May 272022

Young Kim’s campaign manager may have made one of the biggest strategic blunders of the entire 2022 election cycle. Sam Oh, who was responsible for sabotaging Greg Raths after Raths made it out of the 2020 primary, my well have sabotaged Young Kim as well. That is, until Raths opened his mouth.

First off – there has been a flurry of late spending on behalf of Young Kim. Republican consultants have refused to adjust to the California jungle primary system – while democrats are spending loads of money in primaries all over the state in attempts to nominate unvetted train-wreck Republican candidates. Even in my new state of Nevada, the Democrats are attempting to thwart Adam Laxalt and Joe Lombardo in favor of much weaker opponents.

Kevin McCarthy is being forced to pour money in to the trump-hating Young Kim.

My rants about ideaological narcissism and train wreck also-ran Republican candidates are legion. Even more so are the conflict-avoiding cowards in party leadership that refuse to politically shoot candidates with no business running for office. Welcome to hell, squishes – Greg Raths has run so many times, he may actually do real damage this time.

Let’s have a look at the mailers from Asif Mahmood: (and the California Democrat Party)

Clever – Greg Raths is “Too Trumpy”. Well, at a recent event, Raths may well have been just that.

The California Political Review has been consistent in denouncing the anti-Semitism of the Democrat Party—Sanders, Warren, AOL, Cory Booker and more.  The AOL squad appears not to want to say the word Jew without spitting.  They hate Israel and love the terrorists.  Gavin Newsom would rather buy oil from the Middle East than allow Californians drill for oil and provide well paying jobs to honest Americans.

So when a Republican, well known in his County spouts outrageous hateful statements about Jews, they also need to be taken to task, censured and yes, shunned,

Mission Viejo Councilman Greg Raths on May 20 gave a speech to an Islamic group in his campaign to defeat Congresswoman Young Kim (both are Republicans).  Here is the headline from the Washington Free Beacon of 5/26/22:

Primary challenger Greg Raths says the ‘Jewish community’ uses ‘money’ to ‘control a lot of’ politicians

“(Raths) also called to “rein in” U.S. foreign aid to Israel, a position he said he is able to support because he hasn’t taken “one dime” from Jewish sources.”

“”The Jewish community is very well organized in the United States and they control a lot of politicians. That’s why the foreign aid is so large going to Israel. … The Jewish community has never given me one dime, so I’m not beholden to them at all.”

His decision to appear at the candidate forum is a curious one for a Republican congressional hopeful. The Orange County Islamic Foundation’s leader, Sheikh Tarik Ata, has called Israel a “Nazi-like, apartheid, racist, aggressive, tyrannical, vicious, child-killing Zionist entity.”

I agree with the headline below.  Even decent person, Republican or Democrat needs to denounce these outrageous views of Greg Raths—will you?  If so, put your views in the comments section.

Republican Congressional Candidate Sounds Like Anti-Semitic Democrat… GOP NeedsTo Denounce Him [Video] The Blue State Conservative, by Jess Lawson Original Article

One advantage the Republican Party has had over Democrats for several years now is moral credibility. When Harvard University and other Ivy League schools confessed to discriminating against applicants based on race and skin color, specifically against white and Asian students, Democrats had no problem with the practice, including President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Republicans have been understandably vocal in denouncing the policies. Similarly, when racial bigotry rears its ugly head from Republicans, action is taken. When former Republican Iowa Congressman Steve King made “white supremacist” comments, he was rebuked by a vote of 416-1 in the House of Representatives.

Say good night Greg Raths  – you singlehandedly bailed out Sam Oh and Young Kim. Get the hell out of public office.

Congressional candidate and Mission Viejo Councilman Greg Raths apologized Thursday after Jewish community leaders raised concerns about what some termed “disturbing” anti-Semitic comments made by Raths during a recent candidate forum put on by the Orange County Islamic Federation.

Raths, a Republican challenger in the competitive race to represent CA-40, which spans Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, also attempted to explain apparent policy contradictions between what his campaign website says and what he told the Islamic Federation crowd about his positions on Israel and Palestine.

Not gonna work Greg. Read the rest of the OC Register Article here.

What a waste of millions of campaign dollars. Sam Oh needs to be replaced by the NRCC unless he has a very good explanation for what looks like a 5-alarm strategic blunder. Oh, and Young Kim’s impeachment/censure vote. Good Lord.

The only thing that will save the democrats in 2022 is Republicans.

May 242022

Perhaps Bryan Maryott studied the behavior of his fellow Massachusetts liberal Ted Kennedy too much.

We don’t need that capacity (referring to offshore oil drilling) and we likely never will – Bryno Maryott 10-2021

During a SJC City Council meeting on 11/2/16, the City agreed to an additional $500,000 payout due to Brian Maryott’s alleged brown act violations and conflicts of interest in dealing with the San Juan Capistrano Golf Course. In addition, Maryott colluded against residents of SJC with St. Margaret’s, an organization that was seeking to “beautify the area”.  While the City was dealing with St. Margaret’s, including with Maryott’s direct involvement, he failed to disclose that his wife was general counsel of St. Margaret’s – a direct conflict of interest.  This info was provided by former elected officials at the city with direct knowledge of the matter

Whoops. Looks like some corruption.

The City of San Juan Capistrano’s rules on ethics and electronic communications prohibit public officials from the “appearance of conflict of interest” and use of email for “personal business or political activities.”

Despite this, emails involving Mayor and Congressional candidate Brian Maryott show him breaking these rules and allowing his campaign Political Director – Sherry Hodges – to control his schedule. Even more, Hodges sought to reduce Maryott’s meeting with constituents, asking City staff if there was “someone on City staff who can meet with residents on behalf of Mayor Maryott.”

Even more, in 2018 Maryott also discussed leveraging his connections with Wells Fargo – where he retired as a Senior Vice President in 2018 after working there for 10 years over the course of two stints – to help an individual get a grant with them. Emails show Maryott telling the individual he would “loop in the private bank and my contacts to help build momentum” and directed him to contact a specific person at Wells Fargo. When the individual told Maryott they did not receive the grant, Maryott requested a copy of the rejection letter. Maryott also discussed his 2020 congressional campaign with his city email, telling one supporter he would “be in touch” and telling another supporter to “stay tuned.”

And while the City’s policy on electronic communications policy prohibited the use of “personal accounts for the creation, transmission or storage of electronic communications regarding City business,” records show Maryott both sending and receiving information relating to his official role. These include sending messages regarding law enforcement and handling constituent complaints, to receiving messages regarding city finances and hiring. At the same time, emails show Maryott appeared to miss a deadline to complete an ethics training.

I like Sherry Hodges. I remember when Charles T Munger Jr funded 500K in attacks against her in order to help the feckless Rocky Chavez in to AD76. Chavez, barely discernable as a Republican repaid the support of the feckless establishment (who are supporting Bryno now) by bailing on AD76 to get hammered in a Congressional Primary. The reward for the GOP, an Assembly Seat gone forever.

That said, Bryno got hammered for abusing his city resources with which to campaign. This is further proof that his campaigns are on a shoestring and his ethics are situational.

The part about Wells Fargo is disturbing on two fronts. Note the mention of Bryno retiring (highlighting the lie he got blistered in court for recently) and attempting to leverage his relationship with that former employer to get someone a loan.

The part about Bryno using his city email to promote his congressional campaign (his second one that is), shows that Bryno has never had competent campaign help or he does not listen to them… or both. (UGH)

Then don’t forget that Bryno also got lit up by the Federal Election Commission for some bad financial planning.


RESPONDENTS: Maryott for Congress and Brian Maryott (the Committee)

SUBJECT: In the normal course of exercising its supervisory responsibilities, the Commission initiated proceedings to determine whether the Committee failed to disclose $154,134.00 in additional disbursements on its 2018 12-Day Pre-Primary Report. Brian Maryott was a 2018 candidate for California’s 49th Congressional District.

DISPOSITION: The Committee agreed to 1) implement a policy requiring that reports are reviewed by multiple individuals prior to filing and bank reconciliations are reviewed by someone other than the treasurer of the Committee on a quarterly basis; 2) certify that a representative of the Committee has participated in an FEC conference, webinar, or other program; and 3) pay a civil penalty of $5,500.

FEC Negotiated Settlement with Maryott for Congress, July 15, 2019

There is hope. In a couple weeks, Bryno will go 0 for 3 with his congressional campaigns. In baseball we call that the “Hat Trick”.

May 172022

Why didn’t Bryan Maryott vote in either the 1998 Primary or General Election when he lived in Massachusetts?

Out of the same mind that said, “We simply do not need that capacity and likely never will” – when referring to offshore oil production – comes the life pattern of lackadaisical participation in elections.

Voter participation records in Orange County show Maryott failing to vote in statewide primary elections in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. Maryott also failed to vote in the November 2006 Statewide General Election. This stellar record of missing elections proves that his behavior in Massachusetts was no fluke.

Perhaps Bryno was an accidental candidate?

In addition, research indicates that Bryno did not start contributing to other candidates until 2018. This, when coupled with his Meg-Whitmanesque record of never voting suggests that Maryott did not become serious about politics until he decided to become a candidate for office. Why then, should anyone be serious about him?

This matters because it speaks to motives and sincerity – especially when coupled with his service to Massachusetts liberals earlier in life.

In 2018 – 92% of his campaign cash came from himself.

In 2020 – 44%

So far in 2022 – 65%

In 2016 he self funded his entire campaign for City Council, (as in 100%) then ran for Congress inside of his first term! I guess San Juan Capistrano was a springboard versus an effort to serve the people of the city.

Then, when Bryno attempted to step up to Congress, he could not fill out his own paperwork correctly! (Speaking of being a financial planner)

In the spring of 2019, Maryott’s 2018 campaign was fined $5,500 for a disclosure violation:


RESPONDENTS: Maryott for Congress and Brian Maryott (the Committee)

SUBJECT: In the normal course of exercising its supervisory responsibilities, the Commission initiated proceedings to determine whether the Committee failed to disclose $154,134.00 in additional disbursements on its 2018 12-Day Pre-Primary Report. Brian Maryott was a 2018 candidate for California’s 49th Congressional District.

DISPOSITION: The Committee agreed to 1) implement a policy requiring that reports are reviewed by multiple individuals prior to filing and bank reconciliations are reviewed by someone other than the treasurer of the Committee on a quarterly basis; 2) certify that a representative of the Committee has participated in an FEC conference, webinar, or other program; and 3) pay a civil penalty of $5,500.

FEC Negotiated Settlement with Maryott for Congress, July 15, 2019

Bad Bryno. To Be continued…

May 162022

Newspapers all across America have abandoned all pretense of objectivity. I have long known that the Nevada County Union Newspaper is a joke. When Greg Diaz, the registrar in Nevada County was allegedly screwing with Tom McClintock’s first election in 2008, they were defending Diaz. Diaz has picked a successor and as you’d expect she is a communist and appears to be a complete partisan socialist.

It also appears that Natalie Adona is being funded by George Soros. Soros only funds corrupt extreme left-wing ideologues.

There is a website with the proof for everything in this mailer against Adona. However, the journalistic prostitutes at the Nevada County Union Newsrag are deleting comments critical of Adona off of their website. They are also alleged to have censored a co-worker of Adona’s with firsthand knowledge of her corruption and psychotic personal behavior.

The second side of the mailer features a deleted tweet from Adona. This shows that she will be an extreme partisan leftist if elected. Perhaps this is also why the Nevada Union has whored out journalism to protect her?

On the linked website you can see the comments the Nevada Union deleted, you can see Adona raging on people over Masks and a bunch of other neat stuff.

Thank God someone had enough money to whizz on Soros’ attempt to buy a County Clerk.

May 132022

This spin from Kiley’s campaign is indeed over the top.

Kevin Kiley holds commanding lead over
Scott Jones in CA 3

ROCKLIN, CA – – With voting underway and just over three weeks before Election Day, Republican Kevin Kiley holds a “commanding lead” over GOP rival Scott Jones, in a new poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies of Alexandria, VA.

Kiley’s general consultant Dave Gilliard said that, despite the large lead, the Kiley campaign is taking nothing for granted, “We have hundreds of volunteers in the precincts and on the phones and have a full broadcast, cable, digital and direct mail campaign underway that will continue until the polls close.”

Allow your intrepid blogger to provide some balance:

First of all, the margin for error is 5.24%. This is high. Typically, you want polls in the 4.5% range. 5.25% is a full standard deviation higher.

Secondly, this is a survey of 350. Your intrepid blogger prefers N=450 to 500 on a small race poll. 700 is better, but is also expensive (Can be in excess of $20,000 to execute) The high Margin for error is almost entirely due to the fact that Gilliard/Kiley did not survey enough voters.

Third, the cross-tabs of the poll are not posted, only the topline results. This suggests that Team Kiley saw stuff in the specific sorts that indicate areas of concern. Otherwise, they’d have published the complete results.

A 28-13 Lead is nice. I’d rather be Kevin Kiley than Scott Jones. However, this is far from a knockout. If anything, an already enraged establishment may see this and flood the zone with cash. The hubris of these people is far too big for your intrepid blogger to believe anything else. If the massive independent expenditure and the anticipated flood of endorsements do not materialize in the next 72 hours, then the establishment is admitting this poll is gospel. The pain of the crushed egos may be too much to bear for some of these people.

If you support Kevin Kiley – you need to bust your a– to put Jones away. This race is not over.