Blogger’s note – correction: received a call indicating that Dan Brown is still a member of the RCC. Why this guy is still a member of the RCC after how he did them dirty is beyond me.
Dan Brown and Michelle Guerra have succeeded in making themselves pariahs in the CAGOP. No one trusts them, and no one wants them on their team. It is easy to understand why, they both have a political locker full of bloody knives. Dan Brown is Chairman of the Yolo GOP.
I really feel for the Republican Conservative Caucus aka RCC leadership. They trusted Brown and Guerra to be key parts of their team and then they pulled the stunt that blew up the County Chairman’s Association. It was this act that halted any of the forward progress plans the Conservative Coalition had for the just concluded CAGOP Convention. Essentially, Dan Brown’s attempted coup denied the RCC any surprise and moral high ground going into the convention.
Concurrent with their antics, your intrepid blogger had been hearing that things were not going well within the Yolo GOP after a few years of relative calm and harmony.
Did you know that Dan Brown allows the use of proxies in the Yolo GOP? I was shocked but not surprised to find that out. People seeking to keep control of an organization usually use Proxies as a means to do so. However, the hypocrisy of decrying the CAGOP Proxy system whilst using it in your own fiefdom is pretty bad.
It gets better, Dan Brown recruited the crazed former Marine Lance Corporal to run for Northwest Vice Chair against current NW Vice Chair Bryan Pritchard. Pritchard was endorsed by the RCC – so in addition to going off the rails on a selfish rampage to try and take over the CCA for himself, he went and attempted to install a proxy in a regional vice chair position on the CAGOP Board. Both times Dan Brown betrayed the RCC with whom he had collaborated and been close.
Brown sought to rig an endorsement of the Crazed Former Marine Lance Corporal by the Yolo GOP as Pritchard was close to running the table on county party endorsements. What did Brown do? He gave everyone in the room a ballot regardless of their standing as a voting member (or not) of the Yolo GOP.
When people complained about the process (see also proxies, ineligible people voting), Dan went to do a re-vote via email.
What the hell does running for election to the Yolo GOP even mean when Dan Brown gives ballots to non members, rigs proxy drills and the like?
It gets better, one of the Yolo GOP executive committee members is multiple time failed Congressional Candidate Chris Bish. Chris Bish likes to run R+20 style campaigns in a D+20 district. Dan Brown refers to her as one of the smartest women he knows. Bish may be pretty intelligent but by virtue of her actions, appears to be a blithering idiot politically. Is Dan Brown following her advice? (Bish lives in Sacramento County and is ineligible by state law from being a member of the Yolo GOP, details details)
I’d stop here as the above is plenty of reason for people to be resigning from the Yolo GOP. Membership means nothing and serving with a ham-fisted dictator that has minions is difficult at best. In fact, Dan Brown is famous for telling people, “If you don’t like it, there’s the door”.
I have been told by several people that Brown’s minions are famous for threatening people with stupid stuff like you will be ruined in this county and other IQ of +/- 5 type of stuff. Why not? What would a ham-fisted dictator be without minions and threats against dissenters?
Who wants to serve with this kind of moronic idiocy being the rule of the day?
Well apparently there are several that don’t, as there are three vacancies on the Yolo GOP’s executive board, 4 if you count Chris Bish who lives in Sacramento County as ineligible. It is a glaring failure of Dan Brown’s leadership that half of his executive board is vacant and one of the existing members is ineligible to vote per state law. (See also residency)
I wish I could make this stuff up, but I can’t. This does, however give you an idea of what a disaster has unfolded in Yolo County. The RCC deserved better than Dan Brown and should have excommunicated him. I hope the good Republicans in Yolo County can organize and remove this cancer from body politic in the CAGOP.
There is a bonus. Ever the meddler looking to expand his reach, Dan Brown is promoting Brent Vann to run for platform committee. The Vann family are reputed to be moderate Republicans (at least the ones I know are) so this is another classic example of negotiable principles being exchanged for control of something. Brent is a member of the Yolo GOP.