Oct 192023

… and actively campaigned for her!

So this is a RECENT (not 2018 example) of Janet betraying the OCGOP.

Janet Nguyen has basically burnt almost every Vietnamese Republican in Orange County and currently only lists three Vietnamese endorsements: Cindy Tran,  Ted Bui, who Nguyen endorsed against Assemblyman Tri Ta and one other former elected on her website.

 Look at Janet’s recent record of trying to destroy the Vietnamese  Republican majority that took decades to build.


  • Westminster Mayor – Nguyen endorsed and campaigned for Tai Do. Charlie Chi Nguyen easily won the Mayor’s race.

  • Westminster City Council – Nguyen endorsed and campaigned for John Gentile – Amy (Phan) West defeated Gentile.

  • Westminster City Council – Janet Nguyen worked with Namquan Nguyen’s opponents, Namquan won easily.

    Conservative Shirts 2 970×350
  • State Assembly 70th – Nguyen endorsed against and campaigned against Tri Ta in the primary.  Ta easily won.

  • Supervisor – Nguyen went out of her way to attack Republican candidate Andrew Do, by sending out a robocall announcing that she has not endorsed Do.  Andrew Do won his race.

Did you know that Janet Nguyen worked with an out-of-town developer and Democrats to spend $2.4 million on recall of Republican Vietnamese elected officials in Westminster???

The recall failed with 60% of residents voting no.

It should be noted that the Vietnamese Community is all that stands between Orange County being a D+20 wasteland and the current purple 50/50 status it has. Is Janet Nguyen trying to turn Orange County Blue?

This is what Cindy Tran looks like in GOP Data Center.

Just for color to complete this, here is a slate doorhanger for the actual Republican that Janet Nguyen opposed:

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