Jun 122023

Stephen, stop being baaaaad mmmmkay?

Today my main man Steve Frank did his latest installment of Heard on the Tom Tom’s. I was slapped upside the head within just a few words of the second section of the post. (Note, the quotes from his articles are unedited and verbatim)

  1.  Joe Biden considers himself a moderate on economic issues.  So does the Chief of Staff for the very conservative GOP Assemblyman Joe Patterson.  But Chloe Bowman admits that in 49 of the 50 States, she would be a Democrats.  That only proves that Liberal Democrats in California are repulsed by the Progressive/Totalitarians running the California Democrat Party.  But, by her own words, she is a Democrat.  Yet she has been on the staff of two very Establishment GOP’ers before this.

Bowman considers herself a moderate Republican and believes she would be considered a Democrat if she lived anywhere but California. What draws her to the Republican party, as it did her parents, is economic values. She believes in working hard to overcome obstacles – a lesson she learned from her father, a mortgage broker who died when she was a sophomore in high school.

Rising Stars: Chloe Bowman, office of Assemblymember Joe Patterson – Capitol Weekly

Ummm, Steve, Chole is not Joe Patterson’s Chief of Staff… that is Tiffany Saathoff who gets attacked at least once a week by the Sacramento Bee because of her work on the Rocklin Unified School District (where she is also a governing board member)…

FYI, it is good to have someone on your team to the left of you for some balance. In my case, it would be near impossible to have someone to the right of me that was not sitting next to Grcar or Schaupp in the sanitarium, but I digress.

On to the next part of the Heard on the Tom Tom’s that needs an adjustment:

News Flash – not everyone on this list is a squish

2. At the Saturday CRP Board Meeting, Jessica, with the approval of the Board, with one NO vote, that I am aware of, selected members of the Rules Committee and the Executive.Committee.  As expected the Rules Committee has No conservatives on the Committee—the members are either Establishment folks—or consultants who need approval from Jessica to get clients.

The Executive Committee was, of course filled with Jessica sycophants.  While normally, this is not a  big deal since them seldom do anything—twenty years ago they changed the CRP b –laws AFTER a convention did not get to them (that is allowed in the CRP by-laws)

Dear Readers, could you help Steve Frank identify the Conservatives on these lists? There are several. We could turn this in to a Team Building exercise!

Steve Continues:

Now I am told that Pattersons close political advisor, Andy Gimmeecandy has asked her for an endorsement for his NON candidate for the U.S. Senate, Steve Garvey, at the September CRP convention.  That convention opens on the same day that filing opens for the Senate.  Garvey who has yet to speak to the press, explain why he is running for Senate, his financial and personal history, has not spoken in public to the press, organizations or answered questions about how, due to his personal life any woman would vote for him?  Or the lawsuits against him by his former business partners.

Steve – for years, we’ve spelled it GIMMECANDY. If you’re going to slam the guy, spell the slam correctly. And, who the hell is Steve Garvey?

3. Chair Patterson announced the Chair of the Platform Committee is the self proclaimed conservative LAGOP Chair, Tim O’Reilly.  Self proclaimed?  He was put into office by Andy Gimmeecandy and did not stop Andy from excluding Republicans from County Central Committee meetings.  Actions speak louder than words.  He has not opposed the abuse of proxies at the CRP convention—a consistent vote against reform.  Tim speaks as a conservative an acts as the Establishment—he gets to sit at the Cool Kids Table.  Conservatives say they have hope for him—as Chair of the Platform Committee.  As such will he take the lead in promoting conservative Republican values—or Establishment non values?  As a reminder, in numerous public occasions, O’Reilly has called the GOP the “Party of Dwight Eisenhower”:–NOT Reagan.

Steve must know a different Tim O’Reilly, maybe there are several in LA County and he picked the wrong one to write about?

And finally, this is a question, not a fact check…

4. Are these speed camera’s or an expansion of government spying on us?

Speed camera bill gets Assembly approval, now it’s up to state Senate, governor — Cameras that can automatically send tickets to motorists who are speeding moved a big step closer to reaching city streets after the bill that would legalize such ticketing got state Assembly approval in late May by a wide margin. Steve Scauzillo in the Los Angeles Daily News$ — 6/11/23

Will the cameras ticket someone for relieving themselves on the street? If yes, they ought to put them in San Francisco, it would balance the state budget. But, I digress.

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  19 Responses to “Heard on the Tom Toms. Time for A Frank discussion and a Fact Check”

  1. WOW…I know who Grcar is, but who’s Schaupp?

  2. Your favorite Yardbird.

  3. @YourDaddy…That’s Charlie the Yardbird buck private assigned to Latrine duty?

  4. Aaron, I don’t think I am quite the same kind of nut as Grcar…but heck I can always use free name I.D. Thanks Buddy…..lol (and Pat lead by example…A good leader is not above cleaning the Latrines)

  5. Wow, did you see that Rule Committee????…Buhler, Mahan, Grandrud, Heath…others. Lordie Lordie, Birds of a Feather Flock Together….. (But alas, no more David Stafford Reade…he’s moved to Texas)

  6. Aaron, per the rules committee, sometimes you are wiser than I realized. Yes, there are no real conservatives on the rules committee. Matt Heath tries the play the conservative, but in reality he is a Liberian that masquerades as a Republican and has become a stooge for Patterson…. Sometimes you surprise me!

  7. Hmmmm…

    Grcar…Charlie…Matt Heath….Whaddya say…



  8. Pat, I wonder if we actually know each other. Can’t say if I ever met you, perhaps. Hey dont drink that kool aid.

  9. Matt Heath is from Liberia? I learned something new today…

    As long as people like Colonel Klink and Steve Frank demand 100% loyalty, Jessica Patterson and all her minions will rule California with an iron fist!

    Matt Heath is no more a stooge than you are a Sailor, Lance Corporal.

  10. Yes Aaron I know you don’t think Matt is a libertian…But he posted it on this FaceBook, and he used his connections to get Rankin elected…and the Conservatives were not supporting Rankin…but as always you can believe what you want. But I watched Heath stand up and cheer when Rankin defeated the other candidates …and none of the conservative I communicate with were supporting Rankin. So Matt gets to put a star on this cap…he helped Jessica get her candidate and likely replacement elected… But Aaron, as always think what you want.

  11. The same conservatives supported her for other runs, what changed? It wasn’t her.

    FYI – I supported Rankin for every run she has made for party office. Am I now a librarian too?

  12. I know you support Rankin…you are getting more RINO all the time. She won by about 20 votes and a lot of deals were made to get them….Come on Aaron, you cant be that far out of the loop. ??? (Well come to think of it you once printed I was a Pelosi Plant in the GOP…so maybe you are) LAUGH

  13. You need to file for VA disability. Reason: Psychiatric. Tell them you have a bad case of grcars

  14. Your Daddy, I have no idea who you are and I don’t really care—I read Aaron blog to pick up information and sometime commit ….From what little you have posted I have to give zero weight to your utterances. Do you have anything pertinent to say? Or are you just here to bloviate???

  15. Sometime Commit? Should be committed ALL the time…

  16. WOW…What a trail of incoherent babbling from the Yardbird assigned to latrine duty.
    Charlie, Your Daddy and our Intrepid Blogger are spot on.
    I hung my head low watching you and Grcar pulling your monkeyshines at the last convention.

    You clearly lack any kind of social boundaries or filters.

  17. Pat, last convention I was all but quite. I attended but that was about it…did not attend a single committee meeting and did not work on a single issue on the floor. However I do wonder how I have been associated with Grcar? Very odd indeed!

  18. Did you or anyone you know serve in the US Armed forces in the 1970’s and/or the early 1980’s? If so, you may be entitled to compensation!

    A condition called “the Grcars” is proven to have been caused by ingesting too much kool-aid in the officer’s mess or mystery meat in the chow line. In particular, it affected US Marine Corps Officers at a greater rate than other parts of the Armed Forces.

    If this is you or someone you know, call 1-800- NIM-RODS now to see if you qualify for compensation! This could be your only chance to get relief from your Grcars. Call Now!

  19. Aaron, you better call that 800 number two….We both ate Navy chow…..lol Still wonder how I got associated with Grcars… But, Hey Guys, thanks for the extra name ID….lol

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