Dec 022021

I have written some blogs about the Western Placer Waste Management Agency. I have heard that the staff went on a rampage and rode the five members of the board to get their way on the contract. The truth may be a little less hyperbolic, but your intrepid blogger now has the “Trash Bash” as an issue I will be tracking. I will be watching the staff of the agency, the performance of FCC and every nuance of what happens.

Every time I take up a cause, I also hear the rumors that people were invoking my name and saying “Don’t let him win”. Yawn. The fun part is knowing that I am living rent free in people’s heads and that I am vetting rumors of all sorts of unethical and maybe illegal behavior. We will see where they end up. After all, FCC has a proven record of bribery.

For those interested, I am 100% aware that the Green Waste people (whom WPWMA Staff screwed over) has three major issues in their file including the death of an employee in a freak industrial accident. Three discernable issues was all I found on them and I found 15 related to FCC in about 10 minutes of effort. Please note, my file on FCC is growing daily further adding to my theories of malfeasance by the staff of the district.

Lastly, Please note that I have worked for Bill Halldin professionally for many years. This includes helping elect him to the Rocklin City Council and as a campaign operative for his Assembly effort. I think he screwed up and made a bad choice picking FCC and acquiescing to staff, that is all. Mr. Halldin is also a friend of many years and I’d vouch for his character. My focus is on what the staff did to manipulate the outcome and their relationship with the provider they chose.

Mr. Halldin is the Chair of the WPWMA board. Supervisor Bonnie Gore is also on the board. I ran an independent expenditure trashing Jack Duran on her behalf. I am not close to Bonnie, but I have known her for 20+ years, have observed her for 20+ years in the public arena and I’d say the same thing about her character as I do about Mr. Halldin’s.

Speaking of Bonnie Gore – is she going to run for that new Roseville / Citrus Heights Assembly Seat? I hear that her other bad vote against Map A was borne out of some entanglements with some prospective donors / stakeholders for an upcoming race for legislature of some sort. My personal preference is for her to run for re-election as she should not waste herself on being a speedbump in Sacramento. It should be noted that then Bonnie Mertus became known as she was a legislative staffer for Senator Rico Oller amongst others.

Paul Joiner vs Shanti Landon – with the District Map Set, this race is going to be a WWIII Barn-Burner. It will effectively be Police/Indians vs everybody else. Landon has a slew of endorsements and strong fundraising. Joiner (another friend of many years) has the ability to write himself a check for what Shanti has raised thus far and the money bomb from those two special interests will be significant. Rocklin Councilmember Joe Patterson was drawn in to this district, but Bill Halldin is in District 2 as well. I spoke to Patterson, he is staying in Rocklin.

Speaking of Sup D3: Jim Holmes is now a 3 year lame duck. I do want to thank and applaud Mr. Holmes for “falling on his sword” at the last meeting and admitting his mistake with regard to his pubic comments about the map-drawing and his efforts to have map C created. It is rare to see someone man up like that in politics. While I still have major issues with Holmes, his actions on Tuesday deserve mention. Holmes made the motion to adopt “Map A”, which carried 3-2. Map A effectively ends Holmes’ 20 Years in office.

Suzanne “Crazy Suzy” Jones. The feedback I got about her was about her lack of awareness and her comments that belied her lack of intelligence. It is actually really sad to hear that stuff because despite the fact that I am close politically and personally with Kirk Uhler – for the good of Placer County I wanted to see her do well before I help run her out of office in 2024. She appears to be as inept and incompetent as Joe Biden. Will Suzanne file for one of the new legislative seats? She has run for office 8 times for 6 different offices and she is mid-term.

James Gallagher / Kevin Kiley – they got drawn in to the same district. I have read a lot of stuff that the citizen’s commission was having secret meetings with interest groups and I am certain that the process was corrupted. When I looked at the district they created with Kiley and Gallagher in it, I know 100% this was deliberate.

Kevin Kiley for Congress? I have been told he has been in contact with the NRCC and leadership. Kiley would be another McClintock type member of Congress in most every way. I hope Kiley takes on the Fraud Doctor Ami Bera – he’d wreck that loser. If Kiley runs for Congress, I’d be inclined to endorse him.

Gallagher? He has two terms left in the Assembly, my guess is at that point LaMalfa retires and Gallagher gets to realize his dream of being in Congress. Godspeed James.

Let’s shift to Orange County where some of the biggest losers I have ever dealt with in politics exist:

Loser #1 John Moorlach. You’d think after getting clobbered twice in the last two years that he’d go somewhere far, far away. But, he is on the minds of people (or perhaps those are the voices in his head). Is it Moorlach for OC Assessor? Is it Moorlach for Senate against Scott Baugh. (I seriously don’t think Moorlach has the balls to take on Baugh, but never underestimate ego) Or is Moorlach going to join the OC Supervisor free-for all?

Loser #2 Diane Harkey. Yes THAT Diane Harkey who I shredded earlier this year. SHE’S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK and the whole OCGOP establishment have been pulling all the levers for her! She was early endorsed by Feckless Freddie and crew. (Fred Whitaker is the establishment patsy chair of the OCGOP) Well, it looks like there is another fly in the Harkey ointment (despite the gigantic opposition research file that is) – none other than Diane Dixon, the squishy Mayor of Newport Beach is going to join the fray.

Dixon is rumored to be quite aggressive interpersonally and Fred Whitaker found out personally. It has been rumored that the OCGOP may reconsider the endorsement of the deeply flawed Harkey (In favor of another 70-something?)

That gives us Kevin Muldoon, Diane Dixon, John Moorlach(?) and Diane Harkey. If that is how the race shapes up, I will be getting writer’s cramp as all three candidates over the age of 65 have opposition research files like Three Mile Island. (Or an FCC compost plant) Muldoon is Under 45.

It appears that several in Orange County are bristling against the concept of retirement and may need some more occupational therapy from your intrepid blogger.

I am sure there will be more. This is politics after all.

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  One Response to “Placer County and Orange County Rumor Mill Update”

  1. I am new to your blog and appreciate all of the research you do. I have looked at a couple of things you have written and wonder if you can continue to dig into the possible corruption that is the Inland Empire. Specifically the City of Banning. The citizens were just defeated as the planning commission went ahead with a 620,000 sq ft warehouse in a residential/retail area. Zoning was changed in December 2020, with 2 votes being from brand new council people. Don’t know if they had time to look at zoning details, but doubt it. I think you did a piece on Doug Schulze, the city manager, who I just discovered gets a $150 per month water credit to his water bill, which he waters his new “family ranch” that sits outside the city limits, but the city of Banning is trying to annex his property, which sits where other warehouse are going to go in (conflict of interest? how much money will he make after he sells his property back to the city?) And the mayor, Colleen Wallace, who has been charged with lying to police and possibly passing bad checks, and Yes, she is the mayor…How is that possible? Please help us and join the facebook page pass action group so that you can tell everyone the possible corruption going on. Thank you

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