Feb 252023

Sometimes your intrepid blogger despairs over the dishonesty in the body politic. And, sometimes, the theater of the absurd, known as the asylum in 2023, yields clarity.

Recently, I blogged that Candidate 2 for California GOP Vice Chair (who has been a friend of many years) was getting messed over by Solano GOP Chair Michelle Guerra and San Mateo GOP Chair Anna Kramer. Kramer is also a candidate for CCA Chair (aka the Chair of Chairs, an organization of the chairs of the 54 active county parties in California) Candidate 2, helped the aforementioned in their bungled takeover of the CCA a few months ago. This effort drew the ire of your intrepid blogger because of the lack of integrity in the execution of the event.

So why should your intrepid blogger be surprised that two of the revolutionaries have turned on my friend of 20 Years, the Chair of Placer County in his bid to represent the State Party as its’ Vice Chair? Information continues to come in that the two have been openly supporting candidate 3, who is a failed Assembly Candidate from Southern California.

Mrs. Kramer sent your intrepid blogger an email:

Hi Aaron:
Contrary to what you wrote in your February 23, 2023 blog that:

“…..This is odd as Kramer and Candidate 2 for CRP Vice Chair are connected publicly! Has Anna Kramer abandoned Candidate 2 as well? Update: have now been told that Kramer is indeed advocating for candidate 3 and has thrown candidate 2 for CRP Vice Chair aside despite the online endorsement and collaboration….”

I have not abandoned Mark Wright whatsoever and continue to support him consistent with my endorsement of him.   Soo Yoo is impressive in her campaigning skills.   But that is different from actual accomplishments.    Just wanted you to know the facts.
Thank you,
Anna Cheng Kramer
San Mateo County Republican Party
First off, thank you for attempting to clear the record, but your email creates more questions than it answers. The specific information I have is that Anna Kramer is promoting candidate 3 (The methods of promotion, if exposed would burn my sources). In this response, Kramer does not deny that and in fact promotes candidate 3 in her response.
If I was a candidate and I had an endorser doing what Kramer was doing, I would not be happy about it at all. This 100% appears that Kramer is attempting to hedge her bets, yet another hallmark of weak leadership. Candidate 2 deserves better than this and as a friend of the man, this is infuriating what both of these County Chairs have done to him.
Regardless of how you, dear readers see this response (unedited and posted in its’ entirety) this is not a good look for Kramer and shows us all why she is not qualified to be the CCA Chair, and that she can not be relied upon in a fight.
There is a solution:

Your Intrepid Blogger has endorsed the following:

CAGOP Vice Chair: Corrin Rankin
CAGOP Treasurer: Greg Gandrud
CAGOP Secretary: Randy Berholtz

CCA Chair: John Dennis
CCA Vice Chair: Johanna Lassaga
CCA 2nd Vice Chair: Lani Kane

CAGOP Vice Chair Northwest: Bryan Pritchard
CAGOP Vice Chair North: Laurie Wallace
CAGOP Vice Chair Central: Craig DeLuz

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