Taken on primary election day
The Placer County Deputy Sheriff’s union now has a major problem. They went on tilt trying to stop Sheriff-Elect Wayne Woo. Some psycho nutbag (what I think of him) rehashed some 20+ year old allegations against Woo that were dispensed with due to their absurdity and the union crew even got project veritas to do some sort of sting. The Veritas people followed Woo for two months and their primary source was union goon Brandon Bean’s campaign manager. The following is an example of the anonymous coward commenters on the blog:
When are you going to come clean about the pedophile within the PCSO?
Only a government employee would use the acronym PSCO. The video is a link to the lie infested rampage by Brandon Bean’s campaign manager.
Obviously, Project Veritas missed some good evidence in their poorly vetted and researched video. I lay all of this corruption and slimy tactics at the feet of the Placer County Deputy Sheriff’s Union and the bay area consultants they hired.
Obviously, the voters saw through the whole union charade. Bean was also quoted as saying he wanted to burn down the board of supervisors – consistent with his rape comments from the STILL ACTIVE LAWSUIT above. (Take notes union goons, Bean’s issue is active, your fake issue against Woo was from 20+ years ago)
The Union now has a Sheriff that is going to be hostile to them and to think when Wayne Woo was first running, it was said that he was TOO CLOSE TO THE UNION! I guess that has been cured.
Speaking of hostile local electeds, the Union now has a Supervisor that will be as well.
Paul Joiner finished 3rd.
The Placer County Deputy Sheriff’s Union got their asses handed to them tonight. They went on tilt and refused to be adults in their last contract negotiation and thought they could impose their will on Placer County. They just got put in their places by the voters. Will they learn a thing from what happened or will they continue to listen to the outside thug consultants they hired?
The Sheriff’s race is done. Shanti Landon does have to go to a runoff, but most of Paul Joiner’s support will migrate to Shanti.
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