What does Jack Duran have to do with all this? Read on…
Did you know that when Suzanne Jones ditched the Placer County Republican Party to join with the left against Kirk Uhler, her campaign was almost 100% about Tami Uhler’s job. Did you also know that Jones hired her Brother as her district director after getting elected?
It is also well-known that Jones is incapable of taking meetings herself as she is always in meetings with her brother present. Perhaps this is why Ms. Jones is up to something.
Jones also cost the taxpayers of Placer $15,000 in moving expenses because she just had to have her county office in a different place. And, her new office is $1500 a month more than the previous office.
But, Jones’ latest move that is supported by resident loser Jim Holmes is even more egregious. (I am sure the so-called conservatives that supported her in 2020 would blush when they hear about this)
Crazy Suzy wants to get her colleagues to agree to adding a second staffer to the budget for Placer County Supervisors. Currently, only Sup D5 has such an arrangement due to the large geographical size of the district. (And that it can get cut in half in the winter with pass closures) The cost of this is $500,000 more a year to the county at a time when the State is running massive deficits. (That will soon pass to the county!)
You got that right, Crazy Suzy needs another staffer as it has just dawned on her that the election is a year away. Given that Suzy can’t take meetings on her own, her Brother (speaking of nepotism) can’t do much else than function as a chaperone.
So, just who does Crazy Suzy want to hire? Jack Duran’s old chief of staff that is referenced above in the epic mailer I helped produce in 2018! (The wife of the pot lobbyist)
So, it looks like Suzanne Jones is going Green / Commie to get re-elected. The next thing I know, she will be playing soccer too…
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