There is a disclaimer I will start out with – Correctional Deputy Tammy Smoak who went on the record with me – has a pending case against the department. Similar to Gabe Dennington (who won his, but is getting stonewalled) and Donald Vincent Brooks, there is a clear clear clear case of malfeasance. Regardless of Tammy Smoak’s actions or alleged part in the situation – what the subjects of the complaints did far outweighs any misdeeds of the victims. I am being purposefully vague about some facts in order to not compromise her case(s) against Sniff’s department.
In the case of Tammy Smoak, she is a gym rat and at age 47 is likely at less than 20% body fat. I am 47 as well, and considered to be in the top 10% for my age in a physical fitness test, but I am at 26% body fat as I am about 20 lbs overweight. This should give you a mental picture as to her appearance – she is “ripped”.
When you are attractive there are certain advantages and pitfalls. In the Riverside Sheriff’s Office (RSO), it is kind of like wearing a target. This is one of the reasons why I have shied away from writing a diary of who is screwing who unless it directly relates to the corruption.
In this case, Smoak with one exception claims to have never slept with anyone that has been part of the history she outlined to me. In 2008-2009, Smoak had a complaint against a Sgt. Scull who had been previously terminated by San Diego, then was allowed to retire by RSO in lieu of disciplinary action for harassing her. Scull’s behavior included spying on the locker room, leering at her and cat-calling her over the radio and in person.
Once Scull was allowed to retire to escape termination, it appears that the Good ‘Ole Boyz club got involved and made sure that Smoak was made to pay for having the audacity to get Scull (ahem) “retired”. Given the extreme nature of stuff your intrepid blogger is told about on a daily basis, doing stuff so bad that you get (ahem) “retired” over it means you really screwed up.
In keeping with the time-honored tradition of corruption within the Ratt-Squad (aka PSB), there exists no evidence or documentation today related to the Scull Sexual Harassment Issue.
There was an issue in 2011-ish where an inmate was brought in to the jail. Despite being arrested and taken to Lake Elsinore Station, the scumbag had a gun hidden in his penis area. When the scumbag reached the jail, there were 5 male employees sitting around, leaving Smoak to search the guy. It was not until a janitor came in to the drunk trank and that employee found the weapon.
Guess what happened? Nothing to the incompetent boobs from the station, or the 5 guys sitting on their asses. Smoak was the focus of the PSB investigation. Similar the 6 hours of videotaped interviews that disappeared in other cases, PSB’s focus was on trying to stuff the case…
…Then some years later, a Correctional Deputy Wemberly was part of beating the crap out of some scumbag in the jail. (he is alleged to have been the main aggressor) After Smoak accurately described the incident, Wemberly wrote a letter to PSB accusing Smoak of being a tramp. Based on this un-vetted, un-verified letter PSB focused on Smoak and basically let everyone else off the hook. Sound familiar? This has been the pattern for years, find one fall guy and cover up the incident.
CD Wemberly beat the mess out of an inmate, Smoak reported it and it should also be noted that other people who were a party to the incident attempted to cover it up.
It gets better, Smoak’s interview with PSB which she thought was going to be about the beating of the inmate instead turned in to 5 guys asking her about her sex life. Amazingly, no documentation appears to exist related to the sexual inquisition within the files of PSB. So, this was an open invitation to dishonest people within the RSO to smear people that have the courage to come forward with misconduct. It is unclear if Wemberly was ever held accountable for beating up the scumbag.
During this time period, then Lt. Cheryl Evans (Now part of Sniff’s second floor, welcome to Right On Daily Chief Evans!) threatened Smoak. She told Smoak who had completed the modular academy that she’d never be “sworn”. (you go to the police academy in order to become a sworn officer, as in full fledged cop, versus a prison guard)
Now I understand how Cheryl Evans qualified for her promotion to the second floor. Cheryl Evans was Sgt. Scull’s mentor and sponsor in the department. In the time honored tradition of 2nd Floor staff she appears to have participated in a retaliatory measure to protect (or avenge) the guilty.
Other incidents include Sgt. Mongle kicking her on duty. Similar to Scull, Mongle was allowed to retire and escape accountability.
No documentation is alleged to exist within PSB related to Sgt. Mongle kicking Correctional Deputy Smoak.
The most recent incidents include threats of physical violence, sexual harassment, a supervisor taking overtime away and garden variety sexual harassment. This incidence was reported to Undertaker Diyoyo and then Lt. Misha Graves (referred to as Misha Benjamin in my interview with Smoak) reacting with condescending dismissiveness.
All involved in the latest incident, including Lt Vernal and Misha Benjamin/Graves were/are good buddies with the harasser.
Similar to Cheryl Evans, I now know how Misha Graves/Benjamin came onto Stan Sniff’s radar screen for a promotion. (think retaliation, personal compromise)
There is a current worker’s comp case and harassment case actively being litigated. Suffice to say, it was put to me that there were Depositions with major errors in them that are having to be re-done and once again PSB has put Smoak in the crosshairs and not the alleged harassers.
It sounds once again like business as usual in Stan Sniff’s Riverside Sheriff’s Office. In this story, we have elements of several themes… the Ratt-Squad, multiple cover-ups, scapegoating, sexual misconduct, and two now members of Stan Sniff’s senior management in the middle of it all.
It needs to be cleaned up. Fire Stan Sniff Now.
P.S. If you care more about the rumors about Smoak’s personal history than the above incidents, retire now, you are part of the problem.
No one should have to put up with this and watch as those covering up the misdeeds are promoted while you stay a deputy for years. Second, the cover up of the jail violence, especially in light of the handful of incidents that actually did make it in to the local media is reprehensible. Third, allowing the guilty to retire instead of facing accountability is a sissy cop-out and is emblematic of the cover-up culture and the moral absence of the atheist Sheriff.
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Allowing the guilty to retire or resign instead of terminating them has always been the easy way out with the Sniff and DiYoyo regime. They will tell you that it saves time and money by avoiding the arbitration process. So, as usual, the same old “that’s the way we’ve always done it” mindset gets passed on to their new executive staff members who promote into their magic kingdom.
There are many problems with continuing to operate this way, one of them is people who have no business in law enforcement are much more likely to get hired by another law enforcement agency when they don’t have a “termination” in their jacket. There are many other issues that need consideration, but Sniff and DiYoyo have a habit of sticking with “that’s the way we’ve always done it” and “blame someone else” approach.
A loser says “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
A winner says “Is there a better way to do it?”
Sniff is a loser…..The proof is in the pudding, he lost the primary election by a wide margin. 2 out of every 3 voters want Sniff gone! His days are numbered and we can finally get someone in there who is willing to find a better way to do it!
It certainly lends to credibility when names of staff/rank and file are included in these revelations.
@Aaron F. Park until a class action lawsuit is filed for workplace practices, retaliation, harassment, both sexual and physical are filed, this behavior will not stop.
You have people like Stutter, homes, Snickers, Tinker, Buttstorm and other down at Unprofessional Substandard Delusion. That’s why people keep winning cases against the department. Because these clowns couldn’t find their head up their ass, even if you gave them a map and GPS.
Starts at the top and works it’s way down.
If Smoak was a focus employee, she would have received a copy of the I.A. investigation and recordings, and so would her LDF attorney. So the records should be available. And RSO keeps everything, they do not believe in throwing anything away. Maybe the Justice Department should initiate an investigation into the questionabke behavior that is occurring at Sheriff’s Admin. I am sure the executive staff would be more than willing to cooperate with investigators, and provide excuses, I mean reasonable explanations for their actions.
The department has made me the focus of the incidences I have reported, then un-made me the focus. I have been refused copies of the I.A. and recordings.
June 28th. At the Mandatory workers comp date to set a trial date. I was given a Q&A report of the person I reported. This report is what the department used to get a trial.
The Q & A report is full of vicious slander, lies and leading question and flat out statements he could just answer “Yes” to.. He makes several reference to knowing what others including PSB have reported during the still on going PERS. Other information in this report has me in fear for my safety.
Example: He is asked if knows why I’m not at work?
His answer was and I quote “Um the reason I do know, says, um, office of the administration there is a friend of mine, but, so, she’s been off, uh, absent without pay since January”.
Then he goes on to describe in detail the emails I sent to the Admin Sgt. He says in this report “I see, I read the emails”. The emails contain my Dr’s notes and personal information that the Admin Sgt. was calling me at home for weekly. Telling me I need to keep him updated so he can help me. Instead I find out in this report, That he’s keeping the very person who victimizing me informed about me.
HIPPA violation. I reported it Friday June 29th. to RSA.
I had a water bottle thrown at me from a car, while running between Los Alamos and Cal Oaks. I thought it was some kids being dumb. Then in this report he says. “I know, I have to go to **** for things and Ive seen her running multiple times recently, So”.
When asked where?
He says “She runs on the, I don’t, uh, over there, so I get off of Clinton Keys and I make a right on, um, cal oaks. I saw her runnin’ on Cal Oaks”.
When asked what time?
He says, “Mid day”.
and Yeah. I’ve seen her runnin’ on Los Alamos.
I no longer think it was kids who threw the water bottle at me. He is stalking me.
I reported it Friday June 29th. to RSA.
Its report is basically a confession of:
Soliciting personal information.
HIPPA violation
Obstruction of justice
I welcome any feed back.