Nov 142018

Have you heard the news? Tom Hudson is leading a coup at the Placer GOP. At least he thought he was.

Placer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell after a largely successful tenure as Placer GOP Chair resigned due to some serious health issues.

That’s not what Tom Hudson is saying, of course.

Hudson’s divorce is in its’ 4th year of him filing all sorts of delaying motions designed to bankrupt his soon to be ex-wife. That is a lot of stuff for Hudson to try and control.

In the meantime, the CRA is in the midst of another Coup. (See, it was never really about George and I… it is about the toxic culture of CRA) They are getting ready to oust Tom Hudson as CRA Chair and Johnnie Morgan has recruited a slate of candidates for senior CRA offices. Morgan is running for CRA President.

It has been put to me that Hudson no longer has the support within the CRA to remain as Chair. As a result then, he needs a new gig in order to maintain his relevance.

Now, you have perspective for the Placer GOP situation and why Hudson is striking now.

BTW – allow me to disclaim that several people on the Placer GOP that are supporting Tom’s aggressive action are indeed good people (some are also friends). However, they are going to learn the hard way about Hudson’s mental health issues and lack of character.

In the meantime, I hope Dennis is able to fully recover from his health issues. I believe that Jeff Short (who also resigned as treasurer) and Dennis Revell will be better off for leaving the Placer GOP Cent Com.

For the rest of you looking to make a difference in Placer County – there is always the Placer County Impact Republicans.


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  One Response to “Republican Knucklehead Update: Tom Hudson Edition, On His Way Out as CRA President and In as Placer GOP Chairman”

  1. I have talked to Tom…He is NOT running for Placer Chair and he planned to pass the CRA torch to a new President two years ago. Your blogging on this is factually incorrect.

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