Dec 202018

David Hadley is running to be chairman of the California Republican Party. He has a lot of explaining to do for his public record.

While he was only in the Assembly for two years, he had a slew of votes that ostensibly were allegedly about “Voting his District”. However, the slew of bad votes did him no good when he was blown out of office after only one term in office.

In 2015, the man who is campaigning on his ability to raise money voted for AB700. AB700 forced the top contributors to ballot initiatives or independent expenditures to be put in the disclosures. (This is why you see with major funding from… on disclosures now)

This extra exposure has opened several major donors up to intimidation and was one of the reasons the yes on 6 campaign got buried in fundraising as no major donors wanted to tangle with the powerful lobbies that wanted their tax money.

David Hadley in essence voted to make the very donors he would be calling on behalf of the GOP in to bigger targets.

Hadley also voted yes on AB 2523 which would have imposed State Contribution limits on to local office candidates!

That’s correct, county supervisors, Sheriff’s DA’s, councilmembers, school board members, etc would have all had a $4200 contribution limits. This terrible bill got vetoed by Governor Brown!

Why would any Republican seek to impose the State of California’s will on local elections? Why would any delegate to the California Republican Party who has sought local office or who holds local office support this guy?

Publicly Financed Campaigns. Ending Poll Voting. Sending Everyone an Absentee Ballot. Hanging a Target on Donors. Imposing State Government’s will on local elections. This is what David Hadley the Assemblyman voted for.

Now, Mr. Hadley is attempting to reinvent himself as an advocate for the Republican Party. He can not re-write history (65% “D” Rating from ACU, “F” Rating 43% from NRA, 80% “B” Rating from Howard Jarvis). To be continued.

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