Dec 182018

David Hadley is running for Chairman of the CAGOP.

At the forefront of everyone’s mind is “Ballot Harvesting” and “Was it all Trump’s Fault” in California.

I am not sure how Mr. Hadley can speak to either topic as his comments trashing the President were as out there as any of those made by anyone:

“I have never supported Donald Trump and I’m not supporting him now,” Hadley said in a telephone interview Monday. “I’d love nothing more than to have him step down and be replaced.”

David Hadley skipped voting on AB 1461 – Automatic voter registration. This is the very bill that enabled the DMV’s registering over 50,000 illegal aliens and led to mass errors with registrations.

5 Counties in California mail ballots to every registered voter, what could possibly go wrong?

David Hadley voted yes on SB450 – which enabled the now automatically registered voters to get ballots in the mail automatically. SB450 eliminated polling places instead replacing them with mail ballot voting centers – making it easier to harvest ballots.

In addition, the bill Hadley Skipped, AB 1461 also makes prosecuting illegal alien voters nearly impossible.

David Hadley, the erstwhile chairman of the CAGOP was not done there. He also voted for SB 1107 in 2016, which created publicly financed campaigns. Fortunately this disaster did not make it out of the Assembly.

That’s correct, David Hadley voted for Publicly Financed Campaigns and is now campaigning on his ability to fundraise. I am not sure how supporting the elimination of private donors is consistent with party-building. I am also not sure how eliminating poll voting and mailing out millions of ballots willy-nilly increases election integrity.

In our next installment, we will detail how the man who wants to be your chairman also sought to hamstring fundraising. That’s correct, David Hadley’s main push is his ability to raise money. You will be shocked to see what he did beyond supporting Publicly Financed Campaigns…

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  One Response to “David Hadley Update: He Voted For Some of the Very Election Laws Republicans Now Decry!”

  1. I’m pretty sure who, if I get to be a Delegate to the CA GOP Convention, I’m voting for as our new CA GOP Chairperson, but I definitely know who I’m not voting for, as the new chairperson for the CA GOP chair and that’s, David Hadley. Thanks for sharing information that helps me confirm my decision as to who not to vote for. BTW, I had made this decision before your articles about David Hadley, this just validates my decision.

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