There is an age-old concept in politics about blood in the water from a wounded incumbent politician. It creates a feeding frenzy.
Bill Brough is finding that out right now.
I am not sure why now was the time that people who were holding on to well-known stories are all deciding to unload them. It is easy to be cynical and question motives. Motives are the biggest issue in politics as it is a gigantic chess game of maladjusted extreme personalities.
Perhaps this is why Bill Brough is stubbornly and arrogantly protesting his innocence when he knows full well what he did and has done since he assumed office in December of 2014? It is the old-fashioned trash the source and avoid the issue defense.
The fact of the matter is that I believe all of this to be true and am convinced there is far more out there to be discovered about Brough’s trail of destruction.
Your intrepid blogger has been approached by two more female victims. It remains to be seen if they will tell their stories in a format that I can print.
We’ve been informed of the possibility that text messages and emails may well still exist between Brough and some of his victims of his harassment.
Your intrepid blogger has been made aware that at least two other women that filed complaints with the Assembly Rules Committee against Mr. Brough are going to re-file them and allow the Rules Committee to identify them. (This means no dismissal on a technicality, rather an evaluation of the merits)
Your intrepid blogger has been told off the record by several people with Capitol Connections about Brough’s Apartment that he shared with a former chief of staff that resembled a scene out of animal house. Apparently, it was well known for the ragers that occurred there. It was also well known as a place for “pursuit of a series of intimate personal relationships”. It would be interesting to research a list of Brough’s former staff and see what insights they would offer.
It is also known that Brough used to like to party with other Irishmen. He has been seen partying with Assemblyman O’Donnell and other members of the “Irish crew” which could have included the terminated Sean Doherty whose #METOO file was pretty graphic with multiple incidents that led to his termination by the Assembly Rules Committee. We’ve written about Sean Doherty in the past.
It has also been alleged that some of Brough’s staff (current and former) spend significant time covering for his actions.
We are also tracking down leads on financial issues with Mr. Brough as several people have come forward with stories in that regard. This is significant as the depth of his behavior is laid out – it is beyond partying and misusing his office for “pursuit of a series of intimate personal relationships”.
Finally, political insiders on the GOP side of a aisle are talking openly about what a liability Brough has become. Similar to the scandal-sieged Duncan Hunter, it has taken a constant pounding with verified and factual evidence to shatter the incumbent protection wall. AD73 overlays two Congressional Districts that are in play and Brough is going to be a lead weight on efforts to re-take those seats.
Does this mean a series of GOP leaders are going to call on Brough to Resign / Retire? Given the response of the feckless void Fred Whitaker, I’d be shocked in a positive way to see a rarely seen display of leadership as next to no one I know ever wants to be first. (Again, kudos to Lisa Bartlett for finally telling her story in public)
We are going to have fresh insights on Bill Brough shortly, it is clear to your intrepid blogger that he is attempting to outlast the negative coverage of his foibles. Your intrepid blogger is patient and is focused on the mission – Bill Brough needs to go so those left behind can pick up the pieces.