Oct 212022

We’ve written several facts about the highest ranking losertarian in America, Jeff Hewitt.

We know that Jeff Hewitt’s business produced little or no income for him from 2016 – 2018 as proven by welfare payments known as the Earned Income Credit were reported on two of his tax returns.

We also know that Hewitt has been liened 50 times by various government agencies for not paying his bills.

It appears that Hewitt really needed a good job. Why not suck off of the government teet? He already gave it a trial run with the welfare payments he took. (What a small-government libertarian he is!)

Hewitt is here in a nice video with Libertarian idiot Adam Kokesh who likes to walk around Washington DC with guns in his possession. (Then that nimrod wonders why he gets arrested and tossed in jail) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyZ5ZPvHA0k

At the 6:40 mark, Hewitt unloads a Biden-esque whopper, “I can mess up government on a bigger scale”. (kinda like champagne pools and his personal finances?)

“I will save us hundreds of millions a year with one simple moral act: I will take full responsibility for my decisions. – Jeff Hewitt

Before Jeff Hewitt was sworn in as a supervisor, he made a public pledge that he would not accept a scheduled pay raise upon taking office. He took it anyhow.  About a year later, when it was publicly revealed that he had taken the raise, Hewitt feigned surprise, claiming that the county checks are too complicated for him to understand. (Spoken like a successful businessman, huh?)

Once people tried to make him take full responsibility for his decision – Hewitt then claimed that he works really hard for his salary and that deserves it and that he needs the extra $20,000 to be able to feed his family. He also told the press that being a county supervisor is a full time job, and it prevents him from earning additional outside income.

While Jeff Hewitt was right for the wrong reasons on opposing pay raises for union workers in Riverside County, there are the following facts:

During the same first six months he was in office, Jeff Hewitt voted against every public employee contract, claiming that the county couldn’t afford to pay the low wage workers a COLA much smaller that what he was taking for himself…

Hewitt continued opposing small salary increases for other county workers, saying he can’t support any pay increases without the employees paying more toward their pensions.

Hewitt did not impose this same increased pension cost standard on himself.

Don’t forget the value of Hewitt’s benefits alone are about $27,000 a year!

Now, take a look at Hewitt’s 2019 and 2020 tax returns when compared to the 2016-2018 returns (where Hewitt received welfare for his lack of income). In 2019 and 2020, Hewitt was getting his gigantic County Supervisor Salary…

Total Income $184,846
Taxable Income $156,990
Total Fed Tax paid $24,118
Total Income $175,794
Taxable Income $150,094
Total Fed Tax paid $22,738
Total Income $59,947
Taxable Income $27,957
Total Fed Tax paid $962
Total Income $30,655
Taxable Income $4,733
Total Fed Tax paid -$1,264
Total Income $29,430
Taxable Income $1,588
Total Fed Tax paid -$122
In 2019, Hewitt’s Supervisor Salary was more than his 2016-2018 total income combined. Yet Hewitt claimed, “he needs the extra $20,000 to be able to feed his family.” In 2016, $29000 seemed to do the job nicely.
Also note that whist making the six-figure salary from the County, Hewitt was liened twice for not paying his bills!
Supervisor Jeff Hewitt, who makes $171,066, said being a supervisor shouldn’t be a job for people who are retired or well-off. “I think this brings in a more diverse group (old, retired white guys?) that allows either younger people or people that haven’t had … either luck or a lot more opportunity in their life to make a lot of money” to become a supervisor, he said. “I know that this is a full-time job. It doesn’t give me the opportunity to go out and make any other money, whether I do things right or wrong.” Allowing supervisors to set their pay could cause a scenario in which “lame-duck supervisors …vote ourselves a 300% (pay) increase and there’s nothing anybody can do about it,” See article here
In the words of Jeff Hewitt – allow us automatic raises or we will increase our pay 300%. He also says Pay Raises contribute to diversity. That is positively woke.
Any reasonable person seeing the above will conclude that this is the best job Hewitt has ever had and he loves getting more money from the government (that he rails against). This is typical libertarian hypocrisy in practice.
P.S. has the $171K salary of Hewitt’s been used to pay off any of those liens? P.S. those pay raises he allegedly turned down, did he refund them to the county?
Oct 182022

That 5-Alarm piece of garbage Rene Aggielairuh has popped out of the political sewer to run for School Board AGAIN. The unfortunate fact is that the opposition appears to be on a suicide mission.

Jonathan Zachreson does not have professional help for his School Board Campaign.

Had I been advising him, I’d have pointed out that he accused the Republican Majority board of corruption – all of whom have endorsed him!

Worse, Zach’s attack is mostly false. Here’s why (Note the documentation and proof that is a hallmark of Right on Daily):

Here is a link to a School Board Association post about the 2022-2023 Newsolini Budget.

Final Budget: Provides the statutory cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 6.56% and an additional 6.28% to district LCFF, totaling $9 billion increase to school district and charter school LCFF funding, including a 13% base to the formula.

The Newsolini Budget gave districts a nearly 13% raise. The Union Worker’s salaries were basically flat during COVID. And Note, the Republican School Board (that came in to office in 2020 despite unanimous opposition from local democrats) broke with the Mask / Vaccine Mandate / Hybrid Reopening Garbage favored by the dem establishment and the unions. This further undermines the union-sell-out attack of Zachreson.

Out of that 13% raise, the district only passed on 8.7% / 8% of it to the Unionized district employees. My guess is the Union was likely pissed off, rather than happy and all warm and fuzzy about funding the Republicans they endorsed.

Allow your intrepid blogger to give young Mr. Zach some advice – go to Costco, get an industrial size bag of Athletic Socks and use them every time the young man feels like taking to social media with some sort of policy statements. The more socks Zach eats, the better off he will be.

The amazing thing is that Aggielairuh and his vax/mask loving crew are so bad that even with this gaffe Zach is still a better choice for the board than any of them.

Oct 172022

Phil Cothran is the Chairman of the SBGOP. When the establishment closed ranks to elect this guy Chair of the SBGOP at the expense of Robert Rego, he made my radar. However, as a critic of Cothran and the establishment, I am not sold on the concept of the corrupt developers and the “Team Fontana” stories. (Especially since the Colonies case was proven to be completely bogus)

What I am concerned about is the conflict of interest of a PAC that overlays the SBGOP that is controlled by the Chair of the SBGOP. I know that the paperwork lists someone else as the principal officer, but that person is basically an employee of Phil Cothran, and Phil Cothran started the PAC.

I will also note that Agnes Gibboney was a nominee for the GOP in a dem district, and she has been a combatant against Phil Cothran since his election.

Now that the table is set, the main issue I have is that Cothran was some sort of Pastor / Minister in a past life. Here he is lighting someone up for being pro-life. My understanding is the PAC has mostly Republican donors. I have a substantial personal problem with that sort of personal conflict of values.

I have talked to people who like Cetina and others who like Armendarez. I am not endorsing in that race – the focus is on a County Party Chair with a shadow PAC and the conflicts of interest. Did Cothran recuse himself from the endorsement process? Did he make calls on behalf of Armendarez to cent com members to whip votes? My understanding is that Cothran was heavily involved in the process of endorsing Armendarez. This is an ethical problem in the mind of your intrepid blogger.

Had it been me – I’d have recused myself from the endorsement process and trusted others to manage it to the conclusion I wanted. At least there would have been a veneer of separation.

So we have a county party chair involved in endorsing a candidate by the party, who then gets a PAC funded to support that endorsement. Was that PAC and Cothran’s intentions for it disclosed to the members of the County Party BEFORE the endorsement was rendered?

Note that the SBGOP overwhelmingly endorsed Armendarez. So disclosing the PAC, etc., would not have changed the outcome.

Now for ethical problem #2:

Read the “note” from Phil Cothran on this independent expenditure (aka IE) mailer. Because Cetina tried to make it look like he was endorsed by the SBGOP, this IE Mailer is now allowed to use a fake SBGOP logo to promote the SBGOP endorsement of Armendarez?

I looked for a copy of the SBGOP Logo as mailers frequently come out faking GOP logos. I’ve written about bogus mailers with a 2-star elephant, for example, in the past. Slate mail card vendors have been sued over trying to fake like they are official GOP communication, etc…

These are the two SBGOP logos I located out of about 250 items that came up in the search. None of the variations looked anything like the mailer – so one could say that Cothran used the same deception in the IE mailer he sent. Why? He did not need to. An IE Mailer can use any organization’s logo that has endorsed the candidate they are supporting!

I find the dishonesty to be unnerving – note the #conservative hashtag to describe Armendarez in this SBGOP post (who is a squish) while Mr. Cothran is attaching Luis Cetina for being Pro-Life in the IE mailer! It is enough to give someone whiplash.

Cothran made several very basic mistakes that made him look dirty. These could have been easily avoided. Given that Cothran and his crew can muster 2/3 of the vote at nearly every SBGOP meeting, he does not have to be that tactical about what he does.

I am really scratching my head over this one.

Oct 142022

Corey Jackson is the Dem nominee for AD 60 – he’s part of the CA Working Families Party “squad” political director for the Inland Empire NAACP, and chair of the CA DEM African American Caucus. Hewitt’s opponent opposed Corey every time he ran for office because he’s so far out there.

(Former) Council member Jempson is a twice-convicted felon. Hewitt’s opponent helped get her removed from the council.

What fascinating featured endorsements. Given what we’ve demonstrated about Jeff Hewitt’s judgment, it is no surprise he gravitates towards train-wrecks.

We further note that it is hilarious that Hewitt is making an issue about repealing the conflict of interest laws.  They were unconstitutional and were later replaced with something legal.
In Hewitt’s case, he doesn’t follow the existing county or state conflict of interest laws and is under investigation for his violations as we will be covering shortly.
Oct 142022

Jeff Hewitt is lying about Champagne Pools. He owns the failure of that company 100% and the fraud and indemnity lawsuits are going to land in his lap regardless of his dishonest defense.

What the readers of Right on Daily know is that your intrepid blogger has a day job – I sell insurance including to contractors and have done so since getting a property and casualty license in 1999. (In 1997 I was life and health licensed) I know a few things about Contractor’s Licenses and Insurance issues.

If you want the best in insurance, I am your man.

The California Contractor’s License Board is a wealth of information and has helped me piece together the disaster that has been Jeff Hewitt’s business. Let’s start with the homepage which shows the license as expired: (It is actually revoked for a minimum of 4 years, see the order here effective 10-14-2022) :

  • Before the license can be renewed active or reactivated, the corporation’s status at the Secretary of State’s Office must be returned to active.
  • The license will need a contractors bond to renew active or reactivate.
  • The license will need to replace the qualifying person to renew active or reactivate.
  • The license will need to meet the workers compensation requirements to renew active or reactivate.
    Disciplinary action is pending against this licensee in the form of an accusation. For further information, please call the Case Management Office @ (916) 255-4041

The item in bold is the biggest deal. The other things mean the following, Jeff Hewitt lapsed his license Bond (more on that in a bit), his worker’s comp and the corporation itself is expired with the SOS office. The disciplinary action is a given with the pending lawsuits and complaints against Hewitt.

The item in bold nails Jeff Hewitt to the wall – the State of California is holding Jeff responsible for every bad thing that has happened with Champagne Pools. They have said that Jeff Hewitt can not re-start the license, it will have to be someone different regardless of weather they renew with the SOS and renew their lapsed insurance policies.

See the below violations that caused Hewitt’s license to get revoked:

When I look at other information on Hewitt’s company, I see that he lapsed his worker’s comp in 2018 causing a license suspension back then. This is before he allegedly turned over the flailing business to his son.

The Bond is the second piece that is really easy to understand.

In a future post, we are going to talk about all the lawsuits Jeff Hewitt has lost. Suffice to say two of them are against Champagne Pools going back years. The CSLB website shows that Hewitt posted cash in lieu of a bond. This is highly unusual to tie up $10,000 – $15,000 for years to maintain a license. (The bond amount was raised twice by the legislature in the last 15 years) This suggests that Jeff Hewitt was un-bondable for many years in the past.

Hewitt’s last bond was revoked on 3-5-2021 by Navigators Insurance Company. Navigators is typically a high-risk carrier that is used by brokers like me for tough to place risks. Why did Hewitt have to use Navigators for his last bond? Likely because of claims and risk exposure. In this case, Navigators is also a plaintiff against Hewitt:

Hewitt Sued for Indemnity
Court: Riverside Superior Court
Parties: Navigators Insurance Co v Champagne Pools, Taylor Hewitt, Jeff Hewitt
Filed: February 19, 2021
Case# CVRI2100896
Complaints: Indemnity – Jeff Hewitt was still listed on the board of directors paperwork.
AS the “RME” on the contractor’s license, Jeff Hewitt has to be the person signing the bond application. There are only two reasons a bond insurance carrier would sue someone – 1) they lied on their app or 2) they committed an illegal act causing the bond to pay out.
Based on my knowledge of the insurance industry, it is clear that Navigators paid out $15,000 to someone who complained to the Contractor’s Board and they are now suing Hewitt to get their money back.
Please note – there are also 5 pending complaints against Hewitt with the Contractor’s State License Board.
Given the above facts, Jeff Hewitt is lying when he says he did not know. The insurance carriers and the contractor’s license board would have contacted him dozens of times over all of this stuff and more related to the pool business. It makes sense why Hewitt is a Libertarian who hates government, he can’t stay out of trouble with the government…