By the time most of you read this, the CAGOP Board will have removed her endorsement. Read the below and ask yourself if Allison helped or hurt her cause:
Dear Fellow CAGOP Delegates-and American citizens:It’s time to make political parties represent the citizens!
I am Alison Hayden and I am running for Congress against Eric Swalwell. I am running as an independent Republican: I am running on the Republican principles of limited government, respecting the sanctity of life, and putting the American people first. I owe my loyalty to God; I owe my loyalty to our constitutional Republic; I owe my loyalty to my constituents, to the CAGOP membership in our shared values and principles. I owe NO loyalty to the California Republican Party leadership (CAGOP).
On Tuesday I received the attached copy of the email notifying and inviting me to a scheduled meeting presided by the CAGOP Board of Directors to unendorse my candidacy for the CA-14 seat. The only reason given is that my top-two win to become the nominee automatically comes with a CRP endorsement per the CAGOP bylaws. Apparently, the bylaws give them liberty to force an endorsement and thereby to drag unapproved candidates before themselves stasi-style to be stripped and neutered?! Is this constitutional?
To be clear, from the outset of my campaign I was unambiguous in not seeking a party endorsement. I heard from constituents that they were disgusted by party politics and wanted relief from the very real stresses of instability and violence of the Biden regime and decades’ loss of real jobs and our steadily dumbed-down education system. I choose to reach across the aisle, find commonality and unite our communities who believe in the Republican principles that built our country. A party fighting for working people will bring in party registrations.
They could have respected my choice of campaign strategy and taken no action on their bylaw’s endowment. Instead, they muster the guns, and I am invited to face a Board of Directors to defend my position. I believe that they have exercised their powers in a punitive manner, perhaps in retaliation, that will assuredly denigrate my reputation in its insinuation of wrongdoing. This is thuggery.
It’s not new. The CAGOP, or more precisely, the cartel that currently controls the CAGOP, has been actively working to sabotage free thinking candidates who refuse to kiss the ring of the so-called CAGOP “leadership”. Just in the 2022 primary, there were 5 statewide races with just one conservative Republican candidate running in each. These 5 happened to be candidates who refused to dance to the tune of the “leadership”. The CAGOP actively recruited 5 of their obedient cronies, some on the last filing day, whose campaigns only served to keep the “unapproved” Republicans from getting to the top two. (They failed to block Jack Guerrero and Robert Howell.). The priority of the CAGOP’s so-called “leadership” is to maintain their grasp on the Party infrastructure so they can pay themselves and their cronies.
For example, in 2020, Greg Raths, a retired Marine Corp Colonel and Mayor of Mission Viejo, who was the Republican candidate in C-45 (the most conservative district in Orange County), was abandoned by the CAGOP in the General election. The CAGOP was willing to see him defeated by Katie Porter, perhaps to set an example to warn other “unapproved” candidates.(History demonstrates the wisdom of that action). But to the current “leadership,” losing a congressional seat is an acceptable price so they can keep control of the party apparatus. “It’s all about maintaining their control,” says the veteran of this same stunt in 2020, Mike Cargile, CA-35, whose head is again on the slate to be guillotined from endorsements this Saturday morning.
Locally in Alameda County, things are no better. They did nothing to support me in 2020, when I also was the nominee for the then CA-15.Likewise, good candidates such as Mindy Pechenuk, AD-18, who is also running as an America First candidate, or Paul Pimental, a Spanish speaking pastor and owner of his own high-tech company who ran for open State senate seats. Mr. Pimental, sadly, didn’t make the final two because the Alameda Republican Central Committee did little to turnout Republican voters in the primary election. (Without making the top two, Paul cannot appoint CAGOP delegates. Fewer “unapproved” delegates make it easier for the current “leadership” to stay in power.).But now, the Alameda Central Committee chairman (and the Regional chair) suddenly find the gusto and time to unendorse me, Go figure.
To reiterate, causing the loss of votes by disparaging candidates carries the penalty of losing the number of potential delegates one might have earned. Delegates to the state convention are awarded according to earned voters. The Uniparty know that they are losing their grip and are desperate to keep low the delegate count from those who would appoint pro-America First delegates to the convention, and who may well vote them out! (BUT that vote tabulation system also has its own quirks that render the leadership’s desired results)! Ah-so!
The unendorsement also releases the county party from giving financial support to candidates with solid Republican platforms.
Curiously, the new attention/attack from the party may well be related to my community appeals and work to clean the voter rolls and correct Alameda county’s elections processes. The CAGOP and ACRP, well able to wield their political and legal influence in this critical issue, were late to the fight for the people’s sovereignty, the basis of our freedoms and rights. Now they bluster and moan in committees with opened coffers but do not take legal action against the use of Dominion machines to count votes by algorithms, register illegals or the continuing (non)Emergency Use Authorization whereby they’ve imposed universal mail-in ballots and sidelined the election code to steal our votes. Dr. Frank (Rumble.comFollow the Data with Dr. Frank) and Seth Keshel,(The captain’s battleground,, have recently been educating Californians up and down the state about how our votes have been hijacked, deliberately, in a staged process over time, for decades, in easily identifiable ways. See the data for California, (
See Mike Lindell’s The Big
Let’s find the ghost voters in our counties, then file the injunctions against machine counting in November! If the country of France can count their ballots in a day, I think that Maricopa county AZ should have wrapped it up by now🙄!
It’s time to take back our power, citizens of California, of the USA!
Sadly, The CAGOP “leadership” is an enabling partner of Sacramento’s one party rule, and is intent to do Gavin Newsom’s bidding to keep genuine Republicans off the November top-two ballot. In my case, they failed again. I will campaign vigorously so the voters in my district will have stability and safety with a sealed border, reasonable and principled solutions, and a representative who will build bridges in Congress to push through solid alternatives to the destructive Biden policies, …and replace the odious Mr. Swalwell with honorable conduct becoming a member of the US House of Representatives.
As a current CAGOP delegate, and the Republican nominee for my congressional district, I have experienced deplorable behavior at the county level with the Executive Committee withholding of the committee’s resources (I.e., use of the building for engaging the community, financial support, Mailchimp to advertise, etc.), from the candidates. It’s evident that many committees have forgotten the reason for their existence.
This letter be read by all the delegates, as my official response to this proceeding, during the “unendorsing process”. Let this charade of a proceeding to “unendorse” candidates with sound Republican platforms stand as a testament to their priority: “enforcing” Mafia-like loyalty to the “leadership”, NOT helping to elect principled Republicans to office.
Those in leadership responsible for staging this fiasco should be required to step down because they’ve demonstrated that they are involved in the Party for the wrong reasons.
We have the opportunity of a lifetime to bring our country together! WTH are these jokers doing?!
SHARE this with your Contacts to unify Americans of all political persuasions– we have all lost our voices and sovereignty through the bad behavior of a few from both parties.
In Liberty,
Alison Hayden,
Candidate for the United States House of Representatives, CA-14
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Aaron: Thank you for this post. Although I did not know about her before, Allison Hayden makes perfect sense and I’m going to send $25 to support her campaign. Sadly, it appears she’s fighting an uphill battle against Eric Swalwell because the Communist Democrats are busy SELLING OUT the USA while feckless RINO Republicans switch thumbs between their mouth and their rear ends and are content with the status quo. I also gave $25 to Kevin Kiley and have his sign in my yard and it is my prayer he becomes a MAGA Trump supporter because our Constitutional Republic is on the verge of becoming a Totalitarian Democrat Police State using the FBI and CIA as their Gestapo. MAGA, America First.
Can’t say it any better than Mr. Greg Alkema……and I have Dr. Douglas Frank speaking to the Republican Club of San Francisco (Allison Hayden mentions him at the end of her letter) on August 25.
There is a lot of healthy frustration in the letter and that is a good thing. CA has been a non-factor for Republicans for decades and that needs to change. the CAGOP needs to get past the petty things and move forward. I like Alison’s chutzpah and courage. I will be voting for her in November, and I’m a registered democrat.