Hubiris has consequences. In the case of Diane Harkey, she has steadfastly adhered to a pattern of personal corruption that has finally gotten so bad that many of her enablers are going to rally to defeat her election attempt.
Please note: I am not a fan of Pat Bates either. However, she is a far superior option to either Kitty Litter or the Corrupt, Feckless Harkey.
Copyright Release: Dear OC Lincoln Club and 1962 PAC, you have permission to use everything on this blog without attribution as the goal is political cancer surgery. I don’t want to let the personal issues some of you have with me deter the mission from the greater good. Take Harkey out. Thank you. This permission extends only to the OC Lincoln Club and 1962 Pac, others – please attribute the source.
1962 PAC Launches Six Figure Campaign To Defeat Diane Harkey
Campaign Exposes Harkey’s Scandals And Calls On Republican Leadership To Drop Its Endorsement
Orange County, California – April 25, 2022 – Today, the 1962 PAC launched to make sure voters know the truth behind the candidates running in Orange County and kicked off with asix figure campaign against flawed Republican Diane Harkey for Supervisor.
For months, Diane Harkey’s campaign for Supervisor progressed largely unopposed by any candidate with the reputation, credentials and fundraising means requisite to defeat Katrina Foley. Whilst a quiet but growing chorus of South Orange County Republican stakeholders expressed concern about the past allegations made against Diane Harkey and her husband’s operation of a “classic Ponzi scheme”, Diane’s campaign was able to progress to an endorsement by the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee.
What most Republican donors and OCGOP central committee members were unaware of was the strength and credibility of the devastating attacks launched against Diane during her unsuccessful 2018 Congressional run. We were all too happy to take Diane’s word for it.
However, no matter what side of the political aisle, even a cursory review of the information leaves zero doubt that not only do they pose an insurmountable blockade to Diane’s electoral prospects, but moreover, they pose a credible and substantial threat to the entire Republican ticket in Orange County.
1962 PAC is announcing a six figure independent expenditure effort to ensure the Republican candidate in the General Election is not one with such egregious political baggage.
The following letter was sent to members of the Central Committee and Republican leadership in Orange County requesting all support is withdrawn from Diane Harkey. Click here to view the letter.
This is about the future of Orange County, not any one individual. We can win in 2022, but not via self-inflicted wounds.
Stay tuned,
1962 PAC
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