Oct 292019

Extensive experience handling all stages and aspects of various complex civil business litigation matters in numerous state and federal courts, including intellectual property litigation, securities class actions, derivative actions, labor and employment class actions, toxic tort environmental litigation, CEQA disputes, complex breach of contract actions, investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission, internal whistleblower investigations, and providing litigation-related corporate advice.

This is from her Linked In Profile where she also proudly touts her service to a Clinton appointed social justice warrior Judge Napoleon Jones.

Kelly Ernby has made a ton of money suing people. Look at the list enviro lawsuits, class action lawsuits, the whole gamut.

Over 16 years of experience in complex litigation, beginning in the Orange County Office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP. Accomplished writer and advocate on issues of first impression in the California Courts of Appeals and the California Supreme Court. Currently practicing as an Environmental and Consumer Protection prosecutor for the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, handling high profile civil and criminal prosecutions involving unlawful business practices, false advertising, unlicensed practices, workplace safety violations, labor violations, public nuisance, unlawful prescribing and narcotic pill dealing, predatory towing, environmental pollution and compliance. Also skilled in Nonprofit Management, Legislative Policy and Public Administration.

Research indicates that less than 10% of her action is prosecution. (It is just enough for her to make the misleading claim that she is some sort of criminal prosecutor)

Kelly Ernby sues businesses for a living, period. She wants to bring her 16 years as a trail lawyer in to the assembly. I have a problem with that and you should too. I support Tort reform and it appears that she has had a field day lighting people up for all kinds of stuff.

If you’re frustrated over the “Whistleblowers” targeting the President – realize that Kelly Ernby used to be a go-to attorney for so-called whistleblowers. This is not a good look for the GOP at all.

It has been my experience over the years that 90+% of whistleblower complaints have been politically or personally motivated and are suspect at best. It has also been my experience that a ton of Government lawsuits targeting businesses get shredded or tossed.

Diane Dixon? Not only does she have #EMPTYERNBY buried in fundraising, endorsements and name ID – she is (drumroll) a seasoned business executive. Kelly Ernby would only recognize a business as a target.

Diane has been an active member on several philanthropic community-based boards of directors for nearly four decades, including United Way Orange County, YMCA, public television, USC Board of Councilors and Alumni Association, educational institutions, child service agencies, and health-related organizations.

During her 40-year business career, she spent 30 years as a senior executive at a Fortune 300 public company, where she was responsible for the company’s global communications, marketing communications, and corporate philanthropy. She managed the intersection of business and government, forging connections among business, government, communities and nonprofit organizations.

While Ernby has made a career as a trial lawyer suing businesses, she has never held office.

Diane Dixon is in her second term as mayor of Huntington Beach.

Diane Dixon – qualified. Kelly Ernby – Empty…

To Be Continued…

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