Sep 302020

But – at least they mentioned President Trump by name, if only to fundraise off of it. Many have asked me why the CAGOP sends sometimes as many as 7 emails a day. This is because they are effective. Do not be surprised to hear about some gigantic fundraising numbers.

Don’t be fooled, the CAGOP had to pay for lists and develop them. This is expensive and will eat in to the margins significantly. This does not have to do with Jessica Patterson spending hours on the phone soliciting checks from major donors like past chairs did.

Remember, the CAGOP has also leeched money off of the Gavin Newsom Recall Effort while privately attacking it before finally publicly endorsing it to leech street cred.

Lest you think they are sincere, have a look at this:

This was written before Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump the first time. Seems rather smarmy and insincere. I’d also lay odds that they were whining about the debate in their private meetings while trying to fundraise off of it. These people don’t understand President Trump and never will – including how to fundraise off of him.

Don’t forget – they are going to blame President Trump for the loss of legislative seats that is coming. My guess is at least 2, probably more like 4-6.

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