Apr 302020

Pictured: Mike Madrid with his Pimp Antonio Villiariagosa in 2018. They spent $30-40 Million and John Cox finished second against Gavin

The Lincoln Project aka the “Benedict Arnold Project” are a group of “Republicans” who went psycho after President Trump won the 2016 election. It appears that they all suffered some sort of deep emotional wounding that they will be a lifetime seeking to recover from. They are openly advocating for the defeat of Republicans Everywhere.

Mike Madrid is a part of the Lincoln Grifter Project aka the Benedict Arnold Project.

Mike Madrid who I believe is a coward, an example of which is him refusing to take a bet with me regarding President Trump’s re-election in 2020, decided to threaten Tom Lackey while calling his Chief of Staff George Andrews a White Supremacist.

George Andrews is very dark-skinned. I am not sure if his genetics make being a White Nationalist possible.

Please note that Right on Daily is endorsing Tom Lackey in AD-36 for re-election. Mike Madrid is a legend in his own mind.

Not to be outdone – Madrid also called the Chairman of the Contra Costa GOP, who is Jewish, a Nazi:

While Reed Galen, Luis Alvarado and others pay their bills with donations to the Lincoln Project – Mike Madrid is carrying their flag well. All of them are on their knees grovelling because Donald Trump broke them.

To be continued.

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