Feb 262021

Paul Mitchell is a former democrat consultant. He is a flaming leftist. Here he is participating in attacking Morton’s Steakhouse because they GASP don’t require a biohazard suit from their patrons. I decided to engage him…

I did find it ironic that a man whose wife makes hundreds of thousands of dollars off of mass murder (aka Abortion) was talking about saving lives. This is also the proprietor of PDI.

Somehow the braintrust at the CAGOP did not plan for this guy to return to his baby-killing roots and terminate their contract? Has the CAGOP staff been asleep the entire time that the Newsom Recall has been in effect? Anyone that thinks the decision by Mr. Mitchell to abort the CRP’s contract for election data has NOTHING to do with the eminent qualification of the Newsom recall is completely out of their mind.

Then there is this email from the CRP that was leaked to me last night. I did not realize that this was some sort of secret until another CRP activist told me that Mitchell indicated he was doing a press-release today about it.

Dear County Chairs,

This afternoon we did a call with Political Data Inc. (PDI) where they informed us that they are shifting their business model to only service Democrat and Progressive candidates and causes moving forward. Political Data Inc (PDI) has been the CRP’s primary data provider for over ten years.

While the timing of this announcement is sudden and disappointing, it seems typical of the left’s cancel culture these days to go after vendors when they become desperate.

In the short term for the Recall and races where CRP is involved, we will be shifting our primary data provider to the RNC’s GOP Data Center. CRP will be taking on the responsibility of enhancing GOP Data Center with more frequent updates to the statewide voter file and Vote by Mail Return data. We are moving forward with ensuring Republican candidates, conservative causes, and our county parties have the best data possible when making strategic decisions.

In addition, our Data team led by Michael Escoto is in the process of archiving all relevant models, voter contact flags, demographic data, vote history data, voter registration history, and any other important pieces of data for migration.

Today’s news, while sudden, provides the CRP with an opportunity to ensure that the party has total ownership and control over its data, which is something we’ve wanted and talked about for several years.

While the California Republican Party has had over a decade-long relationship with Political Data Inc., we will not be deterred in our efforts to recall Gavin Newsom. We will continue our efforts to support the recall of Gavin Newsom — the worst Governor in California’s history. We’ll also continue our efforts to help successfully manage the data for the thousands of local, county, state, and congressional campaigns we run each election cycle.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding today’s news please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

Bryan Watkins

Deputy Executive Director

California Republican Party

If the CAGOP staff and the “Chairwoman” actually cared about grassroots, they’d have had a contingency plan. Perhaps this will also cause a change, where candidates are able to get data and support from the CAGOP again. The refusal to provide data or people like Mr. Watkins going completely silent on nominees was a consistent theme I have heard for the last two years.

It is time for another purge within the ranks of the CAGOP, as this is the latest embarassment. This is hardly a “California Comeback” (the synchronized messaging of the Faulkner campaign and the CAGOP) they are dreaming of, this is a straight up #EPICFAIL.

To be continued…

P.S. Please note that the CAGOP was approached last year by a vendor called I360 offering a more accurate product as PDI is fraught with errors (as has been my personal experience by the way) and at a lower rate. As it was put to me, the CAGOP turned them down cold.

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  3 Responses to “The Latest Example of CAGOP Incompetence. Election Data Vendor PDI Cancels Them and They Had No Backup Plan”

  1. PDI was always crap. Hard to use, hard (or impossible) to train volunteers on. (I know…I tried). And I was always worried that our Republican efforts were being compromised by the platform in that the Democrats were also using it.

  2. I360 is a far superior and less costly product. It is better designed and more intuitive as it was designed from the ground up with mobile applications in mind. PDI was the very definition of bloatware – complicated and cumbersome with a steep learning curve. CRP should have fired PDI years ago.

  3. JUST HOPING MY GOOD FRIEND, Steve Frank, is wearing a mask all the time. We don’t want to lose Steve.

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