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I’ve had a lot of people talk to me about immediate past Sheriff Bob Doyle, good and bad. However, pretty much everyone now regardless of how they felt back in 2007 when Doyle left office for the Parole Board wishes he had never left as Sheriff. Most all Stan Sniff supporters that I am aware of today have a clear personal financial nexus for their support of him. (Promotions, At Will Jobs, County Contracts, etc)
In order to fully understand what happened in the years of 2005-2007, you have to understand that the local media only reported part of the story. I know this is shocking, given that most are silent about the myriad scandals of Stan Sniff because either their editors are buddies with the corrupt Sheriff or they are scared of him.
When Bob Doyle left as sheriff, there were 1.5 Deputies per 1,000 Riverside County Residents, today that number is something like .75. Let that sink in. Sniff has spent 11 years trying to re-package lousy dates as top quality dates by blaming everyone else for his failure.
First off, it is common knowledge that Stan Sniff practically required a loyalty oath from anyone that got a second floor job. In 2007, this requirement also included being required to trash the reputation of Sheriff Doyle to anyone that would listen. This severely limited the list of eligible people and almost guaranteed that the people that did make senior management were not the best choices available.
Sniff, as you see wanted everyone to believe what a victim and martyr he was.
The former Traffic Cop, war-dodging weekend warrior wanted people to believe what a hero he was for riding in and saving the department from Bob Doyle. While living in a fantasy world dressing in costumes, while making deputies wear uniforms stuck in the 1970’s the Malignant Narcissist began to achieve full bloom.
Recently, former Supervisor Jeff Stone made some public and critical comments of Stan Sniff. Now State Senator Jeff Stone was retaliated against almost immediately (the details of which I am not at liberty to share) by Sniff and crew.
This is pretty amazing as then Supervisor Jeff Stone was almost single-handedly responsible for Sniff’s appointment as Sheriff. Similar to how top Sniff lackeys are discarded at the sign of the first disagreement, what happened to Lenny Purvis and Jeff Stone (in terms of instant retaliation despite years of alliance with Sniff) are strikingly similar. This is consistent with the pattern of a malignant narcissist.
Enter former RSA (think Union) President Pat McNamara. He tried to jam down an endorsement of Stan Sniff against Bob Doyle and was also investigated by the local US Attorney for campaign finance issues. I’ve received a ton of information about McNamara’s corruption, but suffice to say Sniff stuffed the PERS in to McNamara almost as immediately as he personally walked Chief Deputy Randy Throne out of his office.
In the time period around the 2006 re-election of Bob Doyle, Jeff Stone, Pat McNamara and Stan Sniff took a trip to Arizona together. The subject of overthrowing Bob Doyle was one of the top discussion items during that trip.
In addition, Stan Sniff was reporting the contents of Second Floor meetings to Pat McNamara in real time.
In addition, Sniff was taking meetings with and for Jeff Stone for various stakeholders and political items.
It was clear that Sniff was gearing up to run for Sheriff and was trying to undermine Bob Doyle. (Weather or not Doyle deserved it is irrelevant, this is unprofessional and unethical behavior). The public cover story told for why Bob Doyle fired Stan Sniff is political – but the rest of the story as never told in any of the local media follows:
Beyond leaking in real time the contents of Second Floor meetings to Doyle’s Political Enemies – Sniff refused to comply with a direct order related to grant funded officers in the jail and a second direct order related to the issuance of tasers. Stan Sniff was terminated for insubordination.
When Chief Randy Throne came to tell Stan Sniff he was being terminated from his At Will Employment, beyond Sniff proclaiming he’d return as Sheriff one day, he was also reputed to have said, “I can’t believe he did it this quick” referring to being terminated for insubordination. Sniff would retaliate against Throne almost immediately after being appointed less than a year later.
Stan Sniff had two votes for appointment, Marion Ashley and Jeff Stone. The third vote came when John Taviglione is reputed to have blown his stack regarding his son failing aviation training. Stan Sniff once again interfered with the lines of communication and when Taviglione confronted Bob Doyle related to his son, Doyle had no knowledge that the son had failed his training as Sniff had kept him and his assistant Sheriff in the dark.
Sniff’s deceit had succeeded.
In 2007, Bob Doyle was given the opportunity to serve on the State Parole Board and took it. An enraged John Taviglione joined Stone and Ashley to appoint Stan Sniff over Doyle’s protege, setting in motion the 11 years we’ve been chronicling on the RightonDaily Blog.
In deference to Stone, Taviglione and Ashley – it is clear that all three are no longer huge fans of the Sheriff. But the story from 2006-2007 is what it is and hindsight is 20/20.
The string of events that led to Sniff’s appointment are not unusual for political maneuvering… but Stan’s part in them should have informed everyone with knowledge what kind of Sheriff he would be.