Jun 192023

Did you know that the CAGOP Platform Drafting Committee election just happened? Did you also know that 55 of 56 Candidates Andy Garakhani was telling people to vote for won?

The CAGOP Platform Drafting Committee is a subset of the overall CAGOP Platform Committee. Both meet once every 4 years to create a platform upon which the Party Campaigns and exists. (Even though many Republican Candidates ignore it)

It appears that 10-12 Candidates for Platform Drafting Committee were on Both Steve Frank and Andy Garakhani’s lists. When you pull 12 out 56 total members, you end up with 44. 43 were purely Andy’s candidates, and only one was Steve’s. That is a 2.27% success rate for Steve. Andy? 97.73%. That is as bad of an ass-whupping as you can get. To get hammered that bad in an organizational election requires assisting the winner by alienating your own side…

And… Steve Frank apparently was calling people (Your intrepid blogger has a few different accounts), telling them to run for Drafting Committee because he had 2-3 people that were going to write a perfect platform, and their vote was needed to push it forward. Aka do nothing but vote yes and we will take care of the rest. That kind of approach is suicidal in any organization’s election.

Got it? Frank was doing exactly what he accused Andy Garakhani of doing – promoting people for CAGOP positions specifically to shut up and do what they are told. This is the action of someone who has totally lost their edge, forgotten people skills, and is attempting to hold on to relevance. Perhaps Steve has never fully understood how to interact within organizations or actually influence people? I am at a loss, as these screw-ups are so elementary.

I do not know this angry and progressively more desperate for a win Steve Frank that has emerged since losing his race for CAGOP Chair. Perhaps this is the Steve Frank several told me they could not vote for in 2021 and I was blinded by my paycheck from Mr. Frank’s effort?

For the record, your intrepid blogger has ascertained that Garakhani and crew spent a ton of time on the Platform Drill, not to try and shred it, but rather to maintain the status quo. Had I been working to oppose Garakhani, I certainly would not have validated what he was telling people by calling people telling them there is a rewrite and they are supposed to do nothing other than rubber stamp it!!!

Steve led with his chin and dragged the Conservative opposition down the path of oblivion once reserved for Schaupp and Grcar.

Steve – please man, for the good of the Conservative movement in California, retire now.

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  3 Responses to “Steve Frank Update: Recent Platform Committee Slaughter Exposes Sad Truth, Frank Should Have Retired Years Ago”

  1. Schaupp


  2. Now how did I get pulled into this? Aaron stretching things again!! ehy? And yes the drafting vote did not go well for the conservatives. The ‘Patterson Machine’ is in tight control of the party now.

  3. We are seeing less fork tongued swamp establishment corruption being called out and more picking on conservatives. Is money changing hands? I wish I had $ so we can go back to the good old days in this blog. The archives are a good and necessary start for newer delegates.

    And Grcar is unhinged.

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