May 272019

I’ve written about Kevin Kiley for several months now and why I believe he is not trustworthy nor qualified to be in any office, let alone the Assembly or State Senate. I have come to believe that Kiley will say and do anything he thinks he needs to in order to get what he wants politically.

These include text message and email attacks attacking several of his colleagues including Conservative Stalwart James Gallagher for signing a letter supporting Rural Healthcare. While Dahle, Gallagher and several democrats with rural farming districts signed a letter in support of rural healthcare services – Kiley blasted them all for doing it. Why? because said services may be performed for illegal alien farm laborers.

Kiley’s campaign is broke. His Mailers are going to very small universes, his radio and TV ads are sparse and he has been forced to return to the coven of Obama Donors he relied upon for nearly $500,000 in IE money and campaign donations in his original election to AD06 in 2016. Kiley admitted to being $100,000 in the hole after the primary was over. Instead of paying vendors, he placed more media buys and is likely in debt 2-3 times what we have seen.

He has been forced to make his latest batch of attacks via press releases, emails and text messages. He and his campaign consultant are doing a lot of whining these days – an indicator of a campaign that is not confident in their prospects at all. Dave Gilliard is a talented consultant and very competent, but he has a long set pattern when he knows a race is tied or his candidate is trailing. He (Gilliard) tends to scorch the earth as if to say if I can’t have it no one can, almost like a Kamikaze. When you add in Kevin Kiley’s own character flaws amplifying this effect, it explains why the number of political insiders talking negatively about Mr Kiley has exploded in the last three weeks. (It is really hard to find someone that will defend Kiley)

On May 24, 2019 – Kiley voted YES on AB557. From the official analysis by the Assembly Staff – with emphasis on a paragraph from extreme left wing lesbian activist Susan Eggman the author:

Maternal mental health conditions have impacts far beyond the mothers that are experiencing them – they also influence the well-being of children, families, and communities. New parents already deal with incredible challenges adapting to the responsibility of an expanding family, but low-income women and women of racial/ethnic minorities, like many of the women in my community, are disproportionately affected by maternal mental health disorders, as they face unique barriers to diagnosis and treatment. Maternal mental health is of increasing concern because of the high prevalence of depression and anxiety during the perinatal period and the resulting long-term implications of delayed, inconsistent, or absent treatment. Extending the duration of continuity of care for pregnant women with a maternal mental health condition who have had to switch health coverage plans, and extending full scope Medi-Cal benefits for undocumented pregnant women will ensure that they receive important pregnancy-related and post-partum health care, including mental health care.

Kevin Kiley just voted to fund healthcare services for illegal aliens in California having Anchor Babies. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Kiley has been weak on the immigration issue in the past, trying to avoid it like the plague – that is until he saw polling in 2019 showing Illegal Immigration being the number one issue among Republican Voters. Similar to his fraudulent Cattle Ranch, Kiley has attempted to deceive voters that he is solid on illegal immigration.

This is the same Kevin Kiley that has been lit up in the past for his refusal to take clear stands on a variety of issues:

Recently, at a town hall meeting in Rocklin, Kevin Kiley was asked a direct question about the extreme left-wing homosexual indoctrination curriculum that was adopted by the Rocklin Unified School District. Kiley did not answer the question, instead he filibustered. (Source, more than one person present at the meeting)

This is not surprising as Kiley has filibustered immigration questions in radio interviews in the past.

This is not surprising as Kiley attempted to dodge answering a question about the State of Jefferson, getting called on it by the talk show hosts. (and Kiley bailed out on the interview)

This is not surprising as Kiley refuses to give a straight answer about the Abortion Issue. (Source, several public appearances)

Well, Kiley did give a straight answer once. He admitted he does not own a gun.

A couple more recent examples of Mr. Kiley refusing to take stands were the Lincoln City Audit that just exploded in to the local rag. Apparently, the City of Lincoln has major issues and Mr. Kiley was remiss to stand up. I wrote about Stan Nader withdrawing his endorsement of Kiley as a result of his waffling. Secondly, while both Hime and Dahle took the wrong stand in the CAGOP Chairman’s race, they took a stand. Kevin Kiley did not endorse, yet his proxy ended up in the hands of Kevin Eastman, a staffer of the Jim Nielsen machine turned lobbyist. (This means he voted for Jessica Patterson as well – note, I was paid by Travis Allen and have since publicly pledged to honor the results of the CAGOP officer elections) I have more respect for Hime and Dahle making the wrong choice than Kiley, who tried to play both sides.


Mr. Kevin Kiley said in a Sacramento Bee Interview that the issues of Legalizing Weed, the Delta Tunnels and High Speed Rail are very unimportant to him. This suggests the influence of his Bay Area donors, where the Tunnels are a non issue, but legalizing Weed and HSR are popular. This is called trying to split the baby.

Once again Kevin Kiley is caught trying to play both sides against the middle. This time voting to fund healthcare for Mothers having anchor babies, while pointing a self-righteous finger at Brian Dahle and James Gallagher for trying to preserve rural healthcare funding that affects their districts in a major way. It seems eerily similar to demonizing the DMV Office in the capitol that members use to help their constituents.

The world is shrinking around Kevin Kiley and if I was him I’d start trying to figure out how to get re-elected to his Assembly position in 2020.

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