Last Saturday I sent an open letter to the Board of Directors, asking them to hold an emergency meeting of the Board. The purpose was to have the California Republican Party actually donate to the Recall effort. Why? Because the Chair Jessica Patterson had sent out numerous email blasts asking for money to defeat Gov. Gavin Newson, yet not a penny of the money donated for that reason has been given or used for the Recall effort.
I want to thank the members of the Board of the California Republican Party for their efforts in getting the Board meeting moved from January 21 to January 11. This is very important since as of the 11th, we will have only 65 days to get the 1.5 million verified signatures to qualify the Recall. In total, we will need 2 million. It is doable (we are halfway to that goal)—we can defeat Gavin Newsom in the Spring of 2021 and elect a Governor who will not kill off jobs, church, education and our future.
To assure this happens, I URGE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO ALLOW ALL DELEGATES TO OBSERVE THE BOARD MEETING VIA CONFERENCE CALL. This has been done in the past, it is not anything new. Too many very important decisions have to be made on January 11 and we have a right to know, firsthand how they were made.
The key January 11 Decisions:
- Amount of money to be donated to Recall effort
- A Plan for major push for the 37,500 CRP volunteers to carry the petition (and finally getting their information to county parties?)
- A Plan for communication with all registered Republicans, via email, asking for their help in getting the petitions signed.
We also have a convention, scheduled for February 19-21.We know that cannot be a face to face convention. So we need the following decisions:
Section 2.02.02 reads:“(A) Notice of meetings of the Committee shall be in writing mailed either by electronic or conventional means to the last address of each delegate on file in the office of the Committee, mailing to be made at least 30 days prior to the date of such meetings.
Added to the above decisions to be made on January 11 are the following:
- The method/timing of the convention
- Registration fee, if any
- Method of elections
- Use of an independent organization to run the election
- Deadlines for filing as candidates
These are difficult times and decisions. They affect our Party and our State. We need transparency and accountability. The meeting on January 11 could re-start the process of being transparent and accountable.
Leaders Lead. Will this happen on January 11th?
If you have any questions about this please call me at 805-795-1271.
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Hell, from what I understand they dont even have it set up to County Chairs and others can name the new delegates…..