Fortune should be running in some dark blue area, but imagine that she lives in El Dorado Hills. (I wonder why)
What have we learned thus far about Margaret Fortune:
- Led a protest that shut down the Bay Bridge
- Screams racism at every opportunity
- Is Easily connected to far-left progressive groups
- Is a member of the El Dorado County Democrat Party Executive Board.
- Is a national board member of a Jew-Hating Group whose leaders say, “We hope this cracker suffers”, calls Jews “Bloodsuckers” and referred Israel as “Hell”.
Easily found on the internet is Fortune’s bio in her own words. It is quite the far-left resume:
At the end of said resume, she touts being a member of the El Dorado County Resource Conservation District. But her record of “service” tells someone that she is trying to build a resume versus actual service.
Through August 2023, Margaret Fortune has only attended 6 of the 10 board meetings in 2023 for the El Dorado County Resource Conservation District Board. And she was absent from January 2024 meeting.
(Note: They stopped posting attendance after the August meeting) – Election date November 2022, first meeting Dec 2022 where she was sworn in. This is a big deal since this is the only elected office, and only real political tie to El Dorado county Fortune has! If she can’t attend these meetings, how can we expect her to attend BOS meetings? Since Fortune is using her “service” on the El Dorado RCD to burnish her credibility and electability in all her political communications, it is completely legitimate to call BS and also to ask why the ElDo RCD has started hiding meeting attendance from the public…
It gets better:
Margaret Fortune has lived in El Dorado Hills for 9 years but does not highlight any involvement in the El Dorado Hills community. She joined the El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce one week before she launched her candidacy for Board of Supervisors!
Dr. Margaret Fortune?
So let’s see – absentee board member of the El Do RCD?
Joined Chamber of Commerce a week before running?
… and has an “Honorary Doctorate” yet calls herself a Doctor? Sounds like we have some serious fraud going on here. I could find nothing anywhere showing that Fortune earned an actual degree. All I found is this:
Link Here to Web Page. Screenshot saved here in case she edits her webpage.
Here is the money quote: She was awarded an honorary doctorate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for her substantial contributions to the field of education.
Calling yourself a doctor when you did not earn the degree is a lie and insults all who actually did earn PHD’s. I’d tell her to be ashamed of herself, but I am sure by this point in my expose’ she is running around telling people your intrepid blogger is a racist. This is what flaming liberal activists do when they get caught. (Note that I wrote this sentence on 2-10-2024 and loaded this post for a future display date)
She is also CFO of the Sacramento Chapter of the Al Sharpton Jew-Hating Group:
While CFO of this group, the group was served with a delinquency notice for failing to file TWO tax returns.
In addition Fortune’s own school got lit up with a $25,000 fine that was later dismissed, but the litany of charges suggests that the school was shut down for a period of time in the interim. It appears from the document that they were operating without a license or a complete license for around 11 years at the time of the notice.
Finally, Fortune touts her involvement in St. Hope academy, that was founded by former Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. The school has been scandal-ridden. And this article from 2018.
So – what we have demonstrated here is that Margaret Fortune has demonstrated a personal pattern of outright lying. She has also made a career out of inflaming race issues, including serving on the board of an organization with a documented history of Jew-Hate. She has also lied about her qualifications and appears to be using the El Dorado RCD and El Dorado Chamber to make a false resume. Lastly, she has been a party to several legal actions for malfeasance by state agencies.
Beyond being a flaming leftist, we know that Fortune is dishonest, has a thin resume and can not be relied upon to manage anything. She should be rejected by the voters of ANY district much less El Dorado Hills.
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