Aug 272019

Meet Rick Miller. Mr. Miller is a former Bill Clinton Staffer/Consultant Democrat activist who is an extreme left wing social progressive. He is cut out of the same mold as Camille Maben. The only difference is that Miller allegedly supports Charter Schools, especially now that the Rocklin Academy has established the low standard of gender confusion and sex education / grooming of elementary school children.

Rick Miller is public enemy number one to a group of parents called the Informed Parents of Rocklin. That group is having a well-advertised and promoted meeting tomorrow night about what Rick Miller and Camille Maben promoted in to the RUSD. It is the opinion of this blogger that Rick Miller panicked and working with his butt-monkeys in the staff of the RUSD decided to use district resources in an attempt to preempt the meeting of parents. This is a classic leftist abuse of government ploy.

Camille Maben has been a frequent subject of the Right on Daily Blog. Similar to Miller’s pedigree of working with the left on education curricula to brainwash a generation – Camille Maben worked for the extreme left wing former education secretary Delaine Eastin.

The two of them convinced Eric Stevens, who is a lawyer by trade, that the apocalyptic opinions of biased district staff mandated that sex ed needed to be shoved down the throats of 6 year olds with limited or no recourse for parents. Why? Because of Bills like SB48, SB777 and AB1266 – all of which Miller and Maben publicly supported. (Details, Details.)

AB1672 is the bill that lets boys claim they are girls and then run track against other girls. It is also the bill that lets perverts claim to be women and use the school aged girl’s bathroom. Eric Stevens, common for lawyers, fell for a dishonest argument without all the facts when he threw in with the progressives on the RUSD School Board. Mr. Stevens, along with Rick Miller and Camille Maben have chosen a fringe element of society over the rights of parents to have a say in the garbage that masquerades as education in California.

That’s Correct – Rick Miller and Camille Maben effectively supported the SB48 re-write of history (such as deifying sexual predator Harvey Milk and trashing the legacy of Abraham Lincoln for two examples), SB777 which was effectively a book-burning of traditional values (eliminated anything anywhere near traditional Judeo-Christian Values from textbooks) and AB1672. Eric Stevens is a fool for throwing in with them, and now that Stevens realized he made a mistake, he is doubling down because in politics admitting a mistake is a fate worse than death.

Pictured is a hit piece that the Placer CIR sent against Camille Maben. Soon after this went out, someone we believe to be former RUSD Board Member Wendy Lang filed an FPPC Complaint against the Placer CIR for attacking Camille Maben. What complicates matters is that the Charter School people are reputed to have funded Rick Miller and the Charter School people also donated to the Placer CIR PAC.

Since I am the President of the Placer CIR PAC, I know 100% that no promises were made to the Charter School People regarding how the money was used. My goal running the Placer CIR PAC is to hunt down liberals in Placer County Government and run them out on a rail. 

That said, it has been made clear to this blogger by several Sacramento connected political insiders that anyone that has had anything to do with the Charter School people have a target on them because Gavin Newsom wants revenge for the $14 Million the Charter School people spent on behalf of Antoino Villariagosa.

As a result, I am still dealing with the FPPC complaint 3 years later which is baseless. The point is this is how the Camille Mabens and Rick Millers on the left play politics. 

It is the opinion of this blogger that at the direction of Rick Miller and Camille Maben, the RUSD sent out an incredibly detailed email response. The Email includes HTML features so that they can track who opened the email and who downloaded the email’s pdf attachment. Similar to how Google and Facebook target and discriminate against conservatives – it appears that the RUSD want to make a list of undesirables.

In the PDF, they falsely claim the exact opposite of the decisions made in the ego-fueled rampage of Rick Miller the night he led the charge against the Informed Parents of Rocklin. Miller berated people and along with district staff clearly had pre-prepared talking points and answers scripted out for the questions of parents rightly concerned about the extreme overreach Miller was planning on taking with Maben and the recruited Lawyer Eric Stevens.

It is clear that the outrage parents are feeling (over the carefully planned turn of events where the LGBT activists and Abort anything and anytime activists were trucked in from other parts of the state, Miller’s scripted behavior, gamesmanship with the time, date and location of the meeting, agenda machinations and the like) has gotten to Miller. Classic of people with paper-thin egos and massive personal agendas the game is to try to cover the initial lie with a string of others.

Do not forget – Susan Halldin had to resign her seat on the Rocklin USD for personal reasons. This means that the megalomaniac Rick Miller will be seeking to appoint another extreme left-wing drone in his image in to that seat. Miller has already demonstrated his contempt for the parents of Rocklin with his behavior and will be sure to act out of ego versus the best interest of the parents of Rocklin that elected Susan Halldin. 

Ask yourself why the RUSD at the behest of his majesty Rick Miller felt the need to respond almost point by point to the Informed Parents of Rocklin? They even admitted in their rebuttal that most of what the informed parents were claiming was true. Note the parsed answers of the district – they know what is in the cirriculum that Miller and Maben rammed through. If the RUSD did not have a guilty conscience for the games they played and the decision they made – they would not be trying to spin it now.

The bottom line? Rick Miller needs to be recalled and put through a meat grinder for what he has done. Camille Maben and Eric Stevens are on the ballot next year, they can both be recalled by the voters at the next scheduled election.

If I sound angry, I am. It is one thing to support murdering your unborn child in the name of choice or having sex with whatever and/or whomever you want, but it is still another to arrogantly attempt to brainwash a generation about that stuff while inserting Government in the place of parents. That sounds a lot like 1917 Russia.

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  One Response to “Rocklin Unified School District Update: After Making School Sex Ed Cirricula All About LGBT And Slamming Parents – Rick Miller in Damage Control Mode”

  1. I was doing homework with my son last night (Sac Unified) and I noticed his “History” common core booklet. It was supposed to be about the Constitution.They have one little chapter about how the Constitution was created by James Madison but leave out all the other framers. The rest of the booklet is about slavery and the Constitution. There is actually a page that says “historical fiction” in the top corner (small) which talks about How Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom’s Cabin) had a meeting with Lincoln and he was telling her how she enlightened him. So now made up stories are being put in so called “history” booklets. This is 5th grade so kids don’t really understand historical fiction and think this is a true story. Pure propaganda being spoon fed to our kids now.

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