Every now and then your intrepid blogger talks to people. As I have been an out and loud critic of the California Republican Party’s current leadership, one such topic of frequent leaks is related to the CAGOP. It has been constant and over the course of years.
Dear CAGOP Insiders, your intrepid blogger is watching you…
So for years the rumors have been that Kevin McCarthy was going to set up Jessica Patterson to become RNC Chair. Then, Kevin McCarthy got shot by Matt Gaetz. At the same time Team Trump was celebrating the demise of McCarthy, they were blissfully unaware (or deliberately unaware) that Trump had helped Re-Elect Ronna Romney McDaniel as RNC Chair.
People like Vivek Pharmaswampy ceaselessly attacked Ronna but deliberately omitted mention of the former President’s role in her re-election over Harmeet Dhillon. It looks like President Trump may well be responding to the slew of negative news about Ronna and what a disaster she has been as RNC Chair.
The RNC’s fundraising is at a 30 year low.
Recently, Ronna got exposed for her lavish expenses which included $1,000 hairdos, limos and trips to places with names I can’t pronounce.
One of my favorite sayings is after you screw up, do the next best thing. This is what I believe Trump is doing with regard to the RNC situation.
So as I cobble bits of insider info together – I have a 99% level of confidence of the following:
- Ronna is going to resign, or be forced out at the behest of the former President. The Co-Chair will go with her.
- Someone from the Eastern Seaboard is going to be appointed RNC Chair on an interim basis. I can’t remember his name as the conversations have been a blur with other campaign work I am doing. I know it is some dude from some eastern state.
- This means the RNC will also need a Co-Chair (the equivalent of a vice-chair)
The RNC rules (speaking of DEI) are that if the Chair is male, the Co-Chair must be female. (or vice-versa)
Enter Kevin McCarthy. I’ve been wondering why he and his crew have been so quiet. The last I heard from them is when McCarthy ordered the Never-Trumpers on CAGOP Leadership (including Jessica Patterson) to change the CAGOP’s delegate apportionment rules to a mode the Trump campaign preferred. At the time, I was the Nevada Political Director for the Never Back Down (Ron DeSantis) Super-Pac and saw it all unfold in real time.
However if Trump is really going to force the two people out with the replacement chair I mentioned, you will now need a female Co-Chair. My own personal intel from interactions with National Party Leaders is that many of them do not know what a disaster and insider control game the CAGOP has been for the last 6ish years. It appears that Patterson, (again a Never-Trumper) is pretty popular amongst the super small world of party leadership at the national level. That could change with scrutiny.
There is no one in the CAGOP orbit that will tell you anything other than the fact that Jessica Patterson is a franchise of McCarthy Inc. McCarthy made Jessica Patterson, and your intrepid blogger watched it happen since I first met her in 2010 when she worked for Meg Whitman.
If Patterson is tapped to be RNC Co-Chair this is how McCarthy, Inc. keeps its’ relevance at the national level. She’d be the next Chair when the interim guy is done at the end of 2025. If and when this happens, your intrepid blogger warned you first.
FYI – for those of you unaware, your intrepid blogger endorsed Donald Trump the day Ron DeSantis dropped out and endorsed Trump.
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wow…that one must have been hard to swallow……the endorsing Trump thing I mean.
As for the rest? Mccarthy, propping up patterson? lol
oh wow, you can’t make this chit up can you…lol
He’s quiet……she ain’t saying jack much less c hit, about anything or anyone, running in this state, except the regular paid add nauseum comments of, ” They’ll be great for the party! ” comments.
Sadly, she needs to go, but I don’t believe National is the place to put her.
Nothing about Garvey.
Nothing about countering the Dem’s for Governor of California.
Nothing about nothing.
Wait…I mentioned something about that in a previous posting: CA GOP either HAS or IS becoming the true party of irrelevance in California. I guess we should be happy we have, what….20 people representing us in the Capital? 120 spots, and only 26 present? So, they could just, not show up, and business would continue as normal.
HA!! what a hoot.
Besides rumors of his ‘getting even with gaetz’, he’s plotting to enshrine Patterson? lol
Oh my wonders never cease.
So, how’s fundraising in CALIFORNIA going CAGOP? Are we doing good or poorly?
Yea, I’m nosey…………..
Well, let’s just nope nothing happens until the end of 2025 so the CRP can clean house and elect all new leadership at the Spring 2025 convention and not have a ‘choice’ thrust on us.
Wonder if the CAGOP delegates will amend their bylaws to allow officers to seek an additional term at the Spring 2024 convention?
In 2022 an amendment was passed to allow officers to seek an additional term in 2023 only. In 2023 Chairwoman Patterson, Secretary Berholtz and Treasuer Gandrund all had served two terms and were reelected to a third term in 2023. See Sections 2.03.01 (B) (2) and (3).
Note that RNC Committeeman & Woman do not have term limits. These offices will be elected on at the Spring 2024 convention. Both Shawn Steel and Harmeet Dhillon are seeking reelection.
Charlie? I’m lost…which convention are you citing? 2024! or 2025??
thank you for the clarity!
I laughed as I read your blog. Why? I am thankful I left the BS of the Republican Party for the MAGA Party. If the Communist Democrats, and their RINO Republican supporters, eliminate President Trump from running, I will vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Sick of McCarthy, McClintock, Kiley, and all the other RINO Republicans.
P.S. And thanks for identifying who you really support. FBI = Friends of Biden, Inc.
Leo, we don’t reorganize in an election year. We only have one convention in 2024. The Reorganize Convention is the Feb/Mar CRP convention in 2025. The CRP Vice Chair is already maneuvering to replace Jessica if Jessica jumps to a NRP position (either chair or co-chair of NRP). Frankly, I think the whole leadership team of the CRP needs to be replaced. (not including some the Regional Vice Chairs…some of them are pretty good…some not so good)
ah, gotcha…..thank you for the clarification….always appreciated!
Agree with Charlie’s last comment. We need to clean house and only keep action oriented leadership.
My first cagop convention was 2/19 and I had to read Aaron’s blog to get up to speed.
Tom Sullivan: “Ronna McDaniels will be pushed out after the SC primary results.
She may be packing to leave already”
He’s saying how Republicans are NOT having a good day….losing to DEMO’s who appear to stand in solidarity on topics, right/wrong/indifferent.
He’s slamming Nikki on her losing to NONE OF THE ABOVE, by 30+ points. (lol, funny)
He’s back on the Republicans again.
He blasting about the myorkus messup….no duh, THAT was a waste of time. Useless man doing what his boss said to do…..theatrics and optics?? smh….stupid optics for the R side. But again, I’m not a political hack, much less the person who came up with this doofus attempt.
well, that’s bout it, he’s opening up his show….lol….oh lawd…..smh……………