Mar 222023

Here is a national fox news story about the Sacramento Bee apologizing for Hannah Holzer’s Libeling of Charlie Kirk. Holzer’s claim that Kirk called for the lynching of Trans people was part of the pretense for the riots and property damage at UC Davis when Kirk went there to do an event.

Hannah Holzer is a reporter/opinion columnist for the Sacramento Bee. Your intrepid blogger frequently blisters her for outright lying in her “reporting” for the Sacramento BS.

Those of us in Placer County are no strangers to Holzer’s tactics under the pretense of Journalism.

The American Council had this to say:

Wow — what a week it has been here in Placer County, California! Today, local and state officials from Placer County sent a letter to the Sacramento Bee in response their fallacious reporting about community and faith leaders over the last 3 years.

The reporter, Hannah Holzer, has a long history of writing erroneous pieces about churches and conservative leaders. Her recent article about Charlie Kirk visiting UC Davis claimed he called for the “lynching of transpeople” – which turned out to be false. Her words led to a violent confrontation at UC Davis in which a policeman was injured.

“We’re concerned that if Ms. Holzer isn’t held accountable for her actions that future violent acts might occur in our region. Ms. Holzer clearly has an agenda. She will hide facts, omit context, and purposely misrepresent an individual or issue to promote her ideology. Journalism is about finding the truth. And Ms. Holzer continues to cross that line.”

We commend these Placer county officials who, through their clout and courage, are displaying real leadership in our community. As a recipient of Hannah Holzer’s many articles, The American Council stands with these leaders in calling for accountability.

The letter is posted here for your reference.

IT was signed by 27 local electeds in Placer County who have all been smeared by Hannah Holzer at one point or the other. 

We would like nothing more than to work with The Sacramento Bee knowing that what we are doing or how we communicate to the public will be accurately reported. Unfortunately, we are not confident that this will happen given Ms. Holzer’s long history of false narratives. We feel her intent is always blatant in an effort to stir up controversy and perhaps even worse, violence. We also feel that her editors continue to allow it.

Ms. Holzer’s caustic reporting has a trickle-down effect. Given the history, elected officials in Placer County have grown weary about engaging with any reporter from the Bee. We hope that there are serious consequences for Ms. Holzer’s most recent and blatant lie, and we hope that our complaints about Ms. Holzer’s past actions in her betrayal of elected officials and of issues in Placer County will now be taken seriously.

We feel that this is an opportunity to help rebuild trust between Placer County and The Sacramento Bee and hope that you take our concern with Ms. Holzer’s agenda-driven approach more seriously now, too.

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you directly about our concerns. But none of us will work with Ms. Holzer ever again.

Interestingly, one of those the letter was addressed to was none other than Marcos Breton who loves getting in the social media echo chamber with the UC Davis Graduate to amplify her garbage.

And, your signatories???

Joe Patterson, California State Assembly, District 5
Bonnie Gore, Supervisor, Placer County
Holly Andreatta, Council Member, City of Lincoln
Danny Cartwright, Mayor, Town of Loomis
Stephanie Youngblood, Council Member, Town of Loomis
Amanda Cortez, Council Member, Town of Loomis
John Allard, Former Mayor, City of Roseville
Julie Hupp, Board President, Rocklin Unified School District
Tiffany Saathoff, Trustee, Rocklin Unified School District
Dereck Counter, Trustee, Rocklin Unified School District
Rachelle Price, Trustee, Rocklin Unified School District
Pete Constant, Board President, Roseville Joint Union High School District
Heidi Hall, Trustee, Roseville Joint Union High School District
Marla Franz, Trustee, Roseville Joint Union High School District
Scott Huber, Former Board President, Roseville Joint Union High School District
Jessica Spaid, Trustee, Placer Union High School District
Jayson Wedge, Trustee, Placer Union High School District
Mendi Chadwick, Trustee, Loomis Union School District
Scott Otsuka, Board President, Dry Creek Elementary School District
Jean Pagnone, Trustee, Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District
Jason Walker, Trustee, Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District
Jon Fenske, Trustee, Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District
Julie Constant, Trustee, Roseville City School District
Jonathan Zachreson, Trustee, Roseville City School District
Marjorie Proffitt, Trustee, Western Placer Union School District
Dr. Robert Jamieson, Trustee, Eureka Union School District
Erin Grover, Trustee, Eureka Union School District

Aaron F Park, your intrepid blogger would like to let the above know that they can talk to me any time and I will report accurately on the facts of whatever the subject matter is.

P.S. If you have not figured out that this post like almost all of my posts is a mix of news and opinion – read the disclaimer that has been on my site since it was started in 2009.

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  One Response to “Sacramento Bee Cheap Shot Artist Slammed for Inciting a Riot and Libeling Officeholders. 27 of Placer’s Finest Sign a Blistering Letter to Sac Bee”

  1. Placer County. One of the last sanctuaries of sanity in California.

    Thank you for reporting. Informative as always.

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