The OCGOP – Can’t bring themselves to send Kelly Ernby Packing, full of #NEVERTRUMPERS making moral judgments (except when it comes to Gene James) and of course could not bring itself to tell Bill Brough to resign preferring instead to make a weak-kneed resolution that the maniac has ignored.
Dems outnumber Republicans in Orange County by 10,000 due in no small part to leadership like this.
Now we have one abuser enabling another abuser. Bill Brough sent $500 of his dwindling campaign cash to Gene James. Nice to see abusive scum helping each other gain power in order to abuse more people I suppose.
The loser Bryan Maryott of CA-49 Fame sent Gene James $500 (Maryott is a garden variety loser, not an abusive loser, lest people with short attention spans think I am implying otherwise)
The Orange County Lincoln Club sent Gene James $500 WHAT!? They sent the check on 10-17-2019 AFTER most of the allegations of abuse were known and well after the 11 Tax liens and 4 Civil Judgements were known. Who authorized the check!?
Bill Brough’s former Chief of Staff and alleged drinking buddy (the same dude he is alleged to have shared the rager pad with in Sac) Jeff Montejano gave Gene James $250.
Why am I not surprised at the insider game? Mr. Montejano is a Grand Poobah in the local Building Industry Association Pac. The BIA is a sought after donor for anyone that is not a communist (literally Jackson Hinkle is a communist). I guess your intrepid blogger won’t be getting any love from the BIA anytime soon.
Jackson Hinkle? When he is not at #OCCUPYICE protests, the who’s-who of the far left are propping him up. The Democrat Women sent a mailer for him. He even got $164 from a medium. Perhaps he should have asked for clairvoyance as he is trying to back away from his extreme leftist record.
I have mixed feelings about the $10,000 that Gene James got from the Police Union. Jackson Hinkle in his own words hates the police.
I’ve helped cops in the past – like the beleaguered Riverside Sheriff’s Deputies that relied on Right on Daily to level the playing field against the corrupt former Sheriff of Riverside County. I’d take money from the Police Union… but…
… The problem for Gene James is that he lied to the OCGOP to get their endorsement. Gene James signed a pledge stating he was not taking union campaign cash. He just did. He took $10,000 from the Orange County Sheriff’s Union.
Gene James also said on Camera he would not take Union Money. WHOOPS. Please note that the link is to a youtube page that is supporting the extreme left-wing Jackson Hinkle as it attacks Jim Bieber as well.
Will the OCGOP finally rescind their endorsement of Gene James?
Allow your intrepid blogger to suggest a vote for Christina Setler. Thank you.
Below is Jackson getting arrested in Washington D.C. Protesting outside Nancy Pelosi’s office.
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I am beyond embarrassed that the AOCDS gave money to the likes of Gene James. They should ask for their money back. The residents of San Clemente can do better than a punk like Gene James. Especially after he abused a disabled, homeless veteran. And his public brawl with the Jackson Hinkle camp only proved that both Gene James and Jackson Hinkle don’t rate a position in the city council. Although I am more disappointed that veterans organizations have not spoken up in defense of the disabled homeless veteran.