Folks – this is one of the key issues of the campaign. Were it not for the rampant corruption and spiraling crime rate in Riverside County, it would likely be the top issue.
Support ICE, Fire Stan Sniff
It is simple, really. In 2014, Stan Sniff made a political decision. People on both the side of illegal aliens and American Citizens agreed his decision was politically motivated to end cooperation with ICE.
First Off – Sniff sided with the ACLU:
Immigration activists have been lobbying Sniff for months to pull the department out of the program. Sniff first announced at a June 9 (2013) immigration forum at a Riverside church that he was considering whether to end the county’s involvement.
The county has six deputies trained under 287g, Assistant Sheriff Steve Thetford said. As of July 22, they are no longer interviewing inmates, pending a final decision on the program, he said.
Sniff did indeed terminate the agreement in 2014. Then, the article gets better:
Andy Ramirez, president of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council, which supports increased immigration-law enforcement, said he was surprised by Sniff’s decision to suspend participation in 287g.
“I think it’s an effective program,” said Ramirez, a Chino resident. “It’s doing its job.”
Ramirez said there’s no reason for Sniff to study the program.
“What’s there to review?” he asked. “We need to get criminals off the street.”
Ramirez and Dolores both said Sniff’s decision may have been motivated in part by the 2014 elections.
Enter the ACLU, praising Riverside County for Stiffing ICE.
Then Sniff decides to cut “low level offenders” loose without notifying ICE and later refuses even a 48 hour hold for the worst of the worst felons.
Showing that his support of open borders is no fluke, Sniff said that Arizona’s Landmark Immigration Law “has a chilling effect“. On what? Illegal border crossings? Nope. Stanley echoed left-wing talking points about people being less likely to cooperate with police.
To this day, there is a department-wide order to ignore immigration status of detainees and a specific order not to cooperate with ICE. Stanley’s platitudes about opposing Sanctuary State just ring false across the board.