If you’ve read this blog for any length of time – you have read me trashing the OCGOP for their refusal to take strong stands on much of anything. One of my particular issues with them is fealty to incumbents and refusing to take a position on contested primaries.
Apparently, even the weak leadership of the OCGOP was so taken with Kelly Ernby that they did the following:
The OCGOP Endorsement Committee by a vote of 5-1 recommended Diane Dixon for endorsement.
The OCGOP Endorsement Committee by a vote of 5-1 recommended a non-endorsement of #KELLYEMPTY
I have also been told that the remnant of Tony Rackauckas crew ran a last minute frenetic drill to qualify #EMPTYERNBY for the OCGOP Endorsement not because they believed she could get it – but that the presence of two qualified candidates would scuttle the endorsement for Diane Dixon.
We here at the Right on Daily Blog believe that reality needs to set in. Typically there is a period where one must grieve the loss before acceptance sets in.
Apparently, Ms. Ernby has a coping mechanism already lined up…
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