Aug 092022

P.S. I would vote to Lynch Omar Navarro under any circumstances. It is the other three that concern me.

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  3 Responses to “CAGOP Update: 4 Candidate Lynchings Scheduled for Saturday!”

  1. This is brilliant, Aaron… are soooo clever. unfortunately, it’s exactly what they are doing. I just received an email from Mike Cargile, who I’d never heard of until now, and suggested he send it to you and Steve Frank — he probably already had. Asked him to send me more info on his background, and based on that and his email, will send him a donation.

  2. Let’s use a hypothetical situation to sum it up like this:
    Unbeknownst to me,, China confers its citizenship upon me because I speak Chinese. They know that I am anti-Communist and then stage a proceeding to strip me of it. The unaware citizenry read the headlines and assume something nefarious has been exposed about me to to shame and cause me to be shunned.

  3. Let’s put a hypothetical situation to sum it up like this:
    Unbeknownst to me, because I speak Chinese, China confers its citizenship upon me. They know that I am anti-Communist and then stage a proceeding to strip me of it. The unaware citizenry read the headlines and assume something nefarious has been exposed about me and I am shamed and shunned.

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