This is typical of the extremes in both parties. When a rampage fails, move the goalposts in order to obfuscate failure.
Theresa Landon changed the narrative from her psychotic rampage as covered in the local media about being asked a question she did not like. KFBK, Channel 10, Channel 58 and other media outlets covered the issue. I saved screenshots from her own rantings including #SMASHPATRIMONY. Community leaders talked to me about the communications they had received.
However, because Paul Gallo, a member of the Placer GOP prepared a petition in case Rick Miller and Camille Maben managed to get the other two board members to appoint another leftist (like Mrs. Landon), Theresa Landon is now changing the narrative.
I’ve been told that Joe Landon and Theresa Landon go to Bayside Church. Beyond asking why they are part of a political party that seeks to exterminate the Church from the societal lexicon and is promiting boys dressed in drag setting world records in Women’s Athletics, I wonder what part of the Bible justifies a lie-infested rampage. Telling people when you are soliciting signature that the district is sexist is a lie – and her new narrative proves she was lying about sexism as she has pivoted off of her #EQUALITY #SMASHPATRIMONY rants from the beginning of her rampage. If sexism really mattered and was not being used in a typical leftist political smear job drill she’d have bemoaned how the district got away with mistreating her – not changing the narrative.
That said, she was open in her disdain for the Informed Parents of Rocklin. This likely means she agrees with teaching 4th graders about anal sex and handing out condoms to Freshmen in High School. Once again, I’d refer them both back to scripture asking what part of the Bible indicates that graphic sexual indoctrination and grooming of our children is ok.
The RUSD’s process was quite transparent. Transparency is another leftist trigger/buzzword. It is deployed anytime a leftist or their whores friends in the media want to go on a fishing expedition to prove conservatives guilty with no due process.
Like the psychotic leftist she has proven herself to be, nothing she did is her fault. She had a right to go on a rampage, lie about her intentions and when she failed blame the straw man group Informed Parents of Rocklin.
I will state this bluntly. Theresa Landon and her husband Joe Landon who I believe aided and abetted this rampage should be shunned by the community as what they did was wrong. Theresa Landon has disqualified herself from being viewed seriously as a candidate for anything and Mr. Joe Landon has torched the goodwill he has in the community.
A quick note for Theresa Landon about Libel (slander is spoken), the Landons would have to prove I was lying and knew I was lying when I lied in order to have a case. Worse, because Mrs. Landon got herself in the local media and filed an application for public office – they would also have to prove that I had reckless disregard for the truth. Good Luck. I’ve been blogging for 16 years and have never been sued once.
In case Theresa forgot what she wrote at the beginning of her rampage, your intrepid blogger has provided it here for a reminder. Stop lying Theresa, you got angry because you did not get something you felt entitled to, concocted faux outrage and once the drill failed changed the subject to blame a group of people you disagree with politically. I see your former Assemblymember mother trained you well.
P.S. Should your intrepid blogger detect Theresa Landon in a future election for anything, your intrepid blogger will deal with her like any other lyin’ liberal. See below for an example:
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This is fax, I have her as a teacher and she is terrible. I feel bad for all the students to have to continue to deal with her. She does not know how to run a class and uses other teachers material while adding garbage that we do not need to know and then goes on to complain that we cant finish all the units because we don’t have enough time. She is a disgrace to the rest of the science department who I have encountered. She consistently goes on leftist rants undermining students who believe in a different political view. She makes her class as boring as possible. BY FAR the worst teacher I have ever had. She is no way near qualified to be a board member or have any influential position. I wish no other student has to deal with her and if they get into her class transfer or drop the class immediately.