You can find some amazing things in internet archives… did you know that CAGOP Vice Chair Peter Kuo was a senior advisor to Congressman Ro Kanna? Perhaps some of the party faithful should inquire of Mr. Kuo about his side gig. I do notice that this biography does not include mention of JDX Coin. (Remember that one?)
Peter Kuo – international man of mystery and an inviting target for some serious issues within the CAGOP.
There is some pending drama with the California College Republicans. There are now two groups, the CFCR which is where the squishes and establishment types went after a disaster of an election process a few years ago. The CCR seems to be where the Conservatives and the Libertarian wackjobs went. For me, it is kind of like watching the Chargers Play the 49ers. No one to root for.
All this said, there are some very interesting sidebars. #1 The national college republicans are run by trump-hating country clubbers and chose to recognize the squishes. (CFCR) #2 Both the CCR and CFCR are split evenly between trump haters and trump lovers – yet the CCR is trying to claim the trump mantle. #3 I’ve been told that CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson has taken a side, but not the one people think. It appears that neither group is going to get de-chartered, rather the permanent charter of the CCR is going to get removed from the by-laws and both groups recognized.
Since I think permanent charters are recipe for membership fraud (paper units, fake members, etc) because there is no bi-annual audit by the volunteer Organizations Committee – I’d favor eliminating them all.
David Stafford Reade and crew have been running a proxy drill. It is likely that they will have more proxies than bodies as this convention will be lightly attended. Be on the look out for the leadership text messages telling people how to vote – similar to the message telling people to vote for Peter Kuo.
They will be interested in controlling resolutions, rule change 9 that removes CCR from the list of permanent charters, controlling endorsements and of course protecting their precious Prop 14.
I doubt Bill Brough will be in attendance if yes, check his burbon level. 10 trips to Safeway, 5 Trips to Bevmo and a Custom Bar all show up as office expenses. I’d never leave the office ever if I was him… but I did think this recent facebook post was quite ironic related to his drinking…
How many people show to the CAGOP Convention? How do the late announced speakers work out? Is brough bringing Lorena Gonzalez with him to the open bar at the CAGOP Convention?
P.S. someone please send me a copy of the treasurer’s report – I’ve been told the numbers will show some life, I’d love to see them!
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Only feckless, smarmy, weasel like Squishes are seen in public with a Las Vegas Taters chapeau on…
Tom Hudson (and yes I know you have issues with him) told Ms Patterson, from the mike on the floor, that if she “can’t do her job fairly” she needs to step down as chair. Ms Patterson had been loudly boo’ed by a vast number of delegates and was using the advice and consent of Mike Osborne to shut down all discussion on proxy harvesting and the action of her her Rules committee (which was controlled by David Reade and Louis Buhler).