CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson refused to lead on the platform fight. Your intrepid blogger can’t tell if that is because she wanted to shred the platform, McCarthy wanted to shred the platform or that she really did not care about this foundational issue. None of these scenarios are good at all.
Four years ago when the far-left of the CAGOP tried to shred the platform, CAGOP Chair Jim Brulte put an end to the drama himself. This is called leadership.
The below email came out yesterday from the California legislative Republican leaders and then said leaders showed up to the convention. The result? The garbage produced by the platform drafting committee was discarded and the full committee voted 69-31 to re-adopt the existing CAGOP platform. It now requires a 2/3 vote to do anything but re-adopt the existing platform at tomorrow’s floor session.
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wonder WHO are the 31 who voted against this measure?
Patterson needs to be gone.
Yeah, for the good guys so far!
Will be interesting to see the vote count on Saturday. It will tell us how many false flag Democrats have infiltrated our State party.