Oh Karen, we hardly knew ye…
Chad Mayes, Arnold Squishenegger, John “Triggered” Kasich and their Ilk would be proud. (Maybe not so much over SB1 and High Speed Rail Support but I digress).
Gax Tax / Cap N’Karen Spiegel is starting to look at lot like Sabrina Cervantes these days. Maybe Spiegel has always been a flaming liberal and has been lying about that too?
Did Karen Spiegel forget what she sent her opponent, then Assemblyman Eric Linder???
Is there a tax hike Spiegel didn’t like??? (Hey that rhymes)
All this and Spiegel is a warm and cuddly councilmember that was subject to a recall! Perhaps this is why she wants to build a bridge in to downtown and close down a bunch of businesses while thwarting the process?
OR – you can support Eric Linder whose record in the Assembly is solidly pro-taxpayer and pro-business (even when people aren’t looking).
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