Jul 242019

They are all the same.

JoshHarderPACMAN.com Website Launches
Incumbent Congressman Josh Harder caught deceiving Valley voters on his two most important campaign promises – public demands he return the money.

CA-10: Midyear FEC campaign fundraising reports have unveiled that an alarming number of 2020 contributions from out-of-state entities, Bay Area special interests and politicians, and Political Action Committees are carrying incumbent Democrat Josh Harder’s campaign for re-election.

Fewer than 10 percent of donors to Josh Harder’s campaign actually reside in California’s 10th Congressional District, and less than 3% of dollars raised have come from local residents. A huge portion of Harder’s donors are from out of state, and also includes help from Party elites like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Lee.

The report also indicates that Josh Harder has been caught deceiving  local voters about his top campaign promise to “refuse Corporate PAC donations,” and has instead accepted approximately $314,000 in PAC contributions to date.  PAC donors to Harder include PAC to the Future and Jersey Values PAC which count Goldman Sachs, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and a host of capital management companies as some of their biggest contributors.

“Josh needs to return the money he promised local voters he would not take. He can argue and deny all he wants, but he has failed to put the people above the special interests and party bosses in these first nine months,” said Ted Howze, the leading Republican candidate to replace Democrat incumbent Josh Harder.

While incumbent Congressman Josh Harder may be six years younger than the video game PAC-MAN (Harder was born in 1986 and PAC-MAN launched in the U.S, in 1980), he has certainly become very good at playing the game.

For more and continued updates go to: JoshHarderPACMAN.com

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