Mar 172022

The OC Register is a shell of its’ former self. They hate Todd Spitzer and are willing to whore themselves out for a George Soros-supported sexual deviant.

The hate of Spitzer and the rage over being humiliated for their journalistic harlotry is manifest once again in yet another opinion piece attacking Spitzer.

Perhaps this journalistic narcissism by the OC Register Editorial Board is why their subscriptions are cratering.

The idiots at the OC Register Editorial Board claim that the memo from the DA’s office detailing the slimy actions of Hardin cleared him of wrongdoing. Fascinating how they IGNORED that Hardin lied about the authenticity of the memo and its’ contents. Then an employee of the Orange County DA’s office that was present when Hardon was counseled verified its’ authenticity.

The fact that the latest editorial omits this detail is proof that their egos are too large to accommodate honesty and that their hatred of Spitzer has clouded their judgement.

Perhaps the OC Register Editorial Board should focus on this:

Hardin posted a bizarre, rambling video attempting to “Clarify” and walk-back many of the far-far left stances he has taken. Note: Spitzer has the endorsement of every law-enforcement unit and group that matters in this race.

If the OC Register Editorial Board was doing their job, they’d hire a psychiatrist and dig in to this guy. This is something else.

Such is the American Media these days.

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