Aug 102022

Blogger’s Note: I am re-posting Mr. Cargile’s email to the party faithful complete and unedited. Ask yourself if Mike hurt or helped his case for retaining a party endorsement with this email.

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  2 Responses to “CA35 Candidate Mike Cargile Responds to Being Scheduled for a Lynching”

  1. And at an easy to understand …As Mr. Rogers would say… “Can you say Kevin McCarthy?”… (or NRCC money and control of the CRP?)

  2. The cagop has become a left leaning laughing stock of a state party that aims to lose.
    Under the disastrous duo of mccarthy and patterson aka team RINO has failed to capitalize on the newsom recall effort, the gascon recall effort and is now set to lose two more congressional seats in november with never trumper flagship rino candidates david valarino and young rino.
    For those delegates that did not attend or did not receive notice to attend the most recent cagop board of directors meeting on aug 13, 2022 i personally witnessed the laziest delivery of regional vice chair reports specifically the la county report and a slithery circular firing squad that served no purpose other than to assure the cagop in 2022 aims to lose again in november.
    Why should we be concerned about election integrity when our own party works against us?

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