Good Riddance William “Bill” Brough.
So to the naysayers stating that the Right on Daily Expose’ on William “Bill” Brough was a political hit job, guess what? The Working Committee came out with their report finally and it indicates that the sexual harassment complaint was substantiated, 100% True and verified by other witnesses.
Your intrepid blogger knows and talked to the more than one victim. I knew what I was talking about then and still know now.
Remember, we broke the sssssteve Davey Story two years before it became public and we were after Bill Brough for 8 months before the voters had to do what Marie Waldron and others had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do. (Hold this pig accountable)
Little did I know that I’d be helping people victimized by Brough 30+ years ago get closure
Looks like Bill Brough is toast. No offense to toast. Now the world truly knows what I have known since I was XX years old (51 next month). He’s a scuzzbucket. Wonder what he will do now with his filthy self. I do feel sorry for his kids. He seemingly never gave them a thought as he boozed it up and tried to screw everything with a pulse. He did it to himself and got away with monstrous behavior for decades. Victimizing women, and getting off on it. No longer. The predator has been exposed.

As a public service to anyone looking for material to launch hit pieces against Bill Brough, the following is the comprehensive list of everything about Brough that will give you a window into the out of control alcoholic and “pig” that currently infests AD-73. Your intrepid blogger is here to help, I don’t care who gets the credit as long as the information gets out.
Update as of 2-6-2020
Please check out our post here detailing the swamp dwellers that continued to support William “Bill” Brough despite the mounting evidence against him. Part One naming specific donors was posted 12-30-2019. It also included the major Donor Group, New Majority formally endorsing Laurie Davies against him. Part two specifically named the OC Building Industry Association and the OC Realtors for Enabling Bill Brough.
On 1-23-2020 we tore in to Bill Brough’s 1-1-2020 thru 1-18-2020 mid term campaign report. It revealed that Brough was continuing to abuse his campaign funds in defiance of the public scrutiny. It also revealed that Brough had only raised $125 since 1-1-2020 despite the swamp still donating in December of 2019
Examples of abuse included: 3 Trips to Target. 8 Notations to Lyft 7 Notations to Chevron 3 Notations to Elite Black Car – totaling over $600. Also noted was a batch of “strategy meetings / campaign meetings”: Dana Kai Sushi x1, Frank Fats x1, Good Choice Sushi x2, Shady Lady Saloon x2, Sol Agave x1, Simon’s Cafe x2, Tony’s Deli x3, Turk’s Dana Warf x2.
While claiming the the Toll Road people were responsible for every bad thing that has even happened to him, a check of Bill Brough’s Campaign finances revealed 66(!) notations of payments to the toll road’s FASTTRAK system.
Bill Brough Shows Everyone Who’s Boss. Too bad for him the California Republican Party endorsed Laurie Davies and not him.
Your Intrepid Blogger has been confounded by the weakness shown by Fred Whitaker and Marie Waldron (the Assembly Permanent Minority Leader) in the face of the blatant scandal. It is my belief that Bill Brough filed for re-election due in no small part to their weakness and refusal to lead. It was only in the days since Thanksgiving that Marie Waldron stopped defending her leadership vote and started relenting towards the onslaught. Whitaker had come around maybe a couple months prior when he had a chance to interview a couple of Brough’s victims himself, it was knowing that Whitaker had drawn the right conclusion that cause me to let off of him even as I continued to be frustrated by his lack of assertiveness.
Because of these obstacles, your intrepid blogger was forced to keep a fever pitch in the bombardment of Brough. We turned over every stone to make sure he was completely overhauled. The sad fact of the matter is that Brough will be completely destroyed and it will take years for him to restore his reputation IF he quits drinking and demonstrates a capacity to be honest.
Too many people, including Brough got fixated on your intrepid blogger because it is easier to blame a straw man than acknowledge the brutal reality.
The female victims of Bill Brough have been re-injured so many times by people making political calculations to defend Brough, and others’ weakness that I have lost count. I hope they are able to get closure and recovery.
Don’t worry dear readers – I am going to stay put as long as it takes to clean up the mess I helped create when Brough was originally elected.
Before the Primary The best the OCGOP could muster was a weak, watered down resolution calling on Bill Brough to retire. The day after filing closed, the OCGOP set fire to Bill Brough, choosing Laurie Davies 37-6. Not a single vote was cast to endorse Bill Brough, Six months after your intrepid blogger started in on Bill Brough.
Your Intrepid blogger started in on Bill Brough 6 months ago. On Monday 6-17-2019, Lisa Bartlett, a Supervisor told her spellbinding story to an audience that sat in stunned silence about Bill Brough’s Harassment and unwanted advances toward her.
This story was broken on the Right on Daily Blog 40 hours later despite attempts by the OCGOP Leadership to “Keep it in the Family”. Then the cascade began.
Two More Victims Come Out Against Assemblymember Bill Brough, to your intrepid blogger within just a few days. Ultimately, Bill Brough would “out” two of the victims in what I believe to be one of his many drunken rages. I wrote about a press conference headlined by the Crime Victims of Orange County with Patricia Wenskunas blasting Bill Brough along with three of his victims on public record against him.
In May of 2018, Bill Brough lied to my face, denying the existence of an Assembly Rules Committee Complaint when I asked him about it. He also appears to have lied to several other political leaders in the area in denying the existence of an Assembly Rules Committee Complaint. We now know there are at least four with insider political leaders indicating the real number could be two to three times that.
On 6-21-2019 The Orange County Register weighed in, quoting Right on Daily as a source. They also got bill Brough to confirm the existence of at least one complaint to the Assembly Rules Committee by a female victim, this is how we confirm that a year before he lied to staff about its’ existence. Brough knew all along.
6-24-2019: The Sacramento Bee and the Voice of OC joined the chorus.
As of the writing of this summary – the California Legislative Working Committee on Sexual Harassment has interviewed at least a dozen people I am aware of. I can confirm 4 victims, and I have been told there may be well over 10 in total. The Statewide Media has confirmed the existence of said investigations.
In addition, I pieced together a timeline based on some opposition research I did against Bill Brough:
In 2011, Brough had a business fail – and the whole time he was on City Council appears to have never had regular employment.
In 2011, Brough is alleged to have sexually harassed/battered now Supervisor Lisa Bartlett.
In 2013, Brough went in to default on his home mortgage. (selling the residence in 2014)
In 2014, Brough is alleged to have laundered campaign money in to or out of a PAC that never existed.
In 2014, Bill Brough was his own treasurer and the financial issues are alleged to have started then. These include paying his entire family cell phone bill out of his campaign. We’ve now detailed almost $20,000 in payments to Verizon Wireless from Brough’s Campaign account.
In 2014, after selling his house to avoid the trustee sale, Brough is alleged to have begun renting an expensive Beach House in Dana Point.
In Feb 2015, Bill Brough is alleged to have sexually battered / harassed a woman who is employed as a political staffer. (I have copies of records and text messages related to this)
In March of 2015, Bill Brough is alleged to have sexually harassed / propositioned yet another political staffer. (I spoke to this victim)
Bill Brough’s 2017-2018 Campaign Finance Records are replete with personal expenses being paid out of his campaign account. A second post is linked here. These include a portable bar and a cigar humidor listed as “Office Expenses”.
Bill Brough’s Irish Caucus Slush Fund was highlighted here.
Then the OC TAX group gave him the 2019 Radish award for being a pork barrel spender.
Bill Brough even made the OC Weekly Scariest People List, checking in at #8.
The effort against Bill Brough marked a personal first. Usually, your intrepid blogger gets cited by media outlets without attribution. This time, because I took the lead on filing two massive detailed and documented campaign finance complaints, several media outlets cited as a primary source.
I amended the complaint to add even more to it after OC Register Coverage, and highlighted several stories quoting your intrepid blogger.
Park said he believes he helped Brough get elected to a first term in the 73rd Assembly District after he publicized information about one of Brough’s opponents. Now, as claims mount about Brough’s campaign finances and allegations that he’s made unwanted sexual advances against several women, Park said he feels a “sense of duty” to help get him out of office.
“He turned out to not be who he said he was,” Park said. “He needs to go now.”
A major Donor Group in Orange County – the Lincoln Club issued a Press Release Withdrawing their endorsement. It has been made clear that most, if not all in the OC New Majority have as well even though it is not public. Later, the Lincoln Club unanimously endorsed Laurie Davies for Assembly to replace Bill Brough.
Bill Brough is in serious trouble. There is a full blown state level investigation in to his sexual misconduct. The FPPC has nearly 250 pages of documentation from your intrepid blogger that they are combing through as the web of Bill Brough’s personal life and abuse of campaign funds is becoming clear.
Bill Brough has lost the OC GOP, the OC Lincoln Club, the OC New Majority and the OC Crime Victims have called on him to resign. Dozens of local electeds have endorsed other candidates for AD-73. Diane Harkey, Mimi Walters and other female leaders have publicly opposed Bill Brough.
But true to the form that has led his life to a disheveled mess – Bill Brough is right and everyone else is wrong, just ask him. Perhaps his last three remaining supporters Sex Robot Sean, the Crazed Art Sanchez and Senator Pat Bates can help lead him back to the promised land of free booze and donor-funded junkets once more.
I leave you with the words of the aforementioned Art Sanchez from 2014:
… and a candidate who proclaims he is a successful businessman, when in fact he is a lobbyist who had his personal residence go into default to the tune of around $16K. Sounds pretty successful. This candidate is not even endorsed by the elected official who he served as chief of staff for. This candidate just recently formed a consulting company in Feb. 2014, I believe, so he could actually state that he is a businessman. It appears his wife is the real breadwinner. This candidate’s biggest achievement is he voted against a ban on plastic bags. Wow.
No kidding. Tick Tock Bill Brough, tick tock…
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