stand on full MAGA?
It’s the litmus test of our time.
GOTV (Get Out the vote)? That is one aspect of winning, but at this point GOTV is a dinosaur of a strategy. Republicans show up, but if elections are fraudulent (which they all are) shouldn’t there be some energy put into getting voters to start demanding transparency. Every day there is some new story about the compromiaed machines. But of course we need more people to vote-THAT will solve the problem. Ha! GOTV is now an insult to those paying attention. Where is Ryan Ronco? Is he compromised or just a coward? He will lose exactly no votes for re-election if he stands up for transparency and America. We all want hom to be the first County elections officer whistleblower in California. Ever hrard of Tina Peter’s? We’ve got your back Ryan. Speak up for the people who put you there!
And where is Heider Garcia now? Wish I had his career mobility.
And look! Chuck has confidential info! Wow! Please Chuck, tell us all how we can get approvesd to get that info. Dangling that carrot to us does no good. Secrecy breeds contempt. Does Chuck think we respect him more now that he claims to be somewhat of an insider? That self righteousness is why the GOP in this state is a laughingstock to us ALL. The average CA citizen is not impressed that you have confidential info and are likely not,happy that you are withholding it. In fact, you lose credibility these days if you claim to be an insider. Remember all the “anonymous sources close to Trump” that claimed insider info? We are fatigued with that trope. It is now a tell for a liar.
And please stop harassing Lynyrd. He means well and iat least he s IN THE ARENA.
Aaron Melody…Some meetings are confidential, and things said there have to stay there (to keep it out of the hands of those that want to defeat the GOP). But Steve Frank is one smart dude and knows what he is talking about. Don’t agree with him all the time, but I have learned to trust his judgement.
Hmmm, interesting. A project that never was………..but it gave newsome the ability to raise funds with zero limits. Ok, so you tanked, or tried to, tank newsomeons presidential run. More like smear him….I get it. But really? What was the cost for, what did someone I know call it, Street Cred?? You made the party in California look worse than it already is…..to do…..what again? Hmmmm
Reputation………….congrats Patterson, re-call attempters…..already down in numbers, what more can you ask for. Tanked?? Not totally, but getting there.
The remark about Mccarthy……….hmmmmmm…..is HE really trying to pooch the R party in California? Or was that her idea??
I’ve blasted Republicans on here before……smh…alas, the Dem spokesperson seems to have manage to sum it up the best:
“Serial losers, losing,” Newsom campaign spokesman Nathan Click said.
I’m about fed up with THAT particular phrase…….If you’re NOT pissed at it? I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe the shoe fits.
I like the more practical approach, as per Roddy Rod Pipers comment:
“I Have Come Here To Chew Bubblegum And Kick A**… And I’m All Out Of Bubblegum.”
Naranjo CA State GOV 2026
If you’re irritated by the above, then the shoe fits on the former comment.
God Bless you.
Well Chuck, you came on here bragging about the confidential info. What does that say about you? I understand strategy, but when one uses the guise of being in the secret club for credibity, that smells of gatekeeperness. Better off keeping that secret info secret.
Well Aaron Melody…I guess you just need to buy lots of Cracker Jacks until you find a box with a ‘Secret Club’ ring….lol All I said with Steve knows his stuff and I have learned to listen to him.
Nobody knows what Cracker Jacks are anymore Chuckwagon. Your attempt to belittle a commenter fell on deaf ears because your insult is so out of date the readers can’t relate-like the CA GOP. Are you full MAGA Chuck? Come on, no secrecy here.
Disavow, embrace, or get out of our way. We’ve got a country to save.
So what will it be Chuck?
Well, fare is fare…You call me Chuck when my name is Charlie. You blast the fact that people don’t want you in their organizations, So enjoy those Cracker Jacks. (Oh my my, —I actually got emails from folks about these blog posts that I hardly know complaining about you and Leo….one wrote ” Aaron melody is a total whack job”..I got a good laugh when I read that…oh gosh) Hope you find your secret decoder club ring….lol
Headlines read: “Former California Democratic Senate leader goes full MAGA, calls RFK Jr a ‘personal hero’”
oh, and “Republican Liz Cheney says she will vote for Kamala Harris this election”.
So many people swapping their values, and views. Hmmmmm.
Will LIZ be kicked out? Kitchenger? He’s toast politically, I would imagine.
Say Blogger? Do you think, we have a chance to “turn” Audette??
That press conference was reported as: “In a press conference hosted by conservative pundit, and rumored gubernatorial candidate, Steve Hilton, ”
Sooooo, many Republican’s voting Democrat. wow.
So much for “Street Creds'” huh? I would think, THEY should be suffering some serious credibility/reputation issues about now.
So funny.
You are invited to join us Tuesday evening, September 10th at 5:30PM, to watch the most anticipated debate between former President Donald J. rump and VP Kamala Harris. The debate watch party will be at Epic Bible College, 4330 Auburn Blvd.
This will be a potluck event, so please be sure to bring something delicious to share. Drinks, and all utensils will be provided.
In the event Kamala chickens out, we will have our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tine to break this down:
It’s “FAIR”. Chuck isn’t a derogatory term. I didn’t even know that was you real name.
“You blast the fact that people don’t want you in their organizations”
Not sure what this means. I “blast” it? Nice try Chuck.
” (Oh my my, —I actually got emails from folks about these blog posts that I hardly know complaining about you and Leo….one wrote ” Aaron melody is a total whack job”..I got a good laugh when I read that…oh gosh) Hope you find your secret decoder club ring”
Chuck got email everyone! Everbody pay attention. Opinions of those people matter. Post those emails Chuck. Come on!
Will you disavow or endorse MAGA Chuck? I fully endorse MAGA and I will stand tall in that opinion. Will those emailing you endorse or disavow MAGA? Ask them to send YOU an email so YOU can post it here.
Maybe some readers are too shy to post anything pro-MAGA here. Let’s take a poll. How many think Aaron Melody is a “whackjob”? The more the better.
I wonder what the polls show, for Ms Audettes race and her challenger, Heather?
recent news: “https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/harris-schiff-hold-sizeable-leads-in-california-latest-emerson-polls-show/ar-AA1q88dn?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=cd625655b5264c49b7bc57d30ac62aa3&ei=13”
Shifty %%5 Garvey 33% with 13% undecided, according to the polls.
Nothing on Bera’s race……hmmmm
Newsome is to VETO the “illegals to get 150K interest free home loans bill…big whoop.
Who owns the legislature? Let’s see, if they override his VETO anyways.
991 bills, dumped at the last minute onto the GOV’s desk.
lol, I had a fellow SGT do that to me once…….Painful lesson. Didn’t happen again afterwards. I did pick up a few “new frenemies”, however, lol.
Aaron Melody…You are not the brightest can on the shelf…are you? My post starts with Charlie…Name is Charlie. Not Cuck…. OK this is pointless communication now. Oh yea…for the same reason I assume your name is Aaron. But then again maybe you, like others, hide behind a fake name.
Chuck’s done whining. Kind of like a surrender when out of ammunition. Now, back to saving our country.
Chuck still hasn’t disavowed or endorsed MAGA. Very telling. BTW, is Steve Frank MAGA? Makes you wonder…
Funny accusation that I would hide behind a fake name. Ask anyone who sent you those emails if that is a fake name. I’m not anonymous, but I just might be an anon.
Oh gosh…that can is actually very oxidized…. Oh well…..
CA GOP should spend their time thinking long and hard about what candidates THE PEOPLE of CA WANT to vote for.. It’s easy. Embrace MAGA.
wow, if this wasn’t so serious………….omg, this was hecka funny to h ear this morning:
“Former chief of staff sues California State Sen. Alvarado-Gil for sexual harassment, discrimination”
Isn’t she the lady who JUST switched parties?? From DEMO to REPUB??
Isn’t he the guy, who’s daddy had his OWN issue with an intern? “Condit is the son of former Congressman Gary Condit, who faced scrutiny in the high-profile death of Chandra Levy in 2001.”<— THAT guy???
amazing……….Ms Gil dropped out of a breakfast meeting. Suddenly. Hmmmm, see post above. Is that why?
Audette, having a meet and greet on 14 SEP 2024, 4-6pm at some Matsen’s home. $125 a person, up to $5000 for donations, El Dorado GOP emailing the info.
Bianco……..omg…….lol. Issues with the Oath Keepers. Had a small debate with Mr Thurman, didn’t go/sit well. HE, seems to be the “elite establishment choice for our next GOP Gubernatorial Candidate.” Yeah?? You smart people probably know more than I do on this topic. HE”S THE MAN!! More like, he’s THEIR man. Running, to acquire jobs for Party hacks. Ok.
Then there’s this:
Please explain to us masses again, WHY did you ‘kneel’ with the BLM protesters during their June 2020 marches? Then you, basically, LIED about why you did it, blaming it on ‘being misguided on the actual intent and justification?”
I’m at a loss here. Up in the Northern Counties, they seem to NOT have heard about Chad Bianco. Yet, down SOUTH, it’s all they talk about. Hmmmmm.
Steve Hilton, backed by Silicon Valley. Well, THERE’s an interesting tid bid.
For those who “think” they have it all figured out, peep this:
Silicon Valley folks will NOT like me, due in part to my NOT supporting this planned ‘supercity’ THEY want to envision as it envelopes Travis AFB.
I’m for the BASE.
You want a city, find empty land elsewhere, and build it there. Oh, but we ARE going to find out WHO is behind all that funding, count on that. (campaign rhetoric)
Last time, it was a snarly ol Senator, Republican I believe, trying to pass a law against the Cops, because they would not support him or his campaign. Basically, he was attacking the CHP. I believe he lost his seat as well. Eh, long time ago.
Let me first say, I apologize for the delay in making this stuff work correctly.
I”m a wizard of many things; making video’s isn’t one of them, lol.
Feel free to comment, crack a joke, be brutal, or whatever.
Feel free to pass this around as you see fit as well.
But I challenge each and every one of YOU, that WHEN you feel, “I’m a nobody who can’t cut it”, just remember what the BRAINIACS of the DEMO Party like yourselves, view YOU as:
“Serial losers, losing,” Newsom campaign spokesman Nathan Click said.”
To those out there wondering about election fraud:
“…Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials.”
So now you know why many don’t support him. In short, many will be going to prison. Why is only one side of the aisle calling for clean elections? Why woulf anyone be opposed to clean elections? Where does Steve Frank stand on this quote from DJT? Chuck should email him and get a public statement. If anyone in the election process is reading this, please consider stepping up for the American people. Blow the whistle.
Brandon Gayman
leo naranjo iv
Tue, Aug 27 at 2:53 PM
Hey Leo,
Please see the attached questionnaire. We kindly ask that you return it to us a week before the meeting, so our Board has time to review the responses.
We have you confirmed for Tuesday, September 24th at 9:15 AM. Our address is 640 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA. 95811.
Sergeant Brandon Gayman
Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
640 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA. 95811
Office: 916.441.4141
Cell: 916.471.8281
Fax: 916.244.7311
I look forward to meeting with the Sheriffs Deputies this coming Tuesday. Should be interesting. No response yet from Mr. Mike Wirth, Chevron CEO whom I wrote to about pausing his leaving. Hmmm. We’ll, let’s see what Mr Lombardo and Ms Hobbs say when they get their letter’s by next week.
Fascinating times!!
Aaron Melody ….Per Commit 18 above… You really like to bloviate dont you ..but next time check your facts. Just so you know I have backed Trump for POTUS since 2012. I was a candidate myself back then and got beat up for it a bit for supporting Trump and not Romney by some of the newspapers. But I already pointed out ‘not the brightest can on the shelf’…..O Well….. (btw I have sent Trump 3 donations now…and I am cheap. Do the same!)
Chuck, per comment 26…
I can’t help buy notice you didn’t state that you CURRENTLY support MAGA and Trump in the 2024 election. Say it.
How do YOU know I haven’t donated money to Trump? Bad mind reading Charles.
What “facts” should I check? Seriously, which “facts” again?
Of course, with all Chuck’s knowledge about DJT, he can possibly explain WHY DJT didn’t get the support he needed to run in 2012. 2000? 2004? The answer (s) will surprise readers.
But it’s 2024, and we have a country (world/humanity) to save.
Guess Steve Frank hasn’t returned your email.
Clueless…totally Clueless….
Clueless, just clueless….
Note for the Record….in 2004, per Melody’s oration, I was in a place called Fallujah, ducking mortars and rockets so he could keep his freedoms to ‘blovate’….OMG so clueless.
Note for the Record….in 2004, per Melody’s oration, I was in a place called Fallujah, ducking mortars and rockets so he could keep his freedoms to ‘bloviate’….OMG so clueless.
“Oration”. Nice try Chuckles. And no, I don’t bite on ghey beight.
Please tell us all that you support DJT in 2024. We’re waiting for that all-important endorsement of DJT from Chuck. And that email from Steve.
BTW, your flaunting of military service is unbecoming of an American soldier. But hey, you seem to enjoy rubbing your service in the face of the other 95% of America that didn’t serve (but support DJT openly) so I won’t judge you. Glad you made it back safe from combat so that you can help save America. Now let’s get going.
Aaron…I am not a Soldier…I spent 28 years with the Marines. Would you call a Sailor an Airman? And You brought up the 2004 crap. I was in Iraq…not a candidate. And you orate as you bloviate. There is a difference but I doubt you know that. Have a nice life 98%er (Only 2% serve in the military…we do it so guys like you can have ‘Freedom of Bloviation”) lol
Trump 2024 endorsement soldier?
“As of September 2023, about 6.8% of the US population aged 18 and older, or 17.9 million people, were veterans.”
bloviate: talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way
orate: to deliver an oration; speak pompously; declaim
BTW, “have a nice life” is an expression that I hear many liberals and RINOs using to gaslight independent thinkers. Weird.
Aaron Melody….we need to end this but you are totally clueless.
I may not be a huge fan of LAGOP, but they do a way better job than the San Bernardino County Republican Party.
Just out of curiosity…..
Is Vice President Harris, immune from the Hatch Act?
Asking for a friend.
Well, THAT was interesting!! 15 members of the Deputy Sheriffs Association sat in on my interview. WOW. Couple of questions they had, one or two statements only. For the most part, they did what Union members DO: Sat stoically in their seats and didn’t blink.
My wife asked, “what did I get from the meeting?”
While it’s too early, they seemed receptive. I’d personally say, may be the support from 4-5 of the 15 representatives present. I challenged for them to hold ANY other candidate, to repeat and/or stand, by the words I spoke this date. We’ll see.
I do not believe it was a 100% denial, nor was it 100% non-supportive. In the end, it’s all gravy to me. The fact they even gave me the opportunity? I’m definitely honored, and will hopefully see them again in the future.
Oh, as to the El Dorado “meet the candidates” night?? Interesting. I don’t recall meeting Ms. Audette at this function. Food was okay, but I did manage to hook 1-3 of their candidates that night for support! We’ll see. Seems El Dorado may have me in for a conversation after the Trumpster elections.
Yes in deed….amazing times we live in.
Why wait? Six weeks before the 2024 election, California is having a 2026 governor’s debate
Tell me again, WHY is it too early? This would almost be humorous if it wasn’t so blatantly partisan. The NO NAME Demo’s, having a debate, to establish name recognition. Interesting.
The race: 200 yard dash.
DEMO’s:———————————————————————————>> I=Finish line
Repub’s: (still warming up)
Wow 40 bloviations…must be a near record for Aaron’s blog….lol
From Politico:
“The party familiars agreed on plenty: no to the death penalty, yes to phasing out the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035 and yes to unemployment benefits for striking workers, the latter of which faltered in the Legislature earlier this year.”
California 2026 governor hopefuls come out strong for single-payer health care