The Placer County Sheriff’s Union (Aka Placer DSA) is on a rampage. Ever since they attempted a dishonest smear campaign to raid the treasury of Placer County (remember the Defund the Police attacks?), they have been on a rampage jihad against anyone in Government. They are looking for patsies that will give them everything they demand without regard for negotiation.
They have endorsed Paul Joiner and have attacked Shanti Landon in Placer SUP D2. Why Joiner aligned himself with this crew under the current circumstances is beyond me. All Mr. Joiner has done is alienate a large group of people with whom he has worked for years and chose a group blinded by rage to align himself with.
How low will the Placer DSA Go to win an argument?
The Placer County Sheriff’s Union has endorsed Sgt. Brandon Bean for Sheriff. He has said publicly that he wants to burn down the Placer County Board of Supervisors. It is clear that Bean has a mouth and his reputation is one of being a bully in the department. Bean is also a correctional deputy and does not work patrol. In past work with Sheriff’s Unions, I know that Correctional Deputies are not regarded well among the rank and file on the streets.
It is clear that the Placer DSA needed to go pretty deep in to their list of patsies to find someone willing to oppose Sitting undersheriff Wayne Woo. The amazing irony is that Woo is reputed to have been too close to the union. I guess Woo would not cut himself and do the secret handshake to appease the crazed leadership of the Placer DSA.
This leads your intrepid blogger to a lawsuit we obtained regarding a former Correctional Deputy. Sgt. Brandon Bean is the focus of the lawsuit.
It appears that the anointed union goon is a piece of work. Bean was accused of messing with the deputy who was placed on light duty for a serious shoulder injury.
It gets way worse. Bean’s boorish and disturbing behavior is on display for all to see.
“I am going to rape you not for the sex but for the power”… Brandon Bean, candidate for Placer County Sheriff.
I was told the Roseville Police Officer’s Union endorsed this loser recently. I hope they are proud of their choice.
You’d think that a group of law enforcement officers, among whose ranks are detectives and investigators, would do a better job of vetting candidates. But, in this case it is all about revenge over a failed contract negotiation.
Your intrepid blogger can’t wait to find out more about this loser Brandon Bean as all in law enforcement supporting this guy need to be humiliated.
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Hey Aaron, just a heads up, I’ve endorsed Wayne Woo for Sheriff.
Blogger’s Note: Good Choice on that specific issue.
Whoever the heck wrote this crap needs a psyche evaluation. Sure it was not dictated by someone in the yoyo tank. Bloggers note, I and family are voting for Brandon Bean for Sheriff!
This is very disappointing to see this type of out of context slander and I expected so much more from you Aaron. These types of out of context slanders has put a stain on the lefts tactics so be very careful not to imitate what has divided our country.
Also to see Joiner so quickly to jump in, either in fear that you do not do to him that you do to so many or he is just plain clueless. Either way this shows a clear sign that he may not be a good fit for a BOS seat since he is quick to make a comment or decision before hearing all the information and facts.
When you read the complaint in it’s entirety you will come up with a different conclusion other than that your intrepid blogger did. Even Undersheriff Woo and Sheriff Bell agreed that this employee needed to be terminated and approved it. There was no mentioned of the allegations that Ms. Yaws ALLEGES by the Sheriff or Undersheriff or to take action in. Sounds like a disgruntle employee who was held accountable for the many mistakes made and terminated for.
See below the whole section in its entirety where Sergeant Bean is mentioned. Read the whole complaint to see the whole picture.
Ms. Yaws alleges that she reported sexual harassment in the workplace by Sgt. Bean and Lt.Guitron. With regards to Sgt. Bean, Ms. Yaws alleges that she reported that Sgt. Bean stated to her and another female subordinate to “eat a bowl of dicks” and “I’m going to rape you not for the sex but for the power.” Ms. Yaws did not complain of any sexual harassment by Sgt. Bean until she filed her DFEH complaint in May 2018. Ms. Yaws did not complain of any sexual harassment by Lt. Guitron until June 2018 after Lt. Guitron had been assigned as the investigating lieutenant in her internal affairs investigations.The County was notified of the complaint and allegations by Ms. Yaws’
then attorney, Chris Miller, via email. The County immediately removed Lt. Guitron from his role in the investigation and assigned the IA to Lt. Kelly Leitzell and Lt. Andrew Scott.
Slander is stating something that you know to be false. The fact that Sergeant Bean is a named defendant of this lawsuit, regarding the sexual harassment allegations, is a fact. I think most who work at PCSO would agree the plaintiff in this lawsuit was justly fired. While I may not agree with all of the delivery, Aaron accurately quotes the portion of the lawsuit that involves Sergeant Bean. The last line of the “whole section” that you cite, clearly states an IA (Internal Investigation) was initiated. The question that should be asked of Sergeant Bean is whether he actually made these statements or not. Regardless of context, is it appropriate in the workplace for a supervisor to make the statements alleged in this lawsuit? If the results of the IA showed that the allegations were slander or false, then Sergeant Bean (as a candidate for Sheriff) should say so. Whether Sergeant Bean made the alleged statements or not is the point, not whether the plaintiff was justly fired. Whether deputies support a candidate for Sheriff that would make the alleged statements, if true, is the point Aaron is making, not whether the plaintiff was justly fired. Jayson, you may be okay with a candidate for Sheriff making the alleged statements, but I’m not so sure the citizens would be, especially those that have been victimized by a rapist.
To help you and others with the analysis of this case, please recognize the document in which the “whole section” you cite was taken. It was a trial brief filed by the county on 6/10/21, which was over two years after the initial complaint was filed (12/31/18). At that point, the trial was scheduled to start on 6/21/21. A trial brief outlines the anticipated testimony and issues that will come out in trial. Since the IA was initiated in 2018, there would most likely be results of whether the allegations are true or not by 2021. The fact that the county, which is the primary DEFENDANT, is naming Sergeant Bean as the supervisor who made the comments in a trial brief would lead anybody to conclude the allegations are true. Of course, Sergeant Bean (candidate for Sheriff) could quash all of this by confirming whether he made the statements or not. Otherwise, I guess when he takes the stand and is placed under oath he will have no choice but to confirm or deny the statements. Statements, by which, are very relevant in deciding whether to vote for Sergeant Bean for Sheriff.
For those wanting to read ALL of the documents associated with this court case, like I have:, case number S-CV-0042328, Megan Yaws vs. County of Placer et al.
Honor, courage, truth. PCSO has lost its way. This is a serious reflection of all California. If these officers do not have a moral compass, they do not deserve a shield. There are 10 commandments, refresh yourselves.