Apr 262022

This is very typical for Politics. I guess it is time for the Lincoln Club to destroy Diane Harkey and the OCGOP’s reputation with her.

You can also see the word smithing and double down in the release:

April 26th, 2022
Statement Reaffirming Support of Diane Harkey for Supervisor

Orange County, CA – Hon. Fred M. Whitaker, Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County released the following statement reaffirming support of Diane Harkey for Supervisor:

“Overnight a new political action committee was formed promising to spend six figures to defeat the only endorsed Republican candidate for Orange County Supervisor, Diane Harkey and elect Democrat Katrina Foley.

It claims to be a Republican group, but their filings show it is a PAC set up specifically to oppose Republican Diane Harkey. It’s telling that a group would focus on defeating the endorsed Republican in the race and not mention Katrina Foley’s name once in it’s announcement. Unlike this new group, the Republican Party of Orange County is focused on defeating Katrina Foley and will not attack the other Republicans in the race.

The idiocy and stupidity of this release is palpable. This is a primary, they will deal with Foley later. If Harkey is in the runoff against Foley she will get slaughtered.

The website shows clearly that the 1962 Project was founded by the Orange County Lincoln Club.

Releases like this joke from the OCGOP are what is required in order to save face and maintain the false veneer of superiority.

The rest of the release from the OCGOP is the campaign garbage from Diane Harkey.

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