The older I get, the more fun I have at the expense of the self-important. Where does your intrepid blogger show up next?
Here are some races your intrepid blogger is watching:
Placer County Supervisor District 3 and 4. With District 1 and 2 in the hands of solid conservatives and District 5, ably represented by Cindy Gustafson, all eyes are turning to D3 and D4.
While the far left of Placer County was celebrating Carol Garcia getting drawn into Sup D1 (she was in D4 for the last 20 years), they forgot that each district has 70 some thousand people. Suzanne Jones has been an Exxon-Valdez-style disaster of a Supervisor. She is going to get lit up like a Christmas Tree; it will be awesome as she does not have the Kirk Uhler Boogeyman and a democrat party Presidential Primary to draw out the enviro-nimbys in more significant numbers than the sane.
One candidate is relatively unknown but is a part of a local conservative group that has talked to many people. I have seen dozens of alleged self-funders over the years, and many, if not most, never write the check. Some do, and this unknown candidate could be one of them. If she does, this would instantly make her viable.
Roseville City Councilmember Bruce Houdesheldt is also making calls.
Either would be a significant upgrade from Suzanne Jones, who appears to have no core and also appears to have missed a few floors of the intellectual skyscraper.
The bottom line is that the people who filed tons of campaign finance complaints and celebrated defeating Kirk Uhler will have a far worse problem in 2024. They have a candidate who lacks almost every characteristic you need to mount a successful defense. The smartest thing Suzanne Jones could do is re-register democrat.
IN Sup D3, we will have a complete and total mess. Rocklin Councilman Ken Broadway and Former Rocklin Councilman David Butler lead the field. The token democrat is an unknown planning commissioner appointed by Jim Holmes. Holmes is the incumbent in Sup D3 but was also drawn out of his district. The token democrat has been appearing at events all over the county in an attempt to try and ingratiate himself to people. The only reports your intrepid blogger has received about the guy is that he is full of himself. I am shocked, I tell you, Shocked.
Apparently, Jason Paletta learned nothing from his disastrous run in 2022. He has told people he is running for Sup D3. If Paletta is dumb enough to file and actively campaign, he will get wrecked.
Others are talking about running as well. However, there will be two vacancies on the Rocklin City Council! Why wouldn’t one of these other people look at that?
Then, there is also a vacancy in the Placer County Water Agency on D3 as the incumbent was also drawn out of his district. The boundaries of PCWA are the same as those of the Supervisor Districts.
Between the above and the potential vacancy of Bruce Houdesheldt and the upcoming vacancy in West Roseville due to term limits, there will be a lot of fun coming in 2024 – beyond the Presidential Election.
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